[pmwiki-users] Re: Root README.txt With a docs/ Directory

christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 06:13:51 CST 2005

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Neil Herber wrote:

> >Hmm... didn't think about not being connected. Guess you're working with
> >Windows machines here. Anyway, I guess your point is quite valid...
> >
> >Would an autmatically generated HTML-copy of the wiki pages suffice?
> >(Assuming it was placed in e.g. wiklib.d/)
> >
> >/Christian
> >
> >PS. I think you might have forgotten to reply to the list. If so please,
> >forward my answer as well!
> Woops! Yes, I did mean to reply to the list and will do so now.
> Not sure why my being on Windoze has anything to do with not being 
> connected ... My point is simply if I am testing stuff on an 
> air-gapped machine, I can't easily look at an online page.

I just assumed the machine wasn't connected to keep it from getting
infected while it was being patched etc. I don't administer Windows
machines myself, but that's what I heard is recommended when setting up a
new machine. This might of course be useful advice regardless of operating
system, although I've not bothered with it when using Linux. Additionally,
addition, I usually install over the network anyway.

Oops... guess we're getting sidetracked here :-)

Gott Nytt år

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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