[pmwiki-users] Announcement: Marklets-0.9

Ben Wilson dausha at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 16:57:28 CDT 2006

While I should be fixing a few issues with past recipes, I decided to
polish and release a recipe I use to manage bookmarks. I originally
used AddLinkBookmarklet, but found myself wanting a little more
flexibility. So, I annouce Marklets-0.9[1].

Many of us work on multiple computers and use PmWiki to track
essential information. However, we still need a way to quickly and
easily manage bookmarks. Marklets improves the similar approach in
Cookbook:AddLinkBookmarklet by giving the user two ways to add
categorical bookmarks to a wiki site---manual mode and "hurry mode,"
and by providing a mechanism to remove unwanted bookmarks. The impact
is an easy-to-use bookmark management system accessible whenever you
are on the Internet. This should help you track the sites that are
important to you.

Among its features is the use of java codelets (for Mozilla, not sure
about IE) that allows you to click a bookmark to capture the current
web page. This is similar to the other recipe, except it also grabs
the web page's title for you.

There are two modes, "hurry" and "manual." The former mode allows you
to click the codelet, bookmark the page automatically, and return to
the original page--not too different than when you use Mozilla. The
"manual" mode allows you to edit the title and add a summary. With the
manual mode, you can also assign a link to a pre-existing category (as
determined by wiki pages) or add a new category.

Each added link has a timestamp. There is also a delete option
attached to each link.

Categories are based on page name. For example,
Bookmarks/Bookmarks-Technical is the Technical category.

I invite y'all to give it a try and let me know of its utility or
problems. Please also let me know of any documentation issues.

[1]: http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Marklets

Ben Wilson
"All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man." HDT

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