[pmwiki-users] add meta tags to html - how to?

Bart pmwiki-users at mediamatrix.nl
Wed Aug 16 11:08:07 CDT 2006

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 11:27:06AM +0200, Moni Kellermann wrote:
| Hi everybody,
| how can I add some meta tags to all of the pages in a way that I can 
| keep that code in case I upgrade?
| The standard pmwiki installation creates the header like this:
| <head>
| <title>PmWiki | Main / HomePage </title>
| <meta http-equiv='Content-Style-Type' content='text/css' />
| <link rel='stylesheet' href='..../pub/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki.css' 
| type='text/css' />
| <!--HeaderText--><style type='text/css'>
|   [...]
| </style>
| <meta name='robots' content='index,follow' />
| </head>
| So, where can I add keywords and description and other stuff?
| Kind regards,
| moni k.

Hi Moni, 

For keywords, just put something like the next directive in your PmWiki page
and save the page.

(:keywords word1, word2, word3:)

For description put this in your PmWiki page

(:description YourText:)

Then view the page in your browser and examine the html source of your page
to look how this is parsed to html

For more handy markup, go to http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/MarkupMasterIndex
the two above are at: "Metadata"

You can also put these tags in your GroupHeader file to display them on all
pages of a Group. http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/GroupHeaders gives you a
jump start on this.

Happy wikiing, Bart 

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