[pmwiki-users] pmwiki 2.1.6 and "footnotes"

H. Fox haganfox at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jun 4 14:27:54 CDT 2006

On 6/4/06, Tolosano <tolo.linux at tolosano.info> wrote:
>  Ok, so here are my new problem :
>  I must call "FootNotes" after "PostItNote" in my config.php, if not, a
> Fatal error appears in PostItNote (latest release), on line 190 (definition
> of HTMLHeaderFmt).
>  If FootNotes is disabled I have a pretty pmwiki, where all cookbooks run
> well. When FootNotes is ready, PostItNotes do not appears like notes, but
> only in text format.
>  What can I do to fix it ?

The footnotes recipe you are using is not compatible with PmWiki 2.1.
(See the note in the red box at the top of the recipe's page.)

There's another version of the recipe [1] that will not cause
postitnotes.php to generate an error, but even that version won't
create a footnote in PmWiki 2.1.

For that script to work, someone will need to update it or write a new one.


[1] http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki/uploads/Cookbook-V1/footnotes.zip

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