[pmwiki-users] Hierarchy use case; Hierarchial pages v.s. hierarchical groups

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Tue Jun 6 07:51:28 CDT 2006

John Rankin schrieb:
> On Saturday, 3 June 2006 12:35 PM, Joachim Durchholz <jo at durchholz.org> wrote:
>> Assume there's a feature Foo discussed on PmWiki. It turns out the page 
>> becomes too long, so there's a subpage Foo.Talk associated with Foo. Now 
>> if Foo is itself in group Cookbook, the .Talk page can be reached under 
>> Cookbook.Foo.Talk.
 > There seem to be 2 options (2 different use cases):
> a) a group-based hierarchy of Group,Subgroup.Page which suggests there is 
>    a page named 'Page' in the group named Group,Subgroup and optionally a 
>   page named Subgroup in the group named Group
> b) a page-based hierarchy of Group.Page,Subpage would suggest there is a
>    page named Page,Subpage in the group named Group and a page named Page
>    also in the group named Group
> In the case of Cookbook.Foo.Talk what group is ".Talk" in? Is it
> named "Foo.Talk" and a member of the Cookbook group or is it (as I read
> the example) named "Talk" and a member of the Cookbook.Foo group?

Actually I don't think there should be a distinction.

I envision a unified hierarchy. I.e. Cookbook.Foo.Talk is the text 
snippet inside the Cookbook.Foo hierarchy.
Whether it's just a part of the Cookbook.Foo page (i.e. a subpage, in my 
terminology), or whether it's a separate page located in the 
Cookbook.Foo group, that should be of little concern: URLs to that text 
snippet shouldn't have to change just because an author chose to switch 
from one configuration to the other.

Hope this clarifies my ideas a bit.

Um, speaking of clarification, terminology seems a bit unclear (and even 
partially misleading). Let me try to give intuitive names to all the 
entities that I have seen floating around:

Group: a bunch of related pages.
Subgroup [new]: a group inside a group.

Group page: the page that represents the group in some way (e.g. a 
summary page). Group page naming is one of the problems that started 
this discussion.

Section [new]: a part of a page; possibly separately editable; possibly 
Subsection [new]: a part of a section.
convertible into a subpage and vice versa.

Subpage [changed]: a page in a group (i.e. "x is a subpage of group y"; 
sloppy usage would be "x is a subpage of page p", where p is the group 
page of some group y).

What does everybody think?


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