[pmwiki-users] LastModifiedBySummary
Steve Rowe
think1blue at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 6 09:51:55 CDT 2006
I'm confused by this. I posted a question on the
LastChangeSummary recipe. I can't seem to get the
{$LastModifiedSummary} page variable to work on any of
my pages. Is it because it is missing the "By" in
{$LastModifiedBySummary}? Should I just go ahead and
use the {$LastChangeSummary} page variable from the
recipe anyway? If it is built in to PmWiki, perhaps
someone could update this page and show an example:
--- Pico <pmwiki at ben-amotz.com> wrote:
> I added an entry for LastModifiedBySummary in
> PmWiki/PageVariables and noticed
> that the returned value is not treated as literal
> text: if the summary includes
> markup, the markup will be translated and rendered
> by PmWiki.
> For example, when I added a summary stating that I
> had "Added
> {$LastModifiedBySummary}" the entry on the page went
> into a loop, stating
> something like "Added Added Added Added
> {$LastModifiedBySummary}"
> In another example, one of the summaries included
> pagelist markup, which caused
> the pagelist I created to include a nested pagelist
> in the middle, which was
> very confusing and the cause might not be self
> evident in other situations.
> The easiest way to deal with this is to escape the
> variable, for example, to
> write [={=$LastModifiedBySummary}=] instead of
> {=$LastModifiedBySummary}.
> I can add a note to the PageVariable entry, but,
> will that be enough? Should
> the default output of {$LastModifiedBySummary} be
> changed to return literal
> strings? Is there some value and use for having
> PmWiki applying markup rules to
> the value returned by {$LastModifiedBySummary}?
> Pico
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