[pmwiki-users] multilanguage - search machines listings

Stephan Schildberg schildberg at scoid.de
Wed Jun 7 12:15:59 CDT 2006

Hi Donald,
> I am interested in this feature, as much of my work is multilingual or 
> concerns diverse languages, but have not used it. So I'd like to hear 
> more about its use and people's experience with it. TIA...  Don Osborn
>     I use http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MultiLanguage nearly in
>     all of
>     my projects and I like it very much.
I use this in http://www.ecologee.net (which is a true open wiki), or 
http://www.material-raum-form.com (which is a closed wiki).

They are working fine, although I am still not convinced, whether search 
machine can index both separate versions of one URL.
The wikis above are working good together with a range of recipes, 
although recently I came across some minor incompatibilities with 
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/GeneratePDF. If you do not need the 
mentioned recipe I would recommend it to you and I wonder by when it is 
included in the standard distribution, because it is indispensable 
<http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=/gQPU.&search=indispensable>  in 
each of my wikis.

regards, Stephan.

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