[pmwiki-users] PmCalendar 1.0rc8

Stirling Westrup sti at pooq.com
Fri Jun 9 10:44:09 CDT 2006

Chris Cox wrote:
> Adds onedate=true to prevent displaying of textlinks when the entries
> have the same date (recommend also setting textcalfmt='').
> Adds alwaystoday=true to keep a "This Week's Events" from following
> calendar changes if there is another calendar on the page (as with
> the case of the Cjc/Cjc sample calendar).
> Also added variables where you can choose a different PmWiki markup
> instead of '!!' for the dated textlinks in caltype=text.
I have a question about PmCalendar. My wife has asked me to convert her
business website over to PmWiki for her, and one feature she would
really like is an appointment book that would allow her clients to book
appointments. I was hoping PmCalendar could be persuaded to do this.

The only difficulty, as far as I can see, is that she wants the public
calendar display to only show that a time period has been booked, but
none of the details. She would have her own (read protected) view of the
same data that would show all the details.

How hard would this be to set up?

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