[pmwiki-users] Strange pagelist behaviour

Marc Cooper gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon Jun 12 18:32:11 CDT 2006

Pico said...
> > From: Marc Cooper <gmane at auxbuss.com>
> > Date: Mon, June 12, 2006 9:47 am
> > To: pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
> > 
> > I noticed that the PmWiki FAQ is presenting different results in a new 
> > (farm) wiki from the home wiki. Entries are missing from the home wiki. 
> > They are using the same PmWiki files from wikilib.d. The differences are 
> > in the section created by:
> > 
> > (:pagelist trail=PmWiki.DocumentationIndex "[[#faq]]" fmt=#includefaq:)
> > 
> > To test, I tried this in the sandbox, and get the same results. I'm 
> > using the latest 2.1.11 release.
> [snip]
> Pm did alot of work on 6/2/06, right after he released 2.1.9 moving
> questions 
> off of the FAQs page and onto to FAQs sections at the end of the
> relevant documentation.
> So, I would expect the results of a faqs pagelist directive to include
> many more entries 
> when using the documentation pages distributed in versions 2.1.10 and up
> than when using 
> the documentation pages distributed from prior versions.

I'm not sure what this has to do with this problem? Could you elaborate.

> Anyway, the general answer here is that the faqs pagelist is gathering
> its entries from pages on the trail defined by DocumentationIndex

Yes, I know that fact, but it's not the answer.

> and I would take a look at the actual content of
> specific documentation pages to determine whether they contain a faqs
> division and anchor at 
> the end.  If they don't, then that will explain why they aren't showing
> up on the pagelist.

This is the same source files, the same skin, the same... well the same 
everything, apart from the fact that the output from one is from the 
home wiki and the other is not - the farm wiki has no files in it at 
all, it's only using the shared files. The problem also occurs with 
every skin that I've tried, so it's not <div>, <a> or skin related 

Looks like a potential bug to me, but I thought I'd run it past those 
who might know first.


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