[pmwiki-users] Possible Tweak for CommentBoxStyled recipe

David Spitzley dspitzle at wash.k12.mi.us
Thu Jun 15 17:38:15 CDT 2006

I'm quite happy with the CommentBoxStyled recipe, which I'm using with BlogSimple2, and I was >very< pleased to see that it interfaces with Blocklist3, which I've just tested.  However, I've got one minor request:  I've set "$EnableWhyBlocked = 1;" in my config.php, which works correctly when I try adding a page, but when I submit a comment with blocked terms in it, the block works but no message as to what caused the block is provided.  Since the main site is password protected, the comments are the only real reason for the blocklist, and I'd prefer to give people feedback if they accidentally stumble over a blocked term somehow.  I just thought I'd mention this in case it floats anybody's boat to figure out how to enable it.  I may try myself, if I get a chance.


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