[pmwiki-users] Save As Draft (was Re: Preventing vandalism)

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Fri Jun 16 15:55:19 CDT 2006

Neil Herber <nospam <at> eton.ca> writes:

> At 2006-06-16  02:05 PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud is rumored to have said:
> >I think that at minimum the "Save" button would need to be
> >"Save Draft", otherwise I fear the distinction is not entirely
> >clear between "Save" and "Publish".
> >
> >I'm also wondering if some people would be confused by the term
> >"Publish" -- anyone have any thoughts about that?
> >
> >But with those two thoughts in mind, I think that having $EnableDrafts
> >also switch the buttons to read "Save Draft" and "Publish" makes a
> >lot of sense.
> "Save Draft" is the correct label to my mind.
> I am not sure that I have any better suggestion, but "Publish" 
> conjures up all kinds of strange ideas.
> I have the advantage (??) of not knowing how this is implemented from 
> an author's viewpoint. When I save a draft, does that mean it is 
> marked in some special way (big draft stamps in the background?) or 
> does it mean that no-one can see it yet? If the latter is true, how 
> the heck do I find it again to complete it?
> If it is done with the draft stamps, then I would expect a button 
> called "Save Final" to do just that, and remove the draft stamp.
> If it works some other way, I am not sure that I, or my other 
> co-authors, will understand what is going on.

What happens is *really* cool, and is another example of how this 
feature is so much smarter than we are initially prepared to expect: 
Drafts trigger redirects from the original.

To spell it out step by step:

1. Author1 navigates to AnOriginalPage and presses edit
2. Author1 decides to use Save As Draft and a new page called
AnOriginalPage-Draft is created.
3. Author2 comes along and navigates to AnOrginalPage and presses edit
4. Author2 is redirected to the edit screen for AnOriginalPage-Draft
5. Author2 will either continue the drafting process, by pressing 
Save As Draft (Save Draft) or "adopt" the draft, by pressing Save (Publish).
6. Author3 comes along an navigates to AnOriginalPage and presses edit
7. Author3 is either redirected to AnOriginalPage-Draft (if Author3 
continued the drafting process) or directly opens AnOrginalPage (if 
Author3 adopted the draft)

I laughed (with admiration and astonishment) when I first discovered that.  
Its as if we thought that Pm gave us a dollar but when we looked closer, 
we discover Benjamin Franlkin's face.


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