[pmwiki-users] commentbox q.
noskule at gmx.net
Fri Jun 30 07:04:33 CDT 2006
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Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] commentbox q.
Date: Freitag, 30. Juni 2006 11:38
From: noskule <noskule at gmx.net>
To: John Rankin <john.rankin at affinity.co.nz>
Am Freitag, 30. Juni 2006 00:38 schrieb John Rankin:
> On Friday, 30 June 2006 5:07 AM, noskule at gmx.net wrote:
> >hi list, hi john
> >Is it somhow possible that the commentbox writes its output in an other
> > page than the wikipage? For example: If I put (:commentbox:) indto the
> > rightbar commentbox puts the text into the content not the rightbar. Is
> > this somhow changeable?
> >thanks for any hints.
> >grz nos
> It depends on how you want it to work. For example, the latest version of
> wikilog includes a (:wikilogbox:) directive that allows a commenter to pick
> the date for which to post a story. So commentbox could do the following:
> option a. provide (:commentbox SomePageName:) markup, which would let an
> author specify the page on which to post the comment; if the
> page name is omitted, post to the current page
> option b. provide (:commentbox ? :) markup, which would add a new field
> to the comment form, allowing a commenter to specify a page name
> option c. support both option a and option b
> From the question, I think option a would meet the requirement. It also
> has the advantage of being relatively easy to implement.
> Because the comment handler uses the PmWiki HandleEdit function to
> post comments, one consequence is that the commenter will be taken
> to the page on which the comment is being posted. For example, if
> the SideBar contains (:commentbox SideBar:) the commenter will end
> up on SideBar, not the page from which the comment was posted.
hm, I guess this will seldom be the case, cause if I want the redirect there
would be no need to specifie the target page cause I allready there.
> It may be possible to post to the specified page, then redirect to
> the originating page, but I don't know how to do this. From memory,
> this has come up as a pmwiki feature request before, in relation to
> wikiforms posting, but I don't remember whether it was resolved.
> Option b could be a little dangerous, as it would allow a spammer to
> create large numbers of spurious pages. It would also be too easy for
> a legitimate commenter to post a comment to a mis-typed page. To
> alleviate these potential problems, option b probably ought to
> restrict posts to existing pages, which would mean handling the case
> where the specified page does not exist.
> Comments?
I can imagine two cases to use the "post target" feature
* shoutbox (commentbox in a sidebar)
* comment blog entries (include a {$Page}-Discussion page into the
What happens if the page dosnt exist, does commentbox create it? Imaginge
(:commentbox {$Name}-Comments:)
(:include {$Name}-Comments:)
Or Shoutbox:
(:commentbox {$Group}.Shoutbox:)
(include {$Group}.Shoutbox lines=50:)
Are there mybe cases where a redirection to the comment target page is
desirable? So there my would be a need for a redirect yes/no feature
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