[pmwiki-users] wikiform - have a large text field with default text?

david roundell roundelld at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 7 17:47:00 CST 2008

another wikiform question that hopefully is straightforward
i have a question on the form in the style of:
:Overnight Actions:nighttime What actions need to be taken overnight ("Raise an Incident Log. Leave for daytime attention. "=80)
this default text (raise log, leave for daytime..) is useful to save time when entering details on the form. unfortunately 
i cannot see a way of having the field go over 2 or 3 lines as in when you code text=3*80, for example.
could wikiform be given the option to have a text box with default text already in it that can be more than one text line long?
hope thats clear!!
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