<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();

  PmWiki module to generate a that allows you to send email to
  a person specified in the Wiki.
  Copyright (C) 2004  Nils Knappmeier <nk@knappi.org>
  This is GPL, only it seems odd to include a license in a programm
  that has twice the size of the license.

  Modifications to work with PmWiki 2.0, 
    Copyright (c) 2005 by Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud@pobox.com>
	Modifications to work with the MyWikiFriends.php cookbook module,
	anti-copyright 2005 by Jeffrey W Barke <jbarke@milwaukeedept.org>
	Revision 1.1	20050802	Jeffrey W Barke
	Changed all variables and functions to "e"mailform.

	Revision 1.2	20050910	Vit Rozkovec
	Added possibility to require email
	Added one function IsValidEmail - uses regular expression to check, if email is valid (if required)	
	Added one error message for case of wrong email.

# Set this true if you require users to fill their email
# false otherwise
$EMailFormRequireEmail = true;

XLSDV('en', array(
  'MF' => '',
  'MFsuccess' => 'Message has been sent successfully.',
  'MFfailure' => 'Message could not be sent.',
  'MFwrongmail' => 'Your e-mail is not valid.',
  'MFerror' => 'An error has occurred.'));

$r = @$_REQUEST['emailform'];
$EMailFormResult = FmtPageName("$[MF$r]", $pagename);

# This is the default form, as a table.  The '$1' is replaced with
# the word that comes after the mailform: markup -- the rest are
# straightforward $...Fmt substitutions.
SDV($EMailFormFmt,"<form action='\$PageUrl'>
  <input type='hidden' name='pagename' value='\$FullName' />
  <input type='hidden' name='address' value='\$1' />
  <input type='hidden' name='action' value='emailform' />
			<td colspan='3'><span class='message'>\$EMailFormResult</span></td>
			<td>$[Your Address:]</td>
      		<td colspan='2'><input type='text' size='20' name='sender' value=''/></td>
      		<td colspan='2'><input type='text' size='20' value='' name='subject'/></td>
      		<td colspan='2'><textarea name='text' cols='41' rows='10'></textarea></td>
			<td colspan='3'><input type='submit' name='send' value='$[Send]'></td>

# This defines the mailform: markup -- it's just a straight text
# substitution.  
Markup('emailform', '>links', 
  FmtPageName($EMailFormFmt, $pagename));

# These define what happens after someone has submitted a message.
# The variables are the header and footer for the email message,
# while HandleMailForm sends the message according to the
# value of 'address' in the request.
  ."This message was sent by the PmWiki MailForm at $ScriptUrl\n");

$HandleActions['emailform'] = 'HandleEMailForm';

function HandleEMailForm($pagename) {
	global $EMailFormAddresses, $EMailFormHeader, $EMailFormFooter,
    	$EMailFormDefaultSender, $EMailFormRequireEmail;

  	$to = $EMailFormAddresses[$_REQUEST['address']];
  	$from = $_REQUEST['sender'];
  	$subject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
  	$text = $EMailFormHeader.stripmagic($_REQUEST['text']).$EMailFormFooter;

	if($EMailFormRequireEmail) {
		if(!IsValidMail($from))	{
			$msg = 'wrongmail';
			if (!$to || !$_REQUEST['text']) {
				$msg = 'error';
			else if (mail($to, $subject, $text, "From: $from")) {
				$msg = 'success';
			else {
				$msg = 'failure';
	else {
		if (!$from) {
		if (!$to || !$_REQUEST['text']) {
			$msg = 'error';
		else if (mail($to, $subject, $text, "From: $from")) {
			$msg = 'success';
		else {
			$msg = 'failure';
  	header("Location: $ScriptUrl?pagename=$pagename&emailform=$msg");

# This function checks whether the email is valid or not
function IsValidEMail($email) {
	if(ereg("^[-a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+(\.[-a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)+$", $email)) {
		Return true;			
	else {
		Return false;			
