tag so that March 25, 2019 changes due to the needs of PHP_7.2, aditional parameters 'style' and 'id', 'border' could be used for backward compatibility but should not in new installation, use 'style' instead. rearangement of the evaluation of the parameters March 28, 2019 changed handling of the parameter 'id' depending of it's existence */ SDV($RecipeInfo['includeSite']['Version'], '2019-03-28'); $FmtPV['$includeSiteVersion'] = "'{$RecipeInfo["includeSite"]["Version"]}'"; SDV($DefaultWidth, '600'); // pixels SDV($DefaultHeight,'400'); // pixels SDV($DefaultAlign, 'left'); // left, right, middle, top, bottom SDV($DefaultScroll,'auto'); // auto, yes, no SDV($DefaultStyle, 'border:3px outset #aaa; '); function includeSite($m) { # [modified for PHP5.5 and younger] global $DefaultWidth, $DefaultHeight, $DefaultAlign, $DefaultScroll; global $DefaultStyle, $UrlExcludeChars; // no longer a $DefaultBorder // $m -> an array with the matches // $m[0] -> the whole match /between '(:includeSite' and ':)' // $m[1] -> subgroup 1 : the url // $m[2] -> subgroup 2 : the parameters // valid values for scroling and align $scroll_vals = ['no','yes', 'auto']; $align_vals = ['left', 'right', 'middle', 'top' ,'bottom']; // parse the parameters $pattern = '/(id|align|width|height|scroll|style|border)=((\\d+)|(["\'])(.*?)\4)/'; $results = preg_match_all($pattern,$m[2],$match,PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($match as $part) { switch (substr($part[0],0,2)) { case 'id': # id $id = $part[5]; break; case 'wi': # width $width = $part[3]; break; case 'he': # height $height = $part[3]; break; case 'sc': # scroll $scroll = $part[5]; if (!in_array($scroll,$scroll_vals)) { $scroll = 'auto'; } break; case 'st': # style $style = $part[5]; break; case 'bo': # border $border = $part[3]; $replace_me = "border: ".$border."$2"; $style = preg_replace("/.*?(\\d+)(px .*)/", $replace_me, $DefaultStyle); break; case 'al': $align = $part[5]; if (!in_array($align,$align_vals)){ $align = "left"; } break; } } // Set defaults for parameters not specified SDV($width, $DefaultWidth); SDV($height, $DefaultHeight); SDV($align, $DefaultAlign); SDV($scroll, $DefaultScroll); SDV($style, $DefaultStyle); $Output .= "\n\n\n\n"; if ($id=="") { $Output .= "
";   #  [modified for PHP5.5 and younger]
      $Output .= "
";   #  [modified for PHP5.5 and younger]
  $Output .= "\n\n\n\n";
  return $Output;
} // end of function includeSite($m)  

#### fit for PHP5.5 and higher (even PHP7.x)
$iSpattern = "/\\(:includeSite\\s+(https?:[^$UrlExcludeChars]*?)\\s+(.*):\\)/";
Markup('includeSite', 'directives', $iSpattern, "includeSite");