'!\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads)$!', 'group' => '!\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!', 'self' => str_replace('.', '\\.', "!^$pagename$!"))); ## $FPLFormatOpt is a list of options associated with fmt= ## values. 'default' is used for any undefined values of fmt=. SDVA($FPLFormatOpt, array( 'default' => array('fn' => 'FPLTemplate', 'fmt' => '#default'), 'bygroup' => array('fn' => 'FPLTemplate', 'template' => '#bygroup', 'class' => 'fplbygroup'), 'simple' => array('fn' => 'FPLTemplate', 'template' => '#simple', 'class' => 'fplsimple'), 'group' => array('fn' => 'FPLTemplate', 'template' => '#group', 'class' => 'fplgroup'), 'title' => array('fn' => 'FPLTemplate', 'template' => '#title', 'class' => 'fpltitle', 'order' => 'title'), 'count' => array('fn' => 'FPLCountA'), )); SDV($SearchResultsFmt, "
"); SDV($SearchQuery, str_replace('$', '$', htmlspecialchars(stripmagic(@$_REQUEST['q']), ENT_NOQUOTES))); XLSDV('en', array( 'SearchFor' => 'Results of search for $Needle:', 'SearchFound' => '$MatchCount pages found out of $MatchSearched pages searched.')); SDV($PageListArgPattern, '((?:\\$:?)?\\w+)[:=]'); Markup('pagelist', 'directives', '/\\(:pagelist(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/ei', "FmtPageList('\$MatchList', \$pagename, array('o' => PSS('$1 ')))"); Markup('searchbox', 'directives', '/\\(:searchbox(\\s.*?)?:\\)/e', "SearchBox(\$pagename, ParseArgs(PSS('$1'), '$PageListArgPattern'))"); Markup('searchresults', 'directives', '/\\(:searchresults(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/ei', "FmtPageList(\$GLOBALS['SearchResultsFmt'], \$pagename, array('req' => 1, 'request'=>1, 'o' => PSS('$1')))"); SDV($SaveAttrPatterns['/\\(:(searchresults|pagelist)(\\s+.*?)?:\\)/i'], ' '); SDV($HandleActions['search'], 'HandleSearchA'); SDV($HandleAuth['search'], 'read'); SDV($ActionTitleFmt['search'], '| $[Search Results]'); SDVA($PageListFilters, array( 'PageListCache' => 80, 'PageListProtect' => 90, 'PageListSources' => 100, 'PageListPasswords' => 120, 'PageListIf' => 140, 'PageListTermsTargets' => 160, 'PageListVariables' => 180, 'PageListSort' => 900, )); foreach(array('random', 'size', 'time', 'ctime') as $o) SDV($PageListSortCmp[$o], "@(\$PCache[\$x]['$o']-\$PCache[\$y]['$o'])"); SDV($PageListSortCmp['title'], '@strcasecmp($PCache[$x][\'=title\'], $PCache[$y][\'=title\'])'); define('PAGELIST_PRE' , 1); define('PAGELIST_ITEM', 2); define('PAGELIST_POST', 4); ## SearchBox generates the output of the (:searchbox:) markup. ## If $SearchBoxFmt is defined, that is used, otherwise a searchbox ## is generated. Options include group=, size=, label=. function SearchBox($pagename, $opt) { global $SearchBoxFmt, $SearchBoxOpt, $SearchQuery, $EnablePathInfo; if (isset($SearchBoxFmt)) return Keep(FmtPageName($SearchBoxFmt, $pagename)); SDVA($SearchBoxOpt, array('size' => '40', 'label' => FmtPageName('$[Search]', $pagename), 'value' => str_replace("'", "'", $SearchQuery))); $opt = array_merge((array)$SearchBoxOpt, @$_GET, (array)$opt); $opt['action'] = 'search'; $target = (@$opt['target']) ? MakePageName($pagename, $opt['target']) : $pagename; $opt['n'] = IsEnabled($EnablePathInfo, 0) ? '' : $target; $out = FmtPageName(" class='wikisearch' action='\$PageUrl' method='get'>", $target); foreach($opt as $k => $v) { if ($v == '' || is_array($v)) continue; $v = str_replace("'", "'", $v); $opt[$k] = $v; if ($k == 'q' || $k == 'label' || $k == 'value' || $k == 'size') continue; $k = str_replace("'", "'", $k); $out .= ""; } $out .= ""; return '
'; } ## FmtPageList combines options from markup, request form, and url, ## calls the appropriate formatting function, and returns the string. function FmtPageList($outfmt, $pagename, $opt) { global $GroupPattern, $FmtV, $PageListArgPattern, $FPLFormatOpt, $FPLFunctions; #echo("FMTPAGELIST: opt=" . print_r($opt) . "
\n"); # get any form or url-submitted request $rq = htmlspecialchars(stripmagic(@$_REQUEST['q']), ENT_NOQUOTES); # build the search string $FmtV['$Needle'] = $opt['o'] . ' ' . $rq; # Handle "group/" at the beginning of the form-submitted request if (preg_match("!^($GroupPattern(\\|$GroupPattern)*)?/!i", $rq, $match)) { $opt['group'] = @$match[1]; $rq = substr($rq, strlen(@$match[1])+1); } $opt = array_merge($opt, ParseArgs2($opt['o'], $PageListArgPattern)); # merge markup options with form and url if (@$opt['request']) $opt = array_merge($opt, ParseArgs($rq, $PageListArgPattern), @$_REQUEST); # non-posted blank search requests return nothing if (@($opt['req'] && !$opt['-'] && !$opt[''] && !$opt['+'] && !$opt['q'])) return ''; # terms and group to be included and excluded $GLOBALS['SearchIncl'] = array_merge((array)@$opt[''], (array)@$opt['+']); $GLOBALS['SearchExcl'] = (array)@$opt['-']; $GLOBALS['SearchGroup'] = @$opt['group']; #echo("FMTPAGELISTB: opt=" . print_r($opt) . "
\n"); $fmt = @$opt['fmt']; if (!$fmt) $fmt = 'default'; $fmtopt = @$FPLFormatOpt[$fmt]; if (!is_array($fmtopt)) { if ($fmtopt) $fmtopt = array('fn' => $fmtopt); elseif (@$FPLFunctions[$fmt]) $fmtopt = array('fn' => $FPLFunctions[$fmt]); else $fmtopt = $FPLFormatOpt['default']; } $fmtfn = @$fmtopt['fn']; #echo "FMTPAGELIST: fmtfn=$fmtfn
\n"; if (!is_callable($fmtfn)) $fmtfn = $FPLFormatOpt['default']['fn']; $matches = array(); $opt = array_merge($fmtopt, $opt); #echo "FMTPAGELIST: " . print_r($opt) . "
\n"; $out = $fmtfn($pagename, $matches, $opt); #echo "FMTPAGELIST: First 120 characters: "; #for ($q=0; $q < ((strlen($out) > 220)?220:strlen($out)); $q++) { #if (!($q%12)) echo "
\n"; #echo "$out[$q]."; #} #echo "
\n"; $FmtV['$MatchCount'] = count($matches); if ($outfmt != '$MatchList') { $FmtV['$MatchList'] = $out; $out = FmtPageName($outfmt, $pagename); } if ($out[0] == '<') $out = Keep($out); return PRR($out); } ## MakePageList generates a list of pages using the specifications given ## by $opt. function MakePageList($pagename, $opt, $retpages = 1) { global $MakePageListOpt, $PageListFilters, $PCache; StopWatch('MakePageList pre'); SDVA($MakePageListOpt, array('list' => 'default')); $opt = array_merge((array)$MakePageListOpt, (array)$opt); if (!@$opt['order'] && !@$opt['trail']) $opt['order'] = 'name'; #echo "MPL: order=$opt[order]
\n"; ksort($opt); $opt['=key'] = md5(serialize($opt)); $itemfilters = array(); $postfilters = array(); asort($PageListFilters); $opt['=phase'] = PAGELIST_PRE; $list=array(); $pn=NULL; $page=NULL; foreach($PageListFilters as $fn => $v) { $ret = $fn($list, $opt, $pagename, $page); #echo "after $fn, list=".(sizeof($list)>30?'('.sizeof($list).')':print_r($list,true))."
\n"; if ($ret & PAGELIST_ITEM) $itemfilters[] = $fn; if ($ret & PAGELIST_POST) $postfilters[] = $fn; } StopWatch("MakePageList items count=".count($list).", filters=".implode(',',$itemfilters)); $opt['=phase'] = PAGELIST_ITEM; $matches = array(); $opt['=readc'] = 0; foreach((array)$list as $pn) { $page = array(); foreach((array)$itemfilters as $fn) { #echo "PAGELIST_ITEM: Checking $pn with function=$fn
\n"; if (!$fn($list, $opt, $pn, $page)) continue 2; #echo "PAGELIST_ITEM: Success
\n"; } $page['pagename'] = $page['name'] = $pn; PCache($pn, $page); $matches[] = $pn; } $list = $matches; #echo "Post-item count=".count($list)."
\n"; StopWatch("MakePageList post count=".count($list).", readc={$opt['=readc']}"); $opt['=phase'] = PAGELIST_POST; $pn=NULL; $page=NULL; foreach((array)$postfilters as $fn) $fn($list, $opt, $pagename, $page); if ($retpages) for($i=0; $i '') ? PAGELIST_ITEM : 0; $condspec = $opt['if']; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $varpat = '\\{([=*]|!?[-\\w.\\/\\x80-\\xff]*)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}'; while (preg_match("/$varpat/", $condspec, $match)) { $condspec = preg_replace("/$varpat/e", "PVSE(PageVar(\$pn, '$2', '$1'))", $condspec); } if (!preg_match("/^\\s*(!?)\\s*(\\S*)\\s*(.*?)\\s*$/", $condspec, $match)) return 0; list($x, $not, $condname, $condparm) = $match; if (!isset($Conditions[$condname])) return 1; $tf = (int)@eval("return ({$Conditions[$condname]});"); return (boolean)($tf xor $not); } function PageListTermsTargets(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page) { global $FmtV; static $reindex = array(); $fold = $GLOBALS['StrFoldFunction']; #echo "TermsTargets: Entering(".($opt['=phase']==PAGELIST_PRE?'pre':($opt['=phase']==PAGELIST_ITEM?'item':'post?'))."): $pn
\n"; #echo "opt=

\n"; #echo "list=".print_r($list,true)."
\n"; switch ($opt['=phase']) { case PAGELIST_PRE: $FmtV['$MatchSearched'] = count($list); $incl = array(); $excl = array(); foreach((array)@$opt[''] as $i) { if (strpos($i, ',')) $incl[] = explode(",", $i); else $incl[] = $fold($i); #echo "i=$i, incl=".print_r($incl,true)."
\n"; } foreach((array)@$opt['+'] as $i) { $incl[] = $fold($i); } foreach((array)@$opt['-'] as $i) { $excl[] = $fold($i); } $indexterms = PageIndexTerms($incl); foreach($incl as $i) { if (is_array($i)) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($i as $i1) { $delim = (!preg_match('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]/', $i1)) ? '$' : '/'; $tmp[] = $delim . preg_quote($i1,$delim) . $delim . 'i'; } $opt['=inclp'][] = $tmp; } else { $delim = (!preg_match('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]/', $i)) ? '$' : '/'; $opt['=inclp'][] = $delim . preg_quote($i,$delim) . $delim . 'i'; } } if ($excl) $opt['=exclp'][] = '$'.implode('|', array_map('preg_quote',$excl)).'$i'; if (@$opt['linkto']) { #echo "linkto=$opt[linkto]
\n"; $orlinkto=$exclinkp=$orlinkp=array(); $links = explode(",", $opt['linkto']); #echo "links=".print_r($links,true)."
\n"; foreach ($links as $link) { #echo "link=$link
\n"; switch ($link{0}) { case '^': //intersection (required term) case '+': //intersection (required term) #echo "INTERSECT
\n"; $l = MakePageName($pn, substr($link, 1)); $opt['=inclinkp'][] = "/(^|,)$l(,|$)/i"; $indexterms[] = " $l "; break; case '-': //negation case '!': //negation #echo "NEGATE
\n"; $l = MakePageName($pn, substr($link, 1)); $exclinkp[] = $l; break; default: //union #echo "UNION ($l)
\n"; $l = MakePageName($pn, $link); $orinclinkp[] = "/(^|,)$l(,|$)/i"; $orlinkto[] = " $l "; #echo "orlinkto=".print_r($orlinkto,true)."
\n"; } } if ($orlinkto) { $opt['=inclinkp'][] = $orinclinkp; $indexterms[] = $orlinkto; } if ($exclinkp) $opt['=exclinkp'][] = '$'.implode('|',array_map('preg_quote',$exclinkp)).'$i'; #echo "inclinkp=

\n"; #echo "exclinkp=

\n"; } if (@$opt['link']) { $link = MakePageName($pn, $opt['link']); $opt['=linkp'] = "/(^|,)$link(,|$)/i"; $indexterms[] = " $link "; } if (@$opt['=cached']) return 0; if ($indexterms) { StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets begin count=".count($list)); #echo "IndexTerms=".print_r($indexterms,true)."
\n"; $xlist = PageIndexGrep($indexterms, true); $list = array_diff($list, $xlist); StopWatch("PageListTermsTargets end count=".count($list)); } #echo "After PRE in terms: list=".print_r($list,true)."
\n"; #echo "After PRE in terms: inclp=".print_r($opt['=inclp'],true)."
\n"; if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp'] || @$opt['=linkp'] || @$opt['=inclinkp'] || @$opt['=exclinkp']) return PAGELIST_ITEM|PAGELIST_POST; return 0; case PAGELIST_ITEM: if (!$page) { $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); $opt['=readc']++; } if (!$page) return 0; if (@$opt['=linkp'] && !preg_match($opt['=linkp'], @$page['targets'])) { $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } if (@$opt['=exclinkp']) { foreach ($opt['=exclinkp'] as $excl) if (preg_match($excl, @$page['targets'])) { $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } } if (@$opt['=inclinkp']) { foreach((array)$opt['=inclinkp'] as $i) { if (is_array($i)) { #echo "A=".print_r($i,true)."
\n"; foreach ($i as $i1) { $found = false; #echo "B=$i1
\n"; if (preg_match($i1, @$page['targets'])) { $found = true; break; } #echo "C
\n"; } if (!$found) { #echo "D
\n"; if ($i{0} == '$') $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } #echo "E
\n"; } else { if (!preg_match($i, @$page['targets'])) { if ($i{0} == '$') $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } } } } if (@$opt['=inclp'] || @$opt['=exclp']) { $text = $fold($pn."\n".@$page['targets']."\n".@$page['text']); foreach((array)@$opt['=exclp'] as $i) if (preg_match($i, $text)) return 0; foreach((array)@$opt['=inclp'] as $i) { if (is_array($i)) { #echo "A=".print_r($i,true)."
\n"; foreach ($i as $i1) { $found = false; #echo "B=$i1
\n"; if (preg_match($i1, $text)) { $found = true; break; } #echo "C
\n"; } if (!$found) { #echo "D
\n"; if ($i{0} == '$') $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } #echo "E
\n"; } else { if (!preg_match($i, $text)) { if ($i{0} == '$') $reindex[] = $pn; return 0; } } } } return 1; case PAGELIST_POST: if ($reindex) PageIndexQueueUpdate($reindex); $reindex = array(); return 0; } } function PageListVariables(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page) { switch ($opt['=phase']) { case PAGELIST_PRE: $varlist = preg_grep('/^\\$/', array_keys($opt)); if (!$varlist) return 0; foreach($varlist as $v) { list($inclp, $exclp) = GlobToPCRE($opt[$v]); if ($inclp) $opt['=varinclp'][$v] = "/$inclp/i"; if ($exclp) $opt['=varexclp'][$v] = "/$exclp/i"; } return PAGELIST_ITEM; case PAGELIST_ITEM: if (@$opt['=varinclp']) foreach($opt['=varinclp'] as $v => $pat) if (!preg_match($pat, PageVar($pn, $v))) return 0; if (@$opt['=varexclp']) foreach($opt['=varexclp'] as $v => $pat) if (preg_match($pat, PageVar($pn, $v))) return 0; return 1; } } function PageListSort(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page) { global $PageListSortCmp, $PCache, $PageListSortRead; SDVA($PageListSortRead, array('name' => 0, 'group' => 0, 'random' => 0, 'title' => 0)); switch ($opt['=phase']) { case PAGELIST_PRE: $ret = 0; foreach(preg_split('/[\\s,|]+/', @$opt['order'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $o) { $ret |= PAGELIST_POST; $r = '+'; if ($o{0} == '-') { $r = '-'; $o = substr($o, 1); } $opt['=order'][$o] = $r; if ($o{0} != '$' && (!isset($PageListSortRead[$o]) || $PageListSortRead[$o])) $ret |= PAGELIST_ITEM; } StopWatch(@"PageListSort pre ret=$ret order={$opt['order']}"); return $ret; case PAGELIST_ITEM: if (!$page) { $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); $opt['=readc']++; } return 1; } ## case PAGELIST_POST StopWatch('PageListSort begin'); $order = $opt['=order']; if (@$order['title']) foreach($list as $pn) $PCache[$pn]['=title'] = PageVar($pn, '$Title'); if (@$order['group']) foreach($list as $pn) $PCache[$pn]['group'] = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if (@$order['random']) { NoCache(); foreach($list as $pn) $PCache[$pn]['random'] = rand(); } foreach(preg_grep('/^\\$/', array_keys($order)) as $o) foreach($list as $pn) $PCache[$pn][$o] = PageVar($pn, $o); $code = ''; foreach($opt['=order'] as $o => $r) { if (@$PageListSortCmp[$o]) $code .= "\$c = {$PageListSortCmp[$o]}; "; else $code .= "\$c = @strcasecmp(\$PCache[\$x]['$o'],\$PCache[\$y]['$o']); "; $code .= "if (\$c) return $r\$c;\n"; } StopWatch('PageListSort sort'); if ($code) uasort($list, create_function('$x,$y', "global \$PCache; $code return 0;")); StopWatch('PageListSort end'); } function PageListCache(&$list, &$opt, $pn, &$page) { global $PageListCacheDir, $LastModTime, $PageIndexFile; if (@!$PageListCacheDir) return 0; if (isset($opt['cache']) && !$opt['cache']) return 0; $key = $opt['=key']; $cache = "$PageListCacheDir/$key,cache"; switch ($opt['=phase']) { case PAGELIST_PRE: if (!file_exists($cache) || filemtime($cache) <= $LastModTime) return PAGELIST_POST; StopWatch("PageListCache begin load key=$key"); list($list, $opt['=protectsafe']) = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache)); $opt['=cached'] = 1; StopWatch("PageListCache end load"); return 0; case PAGELIST_POST: StopWatch("PageListCache begin save key=$key"); $fp = @fopen($cache, "w"); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, serialize(array($list, $opt['=protectsafe']))); fclose($fp); } StopWatch("PageListCache end save"); return 0; } return 0; } ## HandleSearchA performs ?action=search. It's basically the same ## as ?action=browse, except it takes its contents from Site.Search. function HandleSearchA($pagename, $level = 'read') { global $PageSearchForm, $FmtV, $HandleSearchFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt; SDV($HandleSearchFmt,array(&$PageStartFmt, '$PageText', &$PageEndFmt)); SDV($PageSearchForm, '$[{$SiteGroup}/Search]'); $form = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $level, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$form) Abort("?unable to read $pagename"); PCache($pagename, $form); $text = preg_replace('/\\[([=@])(.*?)\\1\\]/s', ' ', @$form['text']); if (!preg_match('/\\(:searchresults(\\s.*?)?:\\)/', $text)) foreach((array)$PageSearchForm as $formfmt) { $form = ReadPage(FmtPageName($formfmt, $pagename), READPAGE_CURRENT); if ($form['text']) break; } $text = @$form['text']; if (!$text) $text = '(:searchresults:)'; $FmtV['$PageText'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$text); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleSearchFmt); } ######################################################################## ## The functions below provide different formatting options for ## the output list, controlled by the fmt= parameter and the ## $FPLFormatOpt hash. ######################################################################## ## This helper function handles the count= parameter for extracting ## a range of pagelist in the list. function CalcRange($range, $n) { if ($n < 1) return array(0, 0); if (strpos($range, '..') === false) { if ($range > 0) return array(1, min($range, $n)); if ($range < 0) return array(max($n + $range + 1, 1), $n); return array(1, $n); } list($r0, $r1) = explode('..', $range); if ($r0 < 0) $r0 += $n + 1; if ($r1 < 0) $r1 += $n + 1; else if ($r1 == 0) $r1 = $n; if ($r0 < 1 && $r1 < 1) return array($n+1, $n+1); return array(max($r0, 1), max($r1, 1)); } ## FPLCountA handles fmt=count function FPLCountA($pagename, &$matches, $opt) { $matches = array_values(MakePageList($pagename, $opt, 0)); return count($matches); } ## FPLTemplate handles PagelistTemplates function FPLTemplate($pagename, &$matches, $opt) { global $Cursor, $FPLTemplatePageFmt, $RASPageName, $PageListArgPattern; SDV($FPLTemplatePageFmt, array('{$FullName}', '{$SiteGroup}.LocalTemplates', '{$SiteGroup}.PageListTemplates')); StopWatch("FPLTemplate begin"); $template = @$opt['template']; if (!$template) $template = @$opt['fmt']; $ttext = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename, $template, $FPLTemplatePageFmt); $ttext = PVSE(Qualify($RASPageName, $ttext)); ## save any escapes $ttext = MarkupEscape($ttext); ## remove any anchor markups to avoid duplications $ttext = preg_replace('/\\[\\[#[A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*\\]\\]/', '', $ttext); ## extract portions of template $tparts = preg_split('/\\(:(template)\\s+(\\w+)\\s*(.*?):\\)/i', $ttext, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); ## handle (:template defaults:) $i = 0; while ($i < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$i] != 'template') { $i++; continue; } if ($tparts[$i+1] != 'defaults' && $tparts[$i+1] != 'default') { $i+=4; continue; } $opt = array_merge(ParseArgs($tparts[$i+2], $PageListArgPattern), $opt); array_splice($tparts, $i, 3); } SDVA($opt, array('class' => 'fpltemplate', 'wrap' => 'div')); ## get the list of pages $matches = array_values(MakePageList($pagename, $opt, 0)); ## extract page subset according to 'count=' parameter if (@$opt['count']) { list($r0, $r1) = CalcRange($opt['count'], count($matches)); if ($r1 < $r0) $matches = array_reverse(array_slice($matches, $r1-1, $r0-$r1+1)); else $matches = array_slice($matches, $r0-1, $r1-$r0+1); } $savecursor = $Cursor; $pagecount = 0; $groupcount = 0; $grouppagecount = 0; $pseudovars = array('{$$PageCount}' => &$pagecount, '{$$GroupCount}' => &$groupcount, '{$$GroupPageCount}' => &$grouppagecount); foreach(preg_grep('/^[\\w$]/', array_keys($opt)) as $k) if (!is_array($opt[$k])) $pseudovars["{\$\$$k}"] = htmlspecialchars($opt[$k], ENT_NOQUOTES); $vk = array_keys($pseudovars); $vv = array_values($pseudovars); $lgroup = ''; $out = ''; foreach($matches as $i => $pn) { $group = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if ($group != $lgroup) { $groupcount++; $grouppagecount = 0; $lgroup = $group; } $grouppagecount++; $pagecount++; $t = 0; while ($t < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$t] != 'template') { $item = $tparts[$t]; $t++; } else { list($when, $control, $item) = array_slice($tparts, $t+1, 3); $t+=4; if (!$control) { if ($when == 'first' && $i != 0) continue; if ($when == 'last' && $i != count($matches) - 1) continue; } else { if ($when == 'first' || !isset($last[$t])) { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string)@$matches[$i-1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string)@$matches[$i+1]; $curr = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $curr = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '$2', '$1')", $curr); if ($when == 'first' && $i > 0 && $last[$t] == $curr) continue; $last[$t] = $curr; } if ($when == 'last') { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = $pn; $Cursor['='] = (string)@$matches[$i+1]; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string)@$matches[$i+2]; $next = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $next = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '$2', '$1')", $next); if ($next == $last[$t] && $i != count($matches) - 1) continue; $last[$t] = $next; } } } $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string)@$matches[$i-1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string)@$matches[$i+1]; $item = str_replace($vk, $vv, $item); $item = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PVSE(PageVar(\$pn, '$2', '$1'))", $item); $out .= MarkupRestore($item); } } $class = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', ' ', @$opt['class']); if ($class) $class = " class='$class'"; $wrap = @$opt['wrap']; if ($wrap != 'inline') { $out = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $out, array('escape' => 0)); if ($wrap != 'none') $out = "$out"; } $Cursor = $savecursor; StopWatch("FPLTemplate end"); return $out; } ######################################################################## ## The functions below optimize searches by maintaining a file of ## words and link cross references (the "page index"). ######################################################################## ## PageIndexTerms($terms) takes an array of strings and returns a ## normalized list of associated search terms. This reduces the ## size of the index and speeds up searches. function PageIndexTerms($terms) { global $StrFoldFunction; $w = array(); foreach((array)$terms as $t) { if (is_array($t)) { $x = array(); foreach ($t as $t1) $x = array_merge($x, preg_split('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]+/', $StrFoldFunction($t1), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); $w[] = $x; } else { $w = array_merge($w, preg_split('/[^\\w\\x80-\\xff]+/', $StrFoldFunction($t), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } } return $w; } ## The PageIndexUpdate($pagelist) function updates the page index ## file with terms and target links for the pages in $pagelist. ## The optional $dir parameter allows this function to be called ## via register_shutdown_function (which sometimes changes directories ## on us). function PageIndexUpdate($pagelist = NULL, $dir = '') { global $EnableReadOnly, $PageIndexUpdateList, $PageIndexFile, $PageIndexTime, $Now; if (IsEnabled($EnableReadOnly, 0)) return; $abort = ignore_user_abort(true); if ($dir) { flush(); chdir($dir); } if (is_null($pagelist)) { $pagelist = (array)$PageIndexUpdateList; $PageIndexUpdateList = array(); } if (!$pagelist || !$PageIndexFile) return; SDV($PageIndexTime, 10); $c = count($pagelist); $updatecount = 0; StopWatch("PageIndexUpdate begin ($c pages to update)"); $pagelist = (array)$pagelist; $timeout = time() + $PageIndexTime; $cmpfn = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strlen($b)-strlen($a);'); Lock(2); $ofp = fopen("$PageIndexFile,new", 'w'); foreach($pagelist as $pn) { if (@$updated[$pn]) continue; @$updated[$pn]++; if (time() > $timeout) continue; $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); if ($page) { $targets = str_replace(',', ' ', @$page['targets']); $terms = PageIndexTerms(array(@$page['text'], $targets, $pn)); usort($terms, $cmpfn); $x = ''; foreach($terms as $t) { if (strpos($x, $t) === false) $x .= " $t"; } fputs($ofp, "$pn:$Now: $targets :$x\n"); } $updatecount++; } $ifp = @fopen($PageIndexFile, 'r'); if ($ifp) { while (!feof($ifp)) { $line = fgets($ifp, 4096); while (substr($line, -1, 1) != "\n" && !feof($ifp)) $line .= fgets($ifp, 4096); $i = strpos($line, ':'); if ($i === false) continue; $n = substr($line, 0, $i); if (@$updated[$n]) continue; fputs($ofp, $line); } fclose($ifp); } fclose($ofp); if (file_exists($PageIndexFile)) unlink($PageIndexFile); rename("$PageIndexFile,new", $PageIndexFile); fixperms($PageIndexFile); StopWatch("PageIndexUpdate end ($updatecount updated)"); ignore_user_abort($abort); } ## PageIndexQueueUpdate specifies pages to be updated in ## the index upon shutdown (via register_shutdown function). function PageIndexQueueUpdate($pagelist) { global $PageIndexUpdateList; if (!@$PageIndexUpdateList) register_shutdown_function('PageIndexUpdate', NULL, getcwd()); $PageIndexUpdateList = array_merge((array)@$PageIndexUpdateList, (array)$pagelist); $c1 = count($pagelist); $c2 = count($PageIndexUpdateList); StopWatch("PageIndexQueueUpdate: queued $c1 pages ($c2 total)"); } ## PageIndexGrep returns a list of pages that match the strings ## provided. Note that some search terms may need to be normalized ## in order to get the desired results (see PageIndexTerms above). ## Also note that this just works for the index; if the index is ## incomplete, then so are the results returned by this list. ## (MakePageList above already knows how to deal with this.) function PageIndexGrep($terms, $invert = false) { global $PageIndexFile; if (!$PageIndexFile) return array(); StopWatch('PageIndexGrep begin'); #echo "PIGrep: terms=".print_r($terms,true)."
\n"; $pagelist = array(); $fp = @fopen($PageIndexFile, 'r'); if ($fp) { $terms = (array)$terms; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); while (substr($line, -1, 1) != "\n" && !feof($fp)) $line .= fgets($fp, 4096); $i = strpos($line, ':'); if (!$i) continue; #echo "PIGrep: file=".substr($line, 0, $i)."
\n"; $add = true; foreach($terms as $t) #echo "PIGrep: t=".print_r($t,true)."
\n"; if (is_array($t)) { $found = false; foreach ($t as $t1) if (strpos($line, $t1) !== false) { $found = true; break; } if (!$found) { #echo "PIGrep: ".substr($line, 0, $i).": Not found
\n"; $add = false; break; } } else { if (strpos($line, $t) === false) { $add = false; break; } } if ($add xor $invert) $pagelist[] = substr($line, 0, $i); } fclose($fp); } StopWatch('PageIndexGrep end'); return $pagelist; } ## PostPageIndex is inserted into $EditFunctions to update ## the linkindex whenever a page is saved. function PostPageIndex($pagename, &$page, &$new) { global $IsPagePosted; #echo "PostPageIndex: Entering with $pagename
\n"; if ($IsPagePosted) PageIndexQueueUpdate($pagename); }