#!/usr/bin/python # # Python-bases PmWiki Editor (Pywe) # ================================= # # Copyright and Legalese # ---------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2006 Benjamin C. Wilson. All Rights Reserved. # # This software referred to as Pywe ("Software") was developed by Benjamin C. # Wilson, and may include voluntary contributions. For more information on this # Software, visit its web site at http://www.dausha.net/Pywe. # # Installation, use, reproduction, and display of this Software, without # modification, are not permitted. You may not republish without The express, # written concent of the copyright holder. Permission to publish is granted to # pmwiki.org, but no permission to modify is granted. Any exercise of rights # under this license by you is subject to the following conditions. # 1. Redistribution of this software is not permitted. # 2. Any user documentation must include the copyright statement. # 3. This copyright statement, disclaimers and limitations must remain with # the software. # 4. Consent to the following disclaimer and limitations of liability. # # Disclaimer # ~~~~~~~~~~ # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE ARE DISCLAIMED. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND # CONTRIBUTORS MAKE NO REPRESENTATION THAT THE SOFTWARE, MODIFICATIONS, # ENHANCEMENTS OR DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT, # COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, TRADE SECRET OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHT. # # Limitations of Liability # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO LICENSEE OR # OTHER PERSONS FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT # LIMITATION, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOSS OF USE, DATA OR # PROFITS, OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. # # License Revisions # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # The Software Copyright Holder may publish revised and/or new versions of this # this License from time to time. Each version will be given a distinguishing # version number. Once a version of Software has been published under a # particular version of this License, you may continue to use it under the # terms of that license version. You may also choose to use such Software under # the terms of any subsequent version of this License published by the # Copyright Holder. No one other than the Copyright Holder has the right to # modify the terms of this License. # # If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact the author at # # # License Version: v1.0 - May 20, 2006. # # Software version: v1.0 - Public Release May 20, 2006 # Software version: v1.1 - Public Release May 30, 2006 __version__ = "v1.1 - May 30, 2006" import ConfigParser import optparse import getpass import logging import os import re import string import signal import sys import tempfile import time import urllib import urlparse #=================================== # PmWiki Configuration Class #----------------------------------- class PmwikiConfig: def __init__(self, dom='DEFAULT', url=None): if dom is None: dom = 'DEFAULT' dom = dom.upper() setattr(self,'_config',ConfigParser.ConfigParser()) setattr(self,'dom', dom) setattr(self,'file', os.path.expanduser('~/.pywerc')) c = self._config c.read(self.file) config_keys = [ 'author', 'browser', 'editor', 'enablepathinfo', 'page', 'password', 'url', ] defaults = c.defaults() for option in config_keys: val = '' if c.has_section(dom) and c.has_option(dom, option): val = c.get(dom,option) elif defaults.has_key(option): val = defaults[option] if val == 'yes': val = 1 elif val == 'no' : val = 0 setattr(self,option,val) if url is not None: self.url = url # class PmwikiClass #=================================== # PmWiki Page Class #----------------------------------- class PmwikiPage : def __init__(self, url, page, epi): setattr(self, 'enablepathinfo', epi) setattr(self, 'page', page) setattr(self, 'passwd', None) setattr(self, 'text', None) setattr(self, 'url', url) def _fmtPage(self, action): page = self.page url = self.url if self.enablepathinfo: if url[-1] != '/': url += '/' return urlparse.urljoin(url, page) + '?action=' + action else: url = re.sub('/$','',url) page = re.sub('/','.', page) return '%s?n=%s&action=%s' % (url, page, action) def readpage(self, author='', passwd=None): """Retrieves the PmWiki source from the web site""" source = self._fmtPage('source') params = urllib.urlencode({'authid' : author, 'authpw' : passwd}) try: fh = urllib.urlopen(source, params) except IOError: say_error("Could not access: " + self.url) return fh.read() def writepage(self, text, src, author='', passwd=None): """Writes the page back to the web site""" page = self.page url = self.url if src == text : say_info("Original and revision are the same. Not uploading.") else : text = self.editMark(text) url = self._fmtPage('edit') opts = {'action' : 'edit', 'authid' : author, 'author' : author, 'authpw' : passwd, 'n' : page, 'post' : 1, 'text' : text } if passwd is None: del(opts['authid']) del(opts['authpw']) params = urllib.urlencode(opts) try: fh = urllib.urlopen(url, params) except IOError, e: fn = '%s-%s' %(page, time.time()) f = open(fn,'w+') f.write(text) f.close() msg = "Failed Write to web site, check for '%s' (%s)" % (fn, e) say_error(msg) def editpage(self, editor, text=None): """Sends page to your favorite editor""" if text is None: text = self.readpage() if len(text) == 0: text = "%s is a new page." % self.page f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'r+w', -1, '.pmwiki', 'pywe-', tempfile.tempdir ) say_info("Using Tempfile: " + f.name) try: f.write(text) f.flush() f.seek(0) except IOError: say_error("Could not write to the temporary file") sys.exit(0) cmd = editor + ' ' + f.name os.system(cmd) output = f.read() f.close() return output def editMark(self, t) : m = "\n(:comment This page has been edited using Pywe:)" m_RE = re.compile("\n+\(:comment This page has been edited using Pywe:\)") t = m_RE.sub('', t) t += m return t # class PmWikiPage def findApp(f,m="Could not find application: "): """If we don't have the application at first, we go looking.""" if os.path.isfile(f): return f dirs = sys.path dirs.insert(0,os.environ['HOME']) for d in dirs: c = os.path.join(d, f) if os.path.isfile(c): return c say_error(m+f) def say_info(msg): print msg logging.info(msg) def say_error(msg): """Prints errors to stderr, logs the error and quits.""" sys.stderr.write(msg) logging.error(msg) sys.exit(0) def shorthelp(option, opt_str, value, p): """Prints terse help message in technicolor""" esc_seq = "\x1b[" codes = {} codes["reset"] = esc_seq + "39;49;00m" codes["bold"] = esc_seq + "01m" codes["green"] = esc_seq + "32;01m" codes["turq"] = esc_seq + "36;01m" def green(txt): return "%s%s%s" % (codes["green"],txt,codes["reset"]) def bold(txt): return "%s%s%s" % (codes["bold"],txt,codes["reset"]) def turq(txt): return "%s%s%s" % (codes["turq"],txt,codes["reset"]) opt = {} def getem(d,k): ret = '' try: if d.has_key(k) and d[k] is not None: if isinstance(d[k], list) and len(d[k]): ret = d[k][0] elif not len(d[k]): ret = '' else: ret = d[k] except: print d return ret def help_msg(d,k,m=1): s = getem(d[k],'short') l = getem(d[k],'long') dst = getem(d[k],'dest') h = getem(d[k],'help') d = dst.upper() if len(dst) and len(l): dl = "="+dst.upper() else: dl = '' if len(s): if len(d): d = ' '+d out = "%s%s, %s%s" % (s,d,l,dl) pad = 36 clor = " %s%s, %s%s" % (green(s),turq(d), green(l),turq(dl)) else: out = " %s%s" % (l,dl) pad = 38 clor = " %s%s" % (green(l),turq(dl)) return clor + (' '* (pad - len(out))) + h for o in p.option_list: e = "%s" % o # Options convert to strings when asked. e = e.split('/')[0] e = e[e.rindex('-')+1:] opt[e] = { 'help': o.help, 'short': o._short_opts, 'long': o._long_opts, 'dest': o.dest, } if not len(opt[e]['short']) : opt[e]['short'] = None prog = turq('pywe') opts = "[ %s ]" % green('options') acts = "[ %s ]" % green('action') print bold("\nUsage:") print ' '+' '.join([prog, opts, acts, turq('dom:Group.Pagename' )]) print ' '+' '.join( [prog, opts, acts, turq('http://www.example.org/pmwiki.php/Main/Sandbox')] ) print ' '+' '.join([prog, turq('--help')]) print bold("Options:") #----------------------------------- # The DRY principle in motion. All the work above allows adding an option # to Optparse that will dynamically print a short message about itself when # asked. keys = opt.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: print help_msg(opt,k) print sys.exit(0) def checkApp(o, a, m): if not o: return 0 msg = { 'noeditor': "You must configure an editor to edit a page.", 'nobrowser': "You must configure a browser to us this option." } check = a.split(' ',1)[0] a = findApp(check) if not os.path.isfile(check): say_error(msg[m]) return True #=================================== # Main: #----------------------------------- def main(argv=None): dom = 'DEFAULT' page = None url = None def siftUrl(s): """Tries to produce a valid web page when user munges things""" page = group = '' bits = urlparse.urlsplit(s) url = '://'.join([bits[0],bits[1]]) + '/' # http://www.example.org/ query = bits[2].split('/') if '' in query: query.remove('') if len(query) > 1: page = query.pop() if len(query) > 0 and query[-1][0] == query[-1].capitalize()[0]: group = query.pop() if len(query): url += '/'.join(query) + '/' if page == '': page = 'Main' if group == '': group = 'Main' page = '.'.join([group,page]) return url, page # TODO: Commented options are not available at time of publication. # Planned. v.1.2.0 #----------------------------------- # Optparse allows me to easily set up the base options. Additionally, it # lets me add an option here and it will appear in the shorthelp display. p = optparse.OptionParser( conflict_handler="resolve",version="%prog "+__version__) p.add_option( '-a','--author',dest='author', help="sets author's name from the command line") p.add_option( '-b',action='store_true',dest='browse', help='after edit, load the page in the configured browser.') p.add_option( '-e','--editor',dest='editor', help='sets editor (full path) from the command line.') #p.add_option( #'-i','--infile',dest='infile', #help='edit local source and save.') p.add_option( '-h','--help',action='callback', callback=shorthelp, help='show this help message and exit.') p.add_option( '-j','--journal',action='store_true', help="append today's date to page") #p.add_option( #'-l','--localcopy',action='store_true',dest='localcopy', #help='retain local copy of page source after edit.') p.add_option( '-n','--nopass',action='store_true',dest='nopass', help='site does not require a password.') #p.add_option( #'-o','--outfile',dest='outfile', #help='pull source and save locally sans editing.') p.add_option( '-v','--verbose',type='int',dest='verbose') option, args = p.parse_args() # - Done Optparse: options are in "option" object. argv_e = { 'mas' : "Too many arguments.", } if len(args): (dom, page) = args[0].split(':') if dom == 'http': url, page = siftUrl(args[0]) c = PmwikiConfig(dom, url) if not page: page = c.page pm = PmwikiPage(c.url, page, c.enablepathinfo) #----------------------------------- # Editor checksum if (option.editor): c.editor = option.editor checkApp(True, c.editor, 'noeditor') #----------------------------------- # Get the password. if option.nopass or not c.password: password = None else: password = getpass.getpass() #----------------------------------- # Looking for an infile source. TODO: Planned v.1.2.0 """ if option.infile: if os.path.isfile(option.infile): f.open(option.infile,'r') src = f.read() f.close() else: say_error("No local source file to read from.") else: if option.journal: page += time.strftime('-%Y-%m-%d') msg = "Editing: %s (%s)" % (page,c.url) say_info(msg) src = pm.readpage(c.author, password) """ if option.journal: page += time.strftime('-%Y-%m-%d') say_info("Editing: "+page+" ("+c.url+")") src = pm.readpage(c.author, password) #----------------------------------- # Magic. Edit the page, write the page. new = pm.editpage(c.editor, src) # LOCAL out = pm.writepage(new, src, c.author, password) if checkApp(option.browse, c.browser, 'nobrowser'): cmd = "%s %s" % (c.browser, c.url) os.system(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': '''When we're running from the command line. Perhaps in the future a GUI will come?''' try: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', filename = "/tmp/pywe.log", filemode='a+') except TypeError: logging.basicConfig() try: main(sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: say_error('User terminated program via keyboard')