Linked, which * contains the "linked" value. * * This also allows multiple values, separated by commas. * * This requires PmWiki 2.2.56 or later. * * To activate this script, copy it into the cookbook/ directory, then add * the following line to your local/config.php: * * include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/tagger.php"); * * File modified by Petko Yotov to work with PHP 5.5 * File modified by Hans Bracker to work with PHP 7.2 */ $RecipeInfo['Tagger']['Version'] = '2017-06-21'; SDVA($TaggerGroups, array()); SDV($TaggerTagSeparators, array(',','/','&')); /*====================================================================== * Tagger */ // set up multiple category groups function TaggerSetup () { global $TaggerGroups; global $FmtPV; if ($TaggerGroups) { foreach ($TaggerGroups as $tagname => $catgroup) { $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'Linked'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '$tagname', '$catgroup', 'LinkedTitle')"; $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'LinkedName'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '$tagname', '$catgroup', 'LinkedName')"; $FmtPV['$' . $tagname . 'Name'] = "TaggerLinksVar(\$pn, '$tagname', '$catgroup', 'Name')"; } // markup to insert the links $tags = array_keys($TaggerGroups); $tagpat = implode('|', $tags); Markup("tagger", '