]"'); $GUIButtons ['empty6'] = array(699, "", "", '', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/empty.png'); $GUIButtons ['attach'] = array(710, 'Attach:', '', '$[file.ext]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/attach.png"$[:: Attach File]"'); $GUIButtons ['empty7'] = array(249, "", "", '', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/empty.png'); $GUIButtons ['centering'] = array(250, "{ ~~ }", "{/~~ }", '$[Center Text]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/text_align_center.png"$[Center Text]"'); # specific translation expression # French XLSDV('fr', array('Strong Text'=>'Texte en gras')); XLSDV('fr', array('Underlined Text'=>'Texte souligné')); XLSDV('fr', array('Italic Text'=>'Texte italique')); XLSDV('fr', array('Striked Text'=>'Texte barré')); XLSDV('fr', array('Heading level 1'=>'Entête niveau 1')); XLSDV('fr', array('Heading level 2'=>'Entête niveau 2')); XLSDV('fr', array('Heading level 3'=>'Entête niveau 3')); XLSDV('fr', array('Heading level 4'=>'Entête niveau 4')); XLSDV('fr', array('WikiPage | link description text'=>'PageWiki | description du lien')); XLSDV('fr', array('link description text http://'=>'description du lien http://')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Link to external page'=>':: Lien vers une page extérieure')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Link to a page in this wiki'=>':: Lien vers une page dans ce wiki')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Unordered (bullet) list'=>':: Liste non ordonnée (puces)')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Ordered (numbered) list'=>':: Liste ordonnée (numérotée)')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Separator line'=>':: Ligne séparatrice')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Comment (wont be interpreted)'=>':: Commentaire (ne sera pas interprété)')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Preformated Code'=>':: Code préformatté')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Insert '=>':: Insérer date et heure')); XLSDV('fr', array(':: Attach File'=>':: Attacher un fichier')); // TODO verbatim zone // Buttons to be hidden $GUIButtons['big'] = array(); $GUIButtons['small'] = array(); $GUIButtons['pagelink'] = array(); /*$GUIButtons['extlink'] = array();*/ /*$GUIButtons['attach'] = array();*/ $GUIButtons['sup'] = array(); $GUIButtons['sub'] = array(); $GUIButtons['center'] = array(); // // Basic formatting // RAW (markup, won't be interpreted. It should be double ' but it will interfere with the reste of the pmwiki syntax, so we use double " instead) Markup ('txt2tags_markup_raw' , '<_begin', '/""(.*?)""/', '[= $1 =]'); // Comments // Markup('a2z', '_end', '/a/', 'z'); // Markup ('txt2tags_comment_prepare' , '_begin', '/%(.*?)$/si', '% $1'); // DON'T USE THIS OTHERWISE IT WILL BREAK PageActions Markup ('txt2tags_comment' , '>_end', '/>% (.*?)$/si', '>'); // works, but you can't have two following lines with comments, just add a blanck line in between. A character space must follow the % to work. // beautifiers Markup ('txt2tags_bold' , 'directives', '/\*\*([^\s](.*?[^\s])?)\*\*/' , "'''$1'''"); Markup ('txt2tags_undeline' , 'directives', '/__([^\s](.*?[^\s])?)__/' , "{+$1+}"); Markup ('txt2tags_strike' , 'directives', '/--([^\s](.*?[^\s])?)--/' , "{-$1-}"); Markup ('txt2tags_http' , '
'); Markup ('txt2tags_hr5' , '_begin', '/^====================+/', '<:block,1>
'); // Headings /* Markup ('txt2tags_h4','$1"); Markup ('txt2tags_h3','$1"); Markup ('txt2tags_h2','$1"); Markup ('txt2tags_h1' , 'directives', '/= (.*?) =/', "


"); */ Markup ('txt2tags_h4',' if adding a leading ^ for ex. /^( *)===[^=] it will break pagetoc.php... // Lists (^ = occurs at the beginning of a line only) // correct lists beginning by a bold markup, like "- **bold**" Markup ('txt2tags_correctbulletlist' , 'directives', '/^ - \*\*(.*?)\*\*/', "** **$1**"); //Markup ('txt2tags_correctbulletlist2' , '$1"); // works DisableMarkup("^ "); //disable
 with space
	Markup('txt2tags_verbatim', '[=',  "/^```\n(.*?\n)```[^\\S\n]*\n/sme",  "Keep(PSS('
'))"); // works Markup ('txt2tags_verbatimline' , 'directives', '/``` (.*?)/', "<:pre,1>$1"); // works Markup ('txt2tags_mono' , 'directives', '/``(.*?)``/', "@@$1@@"); Markup('txt2tags_raw_area', '[=', '/^"""\n(.*?\n)"""[^\\S\n]*\n/sme', "Keep(PSS('
'))"); // works // TABLES : use the pmwiki tables but with double || instead (not working yet) //Markup ('txt2tags_tablehead' , '<^||||', '/\|\|/', "||!"); // doesnt work //Markup ('txt2tags_table' , '>txt2tags_tablehead', '/\|(.*?)\|/', "|| $1 ||"); // doesnt work Markup ('txt2tags_table0' , 'directives', '/\|\|/', "BARTAB"); // //Markup ('txt2tags_table_2' , '>txt2tags_table0', '/\| (.*?) \| (.*?) \|/', "|| $1 || $2 ||"); // doesnt works well //Markup ('txt2tags_table_end' , 'txt2tags_table0', '/\| (.*?) \|/', "|| $1 ||"); // almost works Markup ('txt2tags_table1' , '>txt2tags_table_1', '/BARTAB/', "||"); // // // // / LINKS // (see below) Markup ('txt2tags_locallink3' , 'directives', '/\[(.*?) local:\/\/(.*?)\]/s', '[[http://$2|$1]]'); //Markup('txt2tags_locallink', '>fulltext', '/\[(.*?) \| (.*?)\]/s', '$1'); // contrary to the normal txt2tags, we have to precise if the file is local with local:// // In the case $EnablePathInfo = 1; in local/config.php use ../../ after local: // [description local://../../subfolder/file.ext] Markup('txt2tags_locallink2', '>fulltext', '/\[(.*?) local:\/\/(.*?)\]/', '$1'); //TODO //Markup('txt2tags_attachlink0', '$1'); Markup('txt2tags_attachlink', '$1'); Markup ('txt2tags_urllink2' , '_end', '/\[(.*?) (.*?)<\/a>\]/s', '$1'); // works but not that good # Markup ('bbcode_link_text', '_end', '/\[(.*\s?)( +)(.*?)\]/s', '$1'); // works almost #those 2 lines are for protecting text between brackets [like_this] //Markup ('txt2tags_protectlink' , 'txt2tags_innerlink', '/µµµ(.*?)µµµ/s', '[$1]'); // // images Markup ('txt2tags_imgjpg' , '>_end', '/\[\'\'\]/si', '\'\''); Markup ('txt2tags_imgpng' , '>_end', '/\[\'\'\]/si', '\'\''); Markup ('txt2tags_imggif' , '>_end', '/\[\'\'\]/si', '\'\''); // Macros Markup ('txt2tags_toc' , '_begin', '/%%toc/', '(:*toc:)'); /* Title level : works Numbered Title level : replaced by Title level Table of content based on titles : works (you must use http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PageTableOfContents to get it work) A paragraph is made by one or more lines. A blank line separates them. : seems to work. Default in pm wiki? a percent sign for comments : works, with a trailing space after the % For beautifiers we have bold and italic. : works There is also underline, strike and monospaced. : works a list of items : works More indent opens a sublist : works Two blank lines close all the lists. : one line break is enough to close the list. Change the hyphen by a plus And you have a numbered list : works Definition list : not working A quoted paragraph is prefixed by a TAB. : not working. Do we need this? Is it relevant for a web form? raw area : similar to verbatim area raw line : works verbatim area : works Verbatim line prefixed with 3 backquotes. : works Tables : not working single external url links : works (pmwiki behavior) named url links : works txt2tags style inner links (without http) : doesn't works, use [[ ]] instead otherwise it will mess with links made with the pmwiki syntax */