New Account Processing

Thank you, $rname for creating an account on the $EmailTitle website. A verification email has been sent to "$email." When you receive that email, please reply it back as is. The account will be ready soon.

Webmaster, $EmailTitle

THANKS; $uname = $arg['uname']; $crypt_msg = <<

Encryption Results

Please email the information below the line to the site administrator exactly as printed:

$uname = $crypt

CRYPT; return (false) ? $crypt_msg : $thanks; } function UserauthNewUserForm($arg) { global $ScriptUrl,$HTMLStartFmt,$HTMLEndFmt,$NewUserMessage; $uname = $arg['uname']; $email = $arg['email']; $errs = $arg['errors']; return<<

Email Address:
FORM; } function UserauthNewUserEmail($arg) { global $SiteAdmin; global $EmailTitle; $rname = $arg['rname']; $uname = $arg['uname']; $msg =<<