Release History
This is a complete list of changes throughout the history of BlogIt.
Contributors: Petko. Requested and tested by Fabien Vignes-Tourneret.
Release Summary
Many updates for PHP 8.2, diffs and downloads are available at, pull requested to origin. Requires PmWiki 2.3.36 or more recent.
I do not use this recipe, if you uncover any problems I haven't noticed, please post on the BlogIt-Talk page or via email. Someone who reguarly uses the recipe will be most welcome to take over the maintenance. --Petko
1.9.5 (1-Apr-2016)
Contributors: DaveG
Release Summary
Ensure tags are spaced correctly on single-entry -- ensure you update to the latest version of your skin. Some changes to internationalization. Locks down diff and source by default. Minor fixes and clean up.
Release Details
- bug: Spaced tags contain visible hyphen on single-entry. Compare to correctly spaced on sidebar. Purely visual, link functions.
- bug: Entering an invalid date causes "Warning: No message defined for ptv_entrydate".
- chg: #single-entry-view, #print-view, #blog-list-view, to pass in tag $page parameter.
- chg: Updated XL:
- Replaced 'Must be a datetime.' with 'Must be a datetime (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm).'
- Added 'Please enter a valid email address.', 'Please enter a valid URL.'
- chg: Disable action=source, and diff.
- chg: Ensure admin can edit page with captcha and dev_mode.
- chg: Restrict reads through RetrieveCurrentPage to omit history.
1.9.4 (28-Mar-2016)
Contributors: DaveG
Release Summary
Fixed problem saving ajax mode.
Release Details
- chg: Move dev settings into $bi_Internal. Includes $blogit['debug'] and $bi_Dev.
- bug: Don't show captcha for auth users when ajax edit.
- chg: Move adding of bi_mode='ajax' back into ajaxSubmit from validate. Saves duplication across blog and comment.
1.9.3 (28-Mar-2016)
Contributors: DaveG
Release Summary
Fixed a bug when using $bi_CommentsAutoClose. Works with ReCaptcha.
Release Details
- new: Shows widget if ReCaptcha is enabled.
- new: Ensure comment post is non-ajax -- might slow down spammers.
- new: Added $bi_Dev, provides a way to use non-minified js, and show captcha.
- BUG: entrytype to be set to null when $bi_CommentsAutoClose; ajax returns 'captcha input'.
- bug: When captcha fails page is not reloaded. Title, with no body.
- bug: bi_frm_action is set to bi_ca for comment post.
- bug: Nexted conditionals in markup need to use () not [] in #comment-view-all, #comments-pagelist.
- chg: Added bi action bi_cp for comment post.
- chg: Scroll page to wikimessage.
1.9.2 (26-Mar-2016)
- bug: $bi_CommentsAutoClose did not work. Used PageTextVar not PageVar.
1.9.1 (26-Mar-2016)
Cleaned up code using pretty print. No other changes. (,
1.9.0 (26-Mar-2016)
Contributors: DaveG, SteP, circusmachina
Issue Reports: SteP, Blonder, circusmachina, Farvardin, John Rankin, Peter Bowers
Release Summary
Big bug fix release, and a few new features for bulk administration of comments.
- Add mechanism to bulk administer comments (delete, block, un/approve).
- Turn off comments after defined period from initial post (ie, '2 weeks ago', '-1 months'). Ref $bi_CommentsAutoClose.
- Using print link now works.
- Groups can now contain spaces/hyphens.
- Updated all dependent libraries.
- Use
instead of$PubDirUrl
. - Updated all XL.
- Added ' row?', ' rows?', 'Cannot edit ', 'All', 'None', 'Approve', 'Unapprove', 'Block', 'Delete', 'Error on edit return.'
- Changed: 'Are you sure you want to delete?' to 'Are you sure you want to delete '
- Removed: 'Commenter IP: '
- Skin-Classes: Added 'comment-list-block', 'comment-submit', 'comment-summary-title', 'comment-block-title', 'comment-tag'
- BlogIt-CoreTemplate changes:
- #single-entry-view, #multi-entry-view, #admin-links: Removed .blogit-edit-link on edit link (post-1.7.0)
- #print-view: added
- #blog-list-view: Split admin links to bullet list, and applied class .blogit-admin-links to list
- #comment-view-all, #comment-view-admin: added .blogit-admin to header and LI element; pass base parameter to #admin-links
- #admin-links: Only show menu if auth; nsure lines don't split; added class .blogit-admin-links to LI element; pass base='{$$base}' for comment edit/reply
- #comments-pagelist: Added parameter (bi_param base {$$base})
- #unapproved-comments: Added div.blogit-comment-summary; added parameter (bi_param base {$$base})
- #comment-form, #comment-form-control: Added classes .blogit-required (currently unused)
- #comment-form-control: Added hidden
$:blogit_basepage value
- #comment-post-control: Added error msg if blogid is null; added
- Added 'comment-list-block'
Release Details
- new: Turn off comments after defined period from initial post (ie, '2 weeks ago', '-1 months').
DaveG: Added $bi_CommentsAutoClose. - new: Add mechanism to bulk delete comments.
- new: Add mechanism to bulk block comments.
- new: Add mechanism to bulk un/approve comments.
new: Add an option to "don't show this dialog box anymore" on delete dialog (how to allow user to turn dialog back on?). (Requested by SteP)
DaveG: Ability to bulk delete probably removes this need.- new: Add bulk admin checkboxes to single edit mode comments.
new: Add mechanism to delete all comments from IP. Probably new link on admin-links.
DaveG: Main need here is to delete comments from spammers. Perhaps better approach is to implement more effective captcha.- new: Improve error messages when code fails during ajax, rather than 'JSON Request Failed'. Add msg statements to else conditions in blogit.php.
- chg: Upgrade to jQuery 1.12.x
- chg: Replace ShowMessage with jBox (criteria: regular updates, functionality, docs, github, multiple contributors, size)
- chg: Replace validity.js (no update in 4 years), with jQueryValidation (doesn't validate dates only syntax; can do field groups, docs are good, ~20k)
- chg: Remove jQueryUI which is now 100k with separates:
- chg: Change from jQueryUI autocomplete to Awesomplete
- chg: Change from jQueryUI dialog to jBox (Good docs, can do notifications, no update in a year, but support seems active)
- chg: Minify blogit.js, and css. (, no: unsafe, hoist_vars, pure_getters, keep_fargs)
- chg: Store base pagename as ptv in comment page. Ensure we can always relocate originating page.
- chg: Use
instead of$PubDirUrl
. (Reported by a.l.e., Peter Bowers)
DaveG: Looks like$FarmPubDirUrl
is not set by PmWiki. As a work around BlogIt defaults to PubDirUrl. - chg: bi_SaveTags() should trim($user_tags) - last explode() arg - to catch extra opening spaces. (Reported by SteP)
chg: Update cleantext routine based on Petko function:$FmtPV['$Summary'] = 'Keep(str_replace(array(\'"\',"\'"),array(\'"\',\''\'),PageVar($pn, "\$:Summary")))';
DaveG: Replaces quotes, which is already handled.chg: Move script tags to top of header.
DaveG: Best practice for performance still seems to be at bottom.- chg: Updated all XL. "BlogID is required.", "Basepage is required.", etc.
- chg: Updated flash() -- now works since prior required jquery-ui.
- bug: When using the "print" link, the blog content is not shown. This can be viewed there: (Reported by Farvardin)
- This seems to be an issue with the way that PmWiki currently handles BlogIt markup. I was able to work around it for my own wiki; there is more information here (circusmachina).
- bug: Dash in blog group name causes problems when un-approving and deleting comments. (Reported by SteP)
- BUG: $FullName is incorrect on pagelists for groups with spaces. Page "Test-Group/First-in-test-group" has
"Test/Group-First-in-test-group". - BUG: Due to way comment pages are named, it's not possible to derive base page from comment pn when group has a space, since space is replaced with a hyphen. Page "Test-Group/First-in-test-group" has
"Test/Group-First-in-test-group". Major change which may require changing format of comment pagenames to something like "base-pagename,comment9999999T999999".
DaveG: Store base pagename as ptv in comment page. - bug: Reply to comment on a page in a group with a hyphen/space causes PmForm to fail.
DaveG: Problem is pages with space in groupname, become hyphenated.$pagename
then truncates the hyphen. So page "Test-Group/First-in-test-group" has$pagename
DaveG: Implemented workaround to show actual pagename when viewing single page edit, and comment pagename when in Blog-Admin page. Doesn't solve actual issue with comment pagenames. - bug: Tags are displayed incorrectly on the single blog-entry page, with no hyphen (mytag), and incorrect url (no hyphen), causing a page-doesn't-exits url. (default skin)
Tags with spaces are displayed correctly in the sidebar, and suggest list, to include the hyphen (my-tag) (url is correct with hyphen). (Reported by SteP) - bug: Comment count on blog display is incorrect as comments are un/approved.
- bug: jQuery css files cause validation errors. (Reported by Blonder)
- bug: From the admin comment-approval page, with comments for multiple pages awaiting approval: doing an ajax reply to a comment causes the comment to appear at the end of every pages list of unapproved comments, not just the page to which the source comment belongs.
- bug: Suggest list on tags does not display in Ajax mode, on Chrome.
- bug: Function BlogItSkinMU contains references to 'post-text' which should be 'post_text'. (Reported by SteP)
Affects newentry, edit, delete. For default skin, no cases with newentry or delete; edit did not close style tag with
-- no impact as styles auto-close. - bug: BlogIt.fn contains a reference to["charset"] before it has been set. Note, that there is no need to set the charset at all since javascript forces the use of UTF8 for ajax POSTS. So just remove the use of charset. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: jquery.validity does not decode HTML entities. (Reported by SteP)
DaveG: Validity no longer being used, needs to be revalidated. - bug: Upgrade from 2.2.17 to 2.2.21 causes logout link in sidebar to be displayed as
"%item rel=nofollow class=logout accesskey=%"
. Due to use of italics markup along with % styling.
DaveG: No longer an issue. - bug: When you delete an entry in the blog grid, the table row does not fade out. (Reported by SteP)
function getWrapper(e){ return $(e).closest('[id^="bi_ID"]'); } //SteP
//SteP- function getWrapper(e){ return $(e).closest('"[id^=bi_ID]"'); }
* bug: In blog-list delete link has surrounding PRE tag, messes up table visual. - bug: Change how
is declared to prevent conflicts with External Links cookbook. (Reported by Blonder, SteP) - bug: Change from (\w[_\w-]*) to (\w[-_\w]*) -- need to determine impact. (Reported by John Rankin)
- bug: Comment reply after comment edit causes reply form to be populated as if editing, rather than presenting a blank form. Only occurs if comment-edit with Submit, not if Cancel.
- bug: Only load blogit-pmwiki.css if using the default PmWiki skin.
1.8.0 (24-Feb-2016)
Contributors: DaveG, Jr, Tiger!P
Release Summary
Added PHP5.x compatibility. Ensure you download and install the latest PmForm, as it's no longer included as part of the BlogIt package.
Release Details
- chg: Removed use of /e modifier, replaced with markup_e().
- chg: Remove modified pmform.php, since PITS 01179 is closed.
1.7.0 (04-Jul-2011)
Release Summary
A vulnerability in BlogIt was identified which could allow a an attacker access to the account hosting PmWiki. If you are using any version prior to 1.7.0 you should upgrade immediately.
Release Details
- bug: Ensure blogid is sanitized.
- bug: Ensure pagination variables are sanitized.
- bug: Ensure form bi_HandleBrowse()
values are sanitized. - bug: Ensure bi_Mode can only be 'ajax' or empty, to prevent malicious attacks.
- bug: Ensure json_encode identifies numeric values, in addition to floats.
- bug: Ensure date is evaluated correctly in RSS feeds.
- chg: Removed declaration of 'action' as PV, as PmWiki already does this.
- chg: Added bi_Clean() to sanitize values.
1.6.0 (12-Aug-2010)
Contributors: DaveG, SteP, Ricardo, OtherMichael
Release Summary
This release adds some new features for administrators and fixes a few bugs noted by users:
- $bi_DateZone has been removed, and replaced with $bi_DateStyle. If you changed the date entry format, then make sure you also set $bi_DateStyle.
- moves javascript files to the end of the page, loaded at
rather than the<!--HTMLHeader-->
. Make sure this markup exists in the skin .tmpl file. - $bi_Hooks allows code to run before and after BlogIt processing, allowing things like page names and titles to be formatted differently to the BlogIt default, and allowing default field values to be altered.
- incorporates RSS feed config to make setup easier.
- generates a new captcha code after ajax comment submit to prevent spam after first successful captcha entry.
- ...and finally fixes pretty rare, but very annoying cases where dates would randomly change. Thank PHP strtotime for that.
Release Details
- new: Mechanism to run a user function to alter the entry title before being saved. (Refer to $bi_Hooks). (Request by yD, SteP, cee-pop)
- new: Allow configuration of Status default value (currently hard-coded to 'draft'). (Refer to $bi_Hooks).
- new: Incorporate RSS feed config to make setup easier. (Requested by Marcus)
- new: Generate new captcha code after ajax comment submit to prevent spam after first successful captcha entry. (Suggested by Step)
- new: Show unapproved comments added via Ajax in a different style to distinguish from approved comments. (Suggested by SteP)
- bug: Error if AuthUser is not used (when bi_Auth() called before $AuthFunction is declared). (Reported by OtherMichael)
- bug: $bi_BlogGroups is used in the contexts of both regex, and PmWiki globs, and so may not work consistently (ie, if 'Home-.*' is desired). (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Site.BlogIt-CoreTemplate#multi-entry-view has an extraneous . (Reported by SteP)
- bug: cleantext does not always break comments on a word boundary. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: $bi_Pagename is not available within "includesection" markup on all systems. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: XL translation is not applied to "Successfully added new comment.". (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Ensure flashed content returns to the original background color if it was 'transparent'.
- bug: Client-side validation is not performed for normal, non-ajax edit/new. Ensure check is made for either title or pagename (don't count "Blog." as valid pagename).
- bug: Dates of format y-m-d are incorrectly reported as invalid on some OS/PHP configurations.
- bug: Entry date changes at each edit, on some OS/PHP configurations. (Reported by Timo, and OtherMichael)
- chg: Ensure javascript files are not block-loading each other. (Move javascript files to page footer for extra speed boost.)
- chg: Upgrade to jQueryUI 1.8.4, showMessage 2.1, jQuery Validity.
- chg: Removed autocomplete.js, now within jQueryUI.
- chg: Trim quotes from bi_IsNull, in case skin authors add them.
- chg: Add numeric specifiers around (:if markup in coretemplate, to prevent confusion with skin author changes, or additions.
- chg: Default number of entries per page altered from 15 to 10.
1.5.1 (10-Jul-2010)
Release Summary
This release is primarily a bug fix release, with a few minor functionality enhancements and tweaks.
- If you use non-US format dates, then you should upgrade to this release, as there was a bug which prevents correct display of dates for non-US formats (ie, dd/mm/yyyy).
- Added tabindex attribute to input forms, so now tabbing through form fields is a little more intelligent, avoiding all the GUI icons. (For PmWiki 2.2.17+)
- Allow override of UTF-8 character decode function (when iconv is not available, or fails). Set $bi_CharsetFn.
- Add unapproved comments to DOM, so poster knows comment is submitted, and awaiting approval. Also include Ajax message to indicate approval pending.
- Alter behavior of $bi_CommentsEnabled from true/false to open/readonly/none.
Release Details
- new: Mechanism of identifying whether BlogIt is active on a page. Can be used to alter tag category group, etc. Not possible, since page is only processed by action handlers.
- new: Add tabindex attribute to input forms. (For PmWiki 2.2.17+)
- new: Allow override of UTF-8 character decode function (when iconv is not available, or fails).
- bug: US/EU date formats are not processed correctly, with EU formats not being recognized when $bi_DateZone is set. (Ref bi_strtotime() code, and SDV code for $bi_DateZone) (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Comment form is displayed when a validation error occurs entering a new blog entry (ie, when entering an invalid date).
- bug: bi_decodeUTF8 converts characters if NOT (not ajax mode and charset is not UTF8); should only convert when ajax and charset is not UTF8.
- bug: If comment contains non-latin UTF8 characters, they are removed when displayed in sidebar. Possibly due to use of preg_match with multi-byte characters. (Reported by Dalek)
- bug: Approved comments attached to a non-approved blog entry are displayed in the sidebar. (#comment-summary-list-pagelist does not seem to filter out approved comments). (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Titles with embedded-markup expressions are evaluated, when displayed from pagelists (main blog list);
"this is (substr "PmWiki" 2 3) substring"
is displayed as "this is Wik substring" on default skin. bug: Accented characters in the body of an entry are always displayed correctly, while accented characters in the entry title are only correctly displayed in the side bar and on the page itself, but not in the aggregation of #blog-summary-pagelist.Unable to reproduce. Accented characters work in blog list, sidebar, and single entry mode, across all skins.bug: If in a blog entry an author sets a language-specific title using Cookbook.MultiLanguageViews markup, i.e.,Looks like this is a MultiLanguageViews issue, and this seems to happen regardless of whether BlogIt is active.(:title-en English title:)
, the page attribute mltitle-en= remains stored in the page store, even after its corresponding markup has been deleted from the blog entry page. (Reported by SteP)- bug: Performing a second ajax comment add as a non-authenticated user causes JSON Parsing error in IE8 (not in FF).
- bug: Cannot Cancel comment entry from normal mode (always sets to Ajax mode).
- bug: bi_BlogItAuth uses $src, not $bi_Pagename.
- bug: Blog entry that includes
markup is altered on Save/Edit inserting a space between$:
. (Reported by SteP)
- chg: Use groups in pagelists for comments (always), and entries if $bi_BlogGroups is a single group. Already restricted by
, but may improve speed. - chg: Add unapproved comments to DOM, so poster knows comment is submitted, and awaiting approval. Also include Ajax message to indicate approval pending.
- chg: Move cookie code to event handlers, so not using PageTextVar in main body.
- chg: Remove hardcoding of divid commentblock in CoreTemplate.
- chg: Alter behavior of $bi_CommentsEnabled from true/false to open/readonly/none.
- chg: Automatically include blogit-pmwiki.css if using the PmWiki skin.
1.5.0 (12-Jun-2010)
Contributors: DaveG, SteP, HansB
Release Summary
- All actions can now be selectively performed via Ajax, which speeds up admin workflow, and makes quick posting much more accessible.
- Tags now have auto-suggest feature as you type.
- If upgrading add these steps to config.php, as they are no longer performed automatically:
- Ensure actions
require at least edit permissions to prevent non-authenticated viewers reading comment email addresses.
$HandleAuth['source'] = 'edit'; $HandleAuth['diff'] = 'edit';
- Install the new version of PmForm.php, included in the BlogIt download (ref
- If you are using a character encoding other than the PmWiki default ISO-8859-1, make sure you have correctly set
to the encoding you're using. - If you're using a BlogIt aware skin, then upgrade the skin, and add
into config.php if required by the skin.
- Ensure actions
Release Details
- new: Add auto-complete for tags field.
- new: Ajax quick edit blog entry.
- new: Ajax comment submit.
- new: Added ability to specify whether actions are handled by ajax, or normal processing. ($bi_Ajax)
- new: Means of using existing skin css classes as blogit object wrappers. ie, allow use of .entry as blog-entry wrapper for ajax calls.
- new: Links for ajax Quick Reply to comment for admins.
- new: Link for ajax Quick Edit comment.
- new: Link for ajax Quick Blog entry.
- new: Allow authors to use
(:includesection "#tag-pagelist count=3 tag='Test'":)
within pages to generate a list of pages containing a tag. (Added count and tag parameters.) - new: Add meta-tags to idenfity blogit, and version number.
- new: Update unapproved comment count when approving/unapproving/editing comments, and when deleting unapproved comments.
- new: Added $bi_AjaxMsgTimer, allows user setting of the time that the ajax message stays on the screen.
- new: Put cursor focus on Blog Tile when form is first loaded.
- bug: Recently Written and Categories pagelists fail, and produce empty lists. Due to a change in 2.2.14 where empty
parameters are now displayed as empty. This causes instances on BlogIt pagelists where we havemore=
and notmore={$$more}
, causing list to fail. - bug: Update
to reference literal 'publish' and 'sticky', not translated values$[publish]
. When multiple languages are used in a single unstance of BlogIt, and if user has set transaltions for$[publish] or $[sticky]
, then blog entries may not be displayed in pagelists correctly. (Reported by SteP) - bug: Unable to override $bi_StatusType with user specified values (default list values remain in the list). (Reported by Marcus)
- bug: Enabling BlogIt prevents non-BlogIt pagelists from searching other cookbook page stores, thus returning incorrect results. (Reported by Hans)
- bug: Tags displayed on blog page do not respect
markup onTag.
page. Tags in sidebar do respect the markup. Should be consistent. (Reported by Dalek) - bug: Changing the date format to use forward-slashes '/' causes date validation error. (Reported by SteP) Added $bi_DateZone to specify non-US format.
- bug: Use of double quotes inside
; no user impact. (Reported by SteP) - bug: Internal use of date formats is inconsistent, sometimes
'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M'
and sometimes'%d-%m-%Y (%H:%M)'
. Only use date expressions, not regular expressions. - bug: Setup fails when called from a local/group.php. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: HTML character entities are not applied in translated ajax dialog messages, ie, BlogIt-XLPage: 'Yes' => 'ì' (Reported by SteP)
- bug: bug: XLPage incorrectly uses 'Title or pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank.', rather than 'Pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank.' in CoreTemplate. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: After creating a new entry with no title, you correctly get an error message, "Title/page exists or blank...". When the New Entry page reloads, page title field has changed from "Blog." to "Blog.Blog". (Reported by SteP)
- bug: flash() causes OL numbering to be lost in IE8.
- chg: ".blogit-title" does not get ".inputbox" class aplied by PmWiki (PmWiki applies class=inputbox to form inputs, only when there are no existing classes on the object). (Reported by SteP)
- chg: Values for
'source' and 'diff' are overriden, if values are already set by user in config. (Reported by RyanVarick) - chg: Upgrade external libraries: jQuery UI 1.8.2, jQuery 1.4.2, showMessage 1.4.
- chg: Renamed action=blogedit to action=bi_be.
- chg: Rename url parameters to "bi_" to prevent possible conflicts (include bi_upgrade parameters).
- chg: New blog entries now use action "bi_ne" rather than Site.BlogIt-NewEntry page. Site.BlogIt-NewEntry is no longer required. (For ajax blog entry creation.)
- chg: In order to pass HTML validation, replace use of
in function bi_link. (Reported by SteP) - chg: Ensure tags in tag-list are unique.
- chg: Defined an action for entering new entries "bi_ne". Removed Site.BlogIt-NewEntry.
- chg: Comment count link uses #blogit-comment-list anchor, not #commentblock which is sometimes omitted.
chg: Ensure javascript files are not block-loading each other. (Move javascript files to page footer for extra speed boost.)''Not implemented. Decided to keep js in header to ensure consistent user experience in situations where javascript has not loaded, but UI has.- chg: Added new XL strings:
'reply'=>'' 'Yes' => '', 'No' => '', 'Successfully added blog entry.' => '', 'Successfully updated blog entry.' => '', 'Successfully updated comment.' => '', 'Successfully added new comment.' => '' 'Unable to approve comment.' => '', 'Unable to unapprove comment.' => '', 'Approve comment successful.' => '', 'Unapprove comment successful.' => '' 'Parsing JSON request failed.' => '', 'Request timeout.' => '', 'Error: ' => ''
1.4.0 (14-Mar-2010)
Release Summary
- Many Admin functions are now 'ajax' based, and are much quicker, being performed without reloading the page (ajax). (Currently comment un/approve, comment delete, comment block, entry delete, comment and blog entry form validation.)
- Added link to block commenter IP address if BlockList is being used ($EnableBlocklist).
- Field validation is now done in the browser, so error messages are seen immediately.
Release Details
- new: Perform client side error checking for comments, providing immediate feedback to user. (Requested by Luigi)
- new: Link to delete blog entries, rather than going through PmWiki edit link. (Requested by valeh?)
- new: Add option to add commenter IP to
. - new: Display IP address on user comments, possibly in same way as PmWiki History page, on hover over user name. (Requested by Luigi)
- new: Add a confirmation on comment delete.
- new: Ajax comment approve/unapprove.
- new: Ajax comment delete.
- new: When posting comments, errors and messages are not immediately visible, the page sits at the top and do not jump back to the form. (Reported by Luigi)
- new: Provide message feedback on comment approval. (Make bi_Redirect a pmwiki action? Problem is due to loosing $MessageFmt during redirect.)
- new: Add client side date validation check for blog entry.
- new: Added class "blogit-blog-form" to blog entry form, and "blogit-comment-form" to comment form.
- new: Display warning if there are unsaved changes on the blog entry page, when navigating away from page with changed content.
- new: There should be some "filter" on blogitupgrade to not change special pages like "RecentChanges" and the like. (Possibly restrict to
.) (Suggested by Luigi) - bug: Trailing URL's in comments have
appended. Solution is to use bracket[[http:...]]
markup. (Reported by Luigi) - bug: Date on blog-grid (for Published, Draft, Sticky) is displayed incorrectly '07-02-2010( 20:29)?'.
- bug: Do not display comment count if comments are off for the blog-entry or globally (occurs on default PmWiki skin, and DropShadow, Skittlish). (Reported by Luigi)
- bug: If
is set after BlogIt include then skin template is not loaded. (Reported by Luigi) - bug: Approve/unapprove doesn't add to the revision history, it changes the prior revision history.
- bug: Comments and entries with newlines are stored in multiple lines in page["text"], rather than on a single line.
- bug: Entries with no author have a non-bold entry date tagline on PmWiki skin.
- bug: On blog entry, if date is null, then error is thrown. Should default to current date/time.
- bug: If using $bi_EnablePostDirectives, then don't reset $PmFormPostPatterns, only remove (:..:...:) pattern.
- bug: Editing a 2nd comment causes redirect fail. First comment edit redirect works; 2nd comment edit redirect fails.
- bug:
markup is not obeyed in blog summary list. (Reported by Luigi)notitle
operates correctly on the single entry view, which is hownotitle
should work. Refer to the FAQ in order to remove it from the blog summary list. - chg: On comment submit if you omit the email you get *three* error messages. (Reported by Luigi)
- chg: Email is only validated client side, not on server.
- chg: Turn off captcha if user has any form of bi_Auth ($EnablePostCaptchaRequired)
- chg: Added new XL strings:
### ajax messages 'Yes' => '', 'No' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete?' => '', 'Unable to perform delete operation.' => '', 'Delete successful.' => '', 'approve comment' => '', 'unapprove comment' => '', 'Unable to ' => '', 'Unable to block IP address.' => '', 'Blocked IP address: ' => '', 'IP address is already being blocked: ' => '', 'Unable to determine IP address.' => '' 'Commenter IP: ' => '', 'Enter the IP to block:' => '', 'Submit' => '', 'Cancel' => '', 'Either enter a Blog Title or a Pagename' => '', 'You have unsaved changes.' => '', ### validity messages 'This field is required.' => '', 'This field must be formatted as a date.' => '', 'This field must be formatted as an email.' => '', 'This field must be formatted as a URL.' => ''
1.3.2 (16-Feb-2010)
Release Summary
- Corrected bug which prevents posts or comments, causing error: "An author name is required. Unable to save page".
Release Details
- bug: When posting entries or comments, using standard security (not AuthUser), and with
=1, the error "An author name is required. Unable to save page" is displayed. (Reported by swissc4)
1.3.1 (16-Feb-2010)
Release Summary
- Corrected bug when running blogitconvert with default PmWiki security.
Release Details
- bug: Error when running blogitupgrade with default security (not AuthUser). "Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /cookbook/blogit/blogit.php on line 472". (Reported by Luigi)
- bug: Prevent include sections becoming part of page targets list.
- chg: Remove use of depreciated split() function.
- chg: Support use of time formats in
(:blogit-skin date
1.3.0 (30-Jan-2010)
Release Summary
- Comment editing now uses the comment entry form rather than the default PmWiki edit form.
- Comments will only auto approve if captcha is active, or if you explicitly set
to true. - If you amended SkinTemplate, or set values for these variables in config.php you'll need to update: Changed
- If you've added XL language translations these values were added: 'Comment Approved?', 'true', 'false'
Release Details
- new: Improve comment editing with comment edit form. (Requested by SteP)
- new: If captcha is enabled, or use has comment privs, than auto-approve comments. Otherwise default to manual approval.
- new: Add date to Tag list, same as seen on BlogList.
- chg: Site.BlogList should list published AND sticky entries (Requested by SteP)
- chg: Sidebar Recently Written 'more...' link loads Site.BlogList, which is hardcoded for blog1. Site.BlogList now includes a blogid parameter for easier use in multi-blog environments.
- chg: $bi_MakePageNamePatterns should not contain hardcoded hyphens. Use $bi_TitleSeparator.
- chg: Put blogit pages in array. (Now stored in $bi_Pages: $bi_AdminPage, $bi_NewEntryPage, $bi_BlogList, $bi_AuthPage)
- chg: Cookie history should be an array. (Now $bi_History)
- chg: Created $bi_Pages, $bi_Forms, bi_History, added function bi_setFmtPVA back.
- chg: Made assignment of $PmForm['blogit-entry'] and $PmForm['blogit-comments'] SDV.
- chg: Updated cookie history mechanism (works on comment cancel, and in more situations on blog edit)
- chg: Move form control buttons (Save, Cancel, Post) out of #comment-form and #blog-form (under skin control) and into #(comment|blog)-form-control (under CoreTemplate control).
- chg: blogit_upgrade uses the first set of rules if no specific version is specified. Means we no longer need to update the $bi_ConvertRules version array key for each new release of BlogIt.
- bug: Title with periods causes "Pagename is required." error. (Work-around is to manually enter the Pagename, excluding periods.)
- bug: Changing the date entry format to
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'
causes day and month fields to be switched. (Reported by SteP) - bug: $action inadvertently overridden and set to blogitupgrade. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Some sections in CoreTemplate were not correctly closed.
- bug: Only include
if use has 'blogit-admin' permissions. - bug:
Full page is stored in internal page history at every Save, not just delta changes.Update: This is the default processing for PmWiki with PTV fields. - new:
Allow override of BlogIt title naming mechanism. (Suggested by SteP)Handled via PmWiki edit hooks.
1.2.2 (18-Jan-2010)
Contributors: DaveG, SteP, Peter Kay
Release Summary
This release is primarily a bug fix release. However an important change was made to remove the use of some PTV's, particularly the ones used to control which blog entries to list on the main blog-list page. You will need to make some changes to a few Site pages, particularly those with pagelists.
Pages To Check
Variables to ChangeBlog Status:
Blog IDs:
Possibly Blog Status:
Release Details
- BUG: Non-blogit page links in sidebar with spaces in the title are incorrectly rendered with hyphens, when tags are displayed in entries. (Reported by Peter Kay)
- BUG: Changing the text value associated with
prevents correct handling and display of blog entries. (Draft entries being displayed in single entry, and entry-list modes; auto-creating tag page for draft entries, etc.) - BUG: Post titles with single apostrophy are terminated at apostrophy on PmWiki skin when displayed in multi-blog-list. (Reported by Peter Kay)
- bug: Pull down lists are not internationalized. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Added missing internationalization strings ('Actions','Title'). (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Author and tags not being displayed on blog list. (Fix by SteP)
- bug: Syntax error in
prevents translation of "Pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank." (Reported by SteP) - CHG: Removed the use of PTV in preference for using XL translations for $bi_StatusType, $bi_CommentType, $bi_BlogList.
- chg: Altered wording of messages from "pagename" to "title". (Suggested by SteP)
- chg: Ensure sidebar comments split to correct length (after styling removed), and on word boundary. (Fix by SteP)
- chg: Add $bi_CommentGroup to PTV list. (Requested by SteP)
1.2.1 (16-Nov-2009)
Contributors: DaveG
- bug: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" errors when attempting to upgrade from a prior version of BlogIt. (Reported by Trevor)
1.2.0 (14-Nov-2009)
Contributors: DaveG, MikeBishop, Twylite?
Release Summary
- The mechanism used to load supplemental blogit css files has changed. If you previously specified values for $bi_Stylesheets in config.php, refer to the updated instructions.
- The format used to store blog-entries has changed. In order to update your blog entries:
- Make a backup of
. This process has been rigorously tested -- but caution should prevail. - Login as Admin.
- Append
to your URL (for instance the homepage). This step makes no changes -- it output all changes that will be made. The pattern '.' will process all pages. If you have a huge number of non-blog pages (more than a few hundred for instance) you might want to use a different pattern. Verify that the correct pages are being converted, and that things look right. - Append
to your URL (for instance the homepage). This step changes all blog-entry pages, updating to the new format.
- Make a backup of
Release Details
- new: Body text is now visible as a normal page when viewing entries with BlogIt is not enabled. BlogIt now uses =[[#blogit_]]= anchor delimiters to signify the start and end of the entry body. (Requires action=blogitupgrade)
- new: Allow user override of paths of auto-included cookbooks. ($bi_Paths)
- new: Add '...' to XL file to allow user to select whether '...' is displayed on comment links, etc.
- new: Added pagelist #blog-yearly-archive, listing pages grouped by year. Site.BlogList now shows this pagelist.
- chg: Use standard
to load css stylesheets. (Depreciated use of $bi_PubListFmt, and $bi_Stylesheets.) - chg: Added UTF8 <br/> replacement.
- chg: When deleting a comment, update modified by date.
- chg: blogit_upgrade.php is now auto-included when action=blogitupgrade is used.
- chg: Remove
since replaced by blogit-skin (only cleantext and list still used directly from markup). - chg: Updated #blog-list-view to use
markup. - chg: On comment save redirect to prev-2 page (user is redirected to blog entry when editing a comment from the unapproved list).
- chg: Use ResolvePageName not FmtPageName; also use PageTextVar.
- bug: Tags with spaces in entry body are not recognized.
- bug: When using
, and not also using mod_rewrite, url redirects (on admin comment approval, entry cancel, etc) fail with redirect loop, and links back to$DefaultGroup
fail. Problem also occurs when URL contains only a Group (a URL like ?n=Site), which resovles to '.'. (Reported by MikeBishop) - bug: PHP 'constant assumed' warnings, due to unquoted array elements on skin markup. (Reported by MikeBishop)
- bug: Removed fieldset markup as it needs to be included from pmform config, otherwise hidden fields are not surrounded by fieldset.
- bug: Made redirect logic more robust.
- bug: GUIEdit bar not shown when using clean urls.
- bug: Non-authenticated users are not redirected to blog-entry when attempting to directly browse comment url.
- bug: Removed fieldset markup as it needs to be included from pmform config, otherwise hidden fields are not surrounded by fieldset.
- bug: Ensure cookie is saved with root path. (MikeBishop, with EnablePathInfo=1, and no mod_rewrite)
- bug: Cookies do not expire when session ends.
1.1.0 (19-Oct-2009)
Release Overview
- If you are using the default PmWiki skin, or using a skin that does not provide specific support for BlogIt then you can load a stylesheet to improve styling of BlogIt page elements.
- The mechanism used to internationalize date formats is changed. If you set $bi_DateDisplayFormat then you need to make a config change.
- The mechanism used to internationalized the
tag has changed. If you set $bi_Break then you need to make a config change. - By default future posts are now not shown, and there is no need to manually add parameters to pagelists.
- New admin links for deleting and unapproving comments.
- New option to automatically default comments to approved status (enabled by default).
Release Details
- new: Provide a means to load additional skin css files which are now loaded from
. Refer to Skinning with CSS. (Also updated default PmWiki css styles.) - new: Added skin markup to simplify blogit templates.
- new: Provide a means to allow skins to have their own date formats, to be over-ridden (for localization). (Requested by Step) (Added date formats to XLPage (removed $bi_DateEntryFormat, $bi_DateDisplayFormat)
- new: Added $bi_DisplayFuture to show/hide future posts. There is no need to manually add parameters to pagelists.
- new: Provide easy mechanism for deleting and unapproving comments (add action for admin with "comment-edit"). (Added 'unapprove' and 'delete' to XLPage.) 'delete' => '',
- new: Set GroupPrintFooterFmt to allow tag list pages to be printed.
- new: Added "All comments are reviewed before being displayed." to XLPage-BlogIt.
- new: Option ($bi_DefaultCommentStatus) to automatically default comments to approved status. (Suggested by fabrizio)
- chg: Altered CoreTempate common-head.
- chg: Only use cookies if authenticated (cookies not needed for readers). (Suggested by SteP)
- chg: Improved admin workflow, so after approving a comment from the admin panel, you are returned to the admin panel.
- chg: Moved $bi_BodyBreak, $bi_ReadMore text to XLPage.
- chg: Changed anchor reference for comments. This means that the url to the comment within a blog entry has been changed, and old references will no longer resolve. So bookmarks to a comment will show the blog-entry, but will not be positioned at a the specific comment.
- bug: Tags from future-dated entries show up, and are accessible from the sidebar. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: On action=print,
tags are displayed at end of page. (Reported by SteP) - bug: External use of pmforms (like mailforms) does not work. (Default $PmFormTemplatesFmt set by
don't get set since blogit defines a value before cookbook is included.) - bug: "Older Posts..." link is displayed even when there are no more posts.
- bug: Ensure comment newlines are correctly replaced on Windows and Unix platforms.
- bug: Cookie prefix was defined after cookie was used. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Added fieldset markup, for XHTML validation.
- bug: includesection parsed $_REQUEST, not $_GET.
1.0.0 (1-Oct-2009)
Release Overview
This release is the first out of Beta. Huge thanks to SteP for giant testing and suggestion efforts. We went through a lot of testing on a number of platforms and configurations and have either fixed all the key Known Issues or logged them for future release. If you are upgrading from a prior version of BlogIt you'll need to change some config settings (refer to Download and Install for specifics).
- Now requires PmWiki 2.2.1 (for nested-if capability).
- Must now include captcha.php in config.php.
- Default (non-AuthUser) security behavior is changed. BlogIt now defaults to a single role for all actions, rather than two. So if you have Edit permissions you will be able to perform all BlogIt functions. This behavior can be changed.
- Config for AuthUser has now changed.
- Now append to
rather than over-riding, so you may see changes. - $bi_BlogGroups is now pipe separated, rather than comma separated.
- If you are using a skin that provides a BlogIt template, please download the latest version of the skin.
Release Details
- new: Include basic styling for default pmwiki skin.
- new: Added variable $bi_CommentSideBarLen to determine how many character of a comment appear in the sidebar Recent Comments list.
- new: User can provide a routine that will clean up comment text, removing pmwiki markup so when displayed in sidebar, doesn't mess with styling. Set $bi_UnstyleFn in config.php.
- CHG: Captcha is disabled by default, and now needs to be included from config.php.
- CHG: Updated internationalization strings to include punctuation.
- chg: Apppend to
rather than over-writing it. (Reported/resolved by SteP) - chg: Only show New Entry and Admin pages if user has privs.
- chg: Remove div layer from tag pagelist (wrap=none).
- chg: Removed Blogger-ControlPanel... again!
- chg: Allow inclusion of pmform.php outside of blogit.php by adding to $PmFormTemplatesFmt rather than overriding.
- chg: Removed Updated internationalizations strings. Skittlish translations now included as part of Skittlish skin. Additional changes:
- "more" => "more..."
- "Comments" => "Comments:"
- "Blog Title" => "Blog Title:"
- "Type" => "Type:"
- "BlogID" => "BlogID:"
- "Tags" => "Tags:"
- "Status" => "Status:"
- "Pagename (Group.Name)" => "Pagename (Group.Name):"
- "Author" => "Author:"
- "Date" => "Date:"
- "(required)" => "(required):"
- "(required, will not be published)" => "(required, will not be published):"
- "Website" => "Website:"
- "No more pages found" => "No more pages found."
- "Click" => "REMOVED"
- "here to return to first page" => "Return to first page."
- "Title is required" => "Title is required."
- "Pagename is required" => "Pagename is required."
- "Pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank" => "Pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank."
- "Invalid date" => "Invalid date."
- "Name is required" => "Name is required."
- Added: "approve" => ""
- chg: bi_Auth accepts comma separate list of actions. Changed core template to use this feature.
- chg: The 'newer' and 'older' link labels are not separated with a space and appear to run into each other. (Reported by SteP)
- chg: Removed markup function "blogit substr" (used in CoreTemplate), replaced with "blogit cleantext".
- chg: Core-Template changes -- #comments-pagelist, #unapproved-comments: utiilize bi_auth comma separated action.
- chg: Core-Template change -- class renamed: more -> blogit-listmore; readmore -> blogit-readmore; next-entries -> blogit-next-entries; prev-entries -> blogit-previous-entries. Changes made to BlogIt compatible skins.
- chg: Add class to "more" link that appears in sidebar, to allow styling. (Requested by SteP)
- bug: Cannot create new entries when authenticated with Edit privs (get "Must enter valid code" error). (Admin privs work.)
- bug: Anonymous user is prompted for password when posting a comment.
- bug: Correctly handle authenticated action/roles.
- bug: It is possible for non-authenticated users to view unapproved comments. (reported by SteP)
- bug: Support ?action=print at all for blog entries. Currently displays an empty article body. (reported by SteP)
- bug: When not logged in, and submitting a new entry, "Invalid date" error is shown after entering an invalid password.
- bug: Added XL to "break" string.
- bug: Added blogit-admin to default on $bi_Auth.
- bug: Added blogitadmin handler to ensure only authorized users can access action=blogitadmin pages.
- bug: Ensure comment pagelists only include entries of type comment.
- bug: Ensure only blog entries show up in pagelists.
- bug: Non-authenticated users can view Draft entries if they know the page name, or drill down through tag links. Ensure only blog-edit, blog-new, admin users can view draft entries. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Ensure only non-draft blog entries show up in tag list.
- bug: Ensure tags displayed in blog entries (Tags.UniqueTag8) point to pages formatted with hyphens (Tags.Unique-tag8). Otherwise tag on blog entry does not match tag displayed on pagelist (Tags.Unique-tag8).
- bug: FmtPV bi_AuthPage was declared incorrectly as $bi_Auth_Page.
- bug: Only create tag/category page if the page containing the tag is not a Draft.
- bug: Return to prior page when Canceling blogedit, or approving comments.
- bug: Blog entires include an condition on the first line.
- bug: Previous/next link in Opera display incorrectly, and include non-BlogIt cookie information. (reported by SteP)
- bug: Problems for step with CondAuth -- replaced with AuthList.
- bug: Unable to submit a new entry when logged in with Edit privs.
- bug: Tags added to draft posts are finding their way to the SideBar. (Reported by AnibalRojas)
- bug: Tags don't show up in sidebar until ?action=edit (Added $EnablePost to pmform handler to ensure correct processing.)
- bug: #tag-list-pagelist was not using count parameter. Default sidebar list to no display all (so no change from existing behavior).
Beta -- 0.2.0 (20-Aug-2009)
This new release includes a lot of bug fixes and a few new features, in particular full internationalization support, compatibility with AuthUser (hopefully :)), and a Cancel button. If you are using a skin that provides a BlogIt template (Blix?, Equilibrium?, DropShadow?, GlossyHue?, Marinee?, and Skittlish?), please download a new version of the skin.
Thanks to all testers, but particularly SteP for a lot of work on internationalization, and general bug-hunting.
- NEW: All text now adhers to internationalization mechanism. (Reported by SteP)
- NEW: Added support for AuthUser security groups.
- new: Added Cancel button.
- new: All text strings internationalized.
- new: Allow over-ride of GroupFooterFmt. This allows users to create their own Tag list pages.
- new: Allow override of entire
with $bi_MakePageNamePatterns. - new: BlogIt-SideBar accepts parameter of blogid.
- new: Handle UTF8 pagenames.
- chg: Allow override of GroupFooterFmt by setting $bi_GroupFooterFmt
- chg: bi_ifnull, bi_param, bi_cond handle {$$ variables.
- chg: Change bi_lt into a condition from a markup expression.
- chg: Disable captcha is user has blog-edit or blog-new privs.
- chg: Improved page name
pattern. - chg: Minor code clean-up
- chg: Prevent e_guibuttons from being displayed edit mode. Only include guiedit if in edit/new blog mode; otherwise null out e_guibuttons markup.
- chg: Remove unused $bi_SkinTemplate. Not use since rename from blogger!
- chg: Removed $bi_CategoryGroup, use PmWiki
. - chg: Removed bi_cond markup expression.
- chg: Removed earlymx markup (only used on bi_lt markup expression).
- chg: Removed unused variables.
- bug: Blog title with spaces do not display correctly (need verification -- only one reported instance seen, unable to repeat.)
- bug: Pages with no tags display "=entrytags" (specific to skins -- download new skin version).
- bug: Tags with spaces are not saved correctly. (specific to skins -- download new skin version).
- bug: BlogIt doesn't work when Cookbook.ISO8859MakePageNamePatterns is enabled. (Reported by SteP)
- bug: Added $bi_NowISOFormat back, to allow blogs to be listed by date range.
- bug: Added isnull, changed all skin templates.
- bug: Added nofollow to login sidebar link.
- bug: Allow pmform override with skin and core templates. Set $PmFormTemplatesFmt to force override.
- bug: Anonymous comment posting is now possible (ref SteP)
- bug: Check for NULL date.
- bug: Corrected nested syntax.
- bug: Date validation checks for unix timestamp (>5 numbers), rather than checking for separators.
- bug: Don't store break in i18n format.
- bug: Ensure "By " only displays if author entered.
- bug: Ensure $bi_EnablePostDirectives is only set when editing entry.
- bug: Ensure all user entered variables are encoded.
- bug: Ensure captcha is required when not logged in! (NoCache)
- bug: Ensure declaration of $PageNameChars is set before $bi_MakePageNamePatterns
- bug: Ensure tests for empty PTV works in all cases {*$, {=$, etc. (Author and tags were shown as $$entryauthor)
- bug: Fixed problem with hyphens in titles (incorrectly setting $bi_EnablePostDirectives).
- bug: Fixed tag processing (broke after last commit).
- bug: Tag list now works.
- bug: UPDATED: Allow pmform override with skin and core templates. Set $PmFormTemplatesFmt to force override.
- bug: bi_basepage returns Group.Name not Group/Name.
- bug: entrybody was not displayed. PageTextVarPatterns needs to be defined before PageVar(entrytype).
Beta -- 0.1.2 (30-Mar-2009)
Fixed the known bugs, including the annoying one where the blog entry was displayed with hyphens. Also corrected the bug that meant we had to use a patched forms.php -- that is no longer required, so you should restore the original forms.php.
- chg: Changed PageTextVarPatterns for (::...:...::) -- no need to search for spaces before/after delimiters.
- chg: Store new-blog page name with '.' not '/'.
- chg: Fixed version identifier.
- chg: Removed duplicate #comment-form in Core-Template
- chg: Closed
(:if false:)
conditions in Core-Template. - bug: Display entry titles with no hyphens: store in pmmarkup PTV; simplified title/url logic.
- bug: Ensure user entered values are redisplayed on form error. (PmForm '(:input default' 'source' and 'request' are on a single line, not separate.)
- bug: Show edit-toolbar if
is set -- don't require explicit include from config.php. - bug: Approve comment returned to root; ensure returns to starting page.
- bug: Default URL on blog-entry to actual page url for edits, and 'Blog.' for new entries.
- bug: Default blogid on blog_upgrade.php.
- bug: Don't store http:// when commenter leaves no website.
Beta -- 0.1.1 (1-Mar-2009)
If you have pages using an older Alpha, then use the page upgrade utility. Also, all variables names were changed with the cookbook rename, so if you set any $Blogger_
variables either in config.php
or in pagelists, make sure you rename to $bi_
Renamed from Blogger: I decided to avoid any potential naming issues with Google's Blogger service, and so went for BlogIt as the new name.
The PTVs used to store the blog entries needed to change for this release, but that's likely to be the last of the changes. All known bugs have been quashed. Let me know? if you see any thing odd.
- new: Added bi_version ptv to entries.
- new: Added control-panel link to statistics if TotalCounter installed.
- new: Added list-post style around sidebar blog list.
- new: Added full validation of date/time component.
- new: Change comment author to link to comment-website, controlled by $bi_LinkToCommentSite.
- CHG: Removed pageviews code. Cookbooks don't work in pagelists.
- CHG: Store entry author as PTV, not part of page variable. Page variable is 'last-modified-by'.
- chg: Altered tag markup from .* to /w
- chg: Default
to $Blogger_TemplateList. - chg: Increased size of title and pagename fields.
- chg: Made date validation more robust (verifies strtotime can convert).
- chg: Modified redirect code, using pmwiki.php redirect as basis.
- chg: Removed link around "Recent Posts" title on sidebar.
- chg: Renames $Blogger_Error_ to $Blogger_Default_.
- chg: Split convert code to separate file.
- bug: Allow title, tags, author to revert to user entered values on PmForms error. (Introduced pmmarkup, which stores tags in marked up format; removed bloggerStripMarkup; removed bloggerStripTags; removed field value defaults; TIES to changes in forms.php)
- bug: Corrected page navigation always showing older posts.
- bug: Don't use shortcut [[~author]] format -- use
- bug: Show guiedit only when guiedit cookbook is active.
Alpha -- 0.0.2 (12-Feb-2009)
The PTVs used to store the blog entries hasn't changed for a while which is a good sign. I'm ironing out a few smaller bugs, and making sure that it will work across a range of environments.
- Provides mechanism to have skin specific layouts.
- Integrate captcha.
- Many other internal changes, and fixes.
Alpha -- 0.0.1 (10-Jan-2009)
Contributors: DaveG
- Initial alpha release.