Category /
Anything to do with changes or maintenance to be done on the server
- Archive /
- Blocklist
- ImportText How to import plain text files into PmWiki
- Backup /
- CookbookBasics Explains what the cookbook and its recipes are.
- Cookbook /
- ActionLog Maintain a page log of wiki actions (Stable)
- AddNewline Make wiki text end with a newline character, so the last line won't be marked as changed if text is added at the bottom
- AddUrlSchemes How to get PmWiki to recognize additional URL schemes such as
, etc. - AdminHints Hints & suggestions for wiki administrators (Documentation)
- Administration Recipes for Wiki Administration and Administrators
- AlternateNamingScheme Use other naming schemes for PmWiki pages
- AmpDetect Detect AMP crawler bots so you can serve AMP pages, also to enable or disable recipes (Mantained)
- Attache-ImageSizer Resize and manipulate uploaded images (beta)
- Auth-SMF Integrate SMF Simple Machines Forum with PmWiki and use SMF user management for Pmwiki authentication (new)
- AuthCAS Central Authentication Service(CAS) based authentication
- AuthDNS Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (Beta)
- Authorcontribution-OldVersion Author Contribution, old version
- AuthPhpBB2 Use phpBB2 user authentication for PmWiki page edit protection and author name (Stable)
- AuthPhpbb2Sso Single Sign On for PmWiki and phpBB2 (Stable)
- AuthPhpBB3 Use phpBB3 user authentication for PmWiki
- AuthPhpBBUsersAndGroups Use phpBB3 user authentication and groups for PmWiki
- AuthProfile Like AuthUser, but designed to store login information in profile pages (Beta)
- AuthPunBB Use PunBB/FluxBB user authentication for PmWiki (Draft)
- AuthUserFederated OpenID and OAuth authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
- AuthUserSaml SAML authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
- AuthUserSignup Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts (Deprecated (UserAdmin is better))
- AuthUserViaMicrosoftLDAP Configure AuthUser with Microsoft AD LDAP
- AutoCreateCategory Automatically creates category pages for all tags in the page text (BETA)
- AutoCreatePages Automatically create pages based on the name of the current page. (Alpha)
- AutoGroupPages How to create a number of pages for a new group automatically (stable)
- AutomaticChangeSummary Automatic change summaries
- AutoRestore Automatically restore pages after a set time interval (Stable)
- AutoThumber Automatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick (beta)
- BackupHTMLZip Export your wiki to static HTML then optionally compress/zip it (Experimental)
- BackupPages Automatically back up the wiki.d directory to a .zip file
- BackupWithRsync How to backup a PmWiki installation with the program `rsync`. (abandoned)
- BlockCrawler Redirect web crawlers to different pages (missing script)
- BlockGroupCreation How can I only permit writing to existing groups? (Mantained)
- Blocklist Obsolete recipe, please see PmWiki.Blocklist (obsolete)
- Bloge-ShortUrl Get short URLs on your own site (beta)
- BulkReplace Change the content of many pages at a time (just a rough draft)
- Bundle A (proposed) community-supported bundle of commonly used cookbook recipes (proposal)
- Caddy How to set up Caddy for a working PmWiki installation, including a working CleanURLs configuration
- CaseCorrection Makes PmWiki intelligently case-insensitive (beta)
- CleanUp Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (Beta)
- CleanUrls Enable URLs that are shorter (without .php) and/or look like paths to wiki pages.
- CleanUrls-archive How to make clean urls (Old version)
- CMSLike Make PmWiki behave as a CMS by showing only the actions the current user is allowed to perform
- CommentDb Comment recipe - with pagination and RSS feed
- CommentPageLink How to create a comment page
- Comments Comment addon - comments in separate files
- Comments-UseCases
- CompareVersions Determine if two versions of the same file are the same or how they differ
- CompressedPageStore Save wiki pages/files in compressed (gzip) format
- CompressedUploads Modify scripts/upload.php to work with bzip2 archives
- ConfigPhp config.php tips and tricks
- ConvertHTML Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (beta)
- ConvertHTML-Talk Talk Page for ConvertHTML recipe
- ConvertTABLE How to convert HTML pages with tables full of data into advanced tables
- CookbookBasics Explains what the cookbook and its recipes are.
- CreditsBlock Create a "last edited by" block that includes everybody who had a hand in developing a page
- CSVAction Adds a ?action=csv capability to pmwiki to output tables as a CSV (stable)
- CSVInclude Include a CSV file as a table in your wiki page
- DeletePage Use a "delete" action and a separate password for deleting pages
- DeltaBytesRecentChanges Display the number of bytes (characters) added or deleted to a page in RecentChanges.
- DirectoryAndFilePermissions Explains which directories and files need to be readable, writable, and servable by the webserver. (Developing)
- DotsInLinks How to enable dots in wiki links (Experimental)
- DynamicWikiTrails Define dynamic URL trails
- Edit-RestrictedProfile Authors can only edit their own pages in the Profiles group.
- EditTemplates Specify a wiki page or pages to use as a template when a new page is created. (Stable)
- EProtect Email obfuscation via ROT13
- ExpandingMenus How to create a sidebar menu which expands to show sublevel (group) items using conditional markup only (Stable)
- ExpireDiff How to remove a page's history (Stable)
- ExportHTML Export PmWiki pages as "static" HTML pages
- ExportHTMLWiki Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors (stable)
- ExtensionHub Configuration panel for extensions (Experimental)
- ExternAuth Use authentication mechanisms external to PmWiki
- ExtraWordsInTitleTag This is a really simple recipe for adding extra words to the title tag in the head. (Functional, tested on 2.2.0-beta67)
- FarmSideBar Share a sidebar among several fields in a farm
- FastCache Caches complete wiki pages for very fast retrieval (beta)
- FastSearch how to improve the speed of searches and categories on large sites with slow machines
- FixShortSessions How to fix short sessions so you aren't prompted frequently for a password
- Flickr How to integrate Flickr into a PmWiki page
- Forum Provide a simple forum
- FoxPTVConvert Display and convert hidden PTVs on multiple pages (new)
- FoxTextReplace replace text strings on multiple pages (experimental)
- GetRidOfMain How to get rid of "Main" group, i.e. all pages in "Main" are accessible and accessed directly in the wiki root
- GlobalOperations How to apply an operation to every page of a wiki
- GoogleAnalytics Add Google Analytics tracking code to wiki pages (Stable)
- GoogleSiteMap Create an XML sitemap in the root of the website which is suitable for submission to Google (and other) search engines. (Active)
- GraphVizSitemap Provide a GraphViz format for sitemap (alpha)
- GrepRC Search the RecentChanges entries similarly to a pagelist (Beta)
- GroupHomePageChange How to rename the group's starting page, i.e., be different than the default "HomePage".
- HandleUnknownMarkups How to suppress unknown markup, instead of having it display
- HowToMakeATabbedSkin How to make a tabbed skin
- HtpasswdForm Form based management of users and passwords using
files (Stable) - IFrameLogin Demo kit for passing messages between pmwiki and an embedded iframe (see includeSite), with a simple working login demonstration. (Beta, Active)
- InfoBox How to create Bubblehelp infoboxes, as seen in (Stable, Active)
- InlineDiff Shows the difference between 2 versions by highlighting the changes in markup on word level. (stable)
- InstallOnIIS How to install PmWiki on IIS v6 or v7 (living document)
- InstallOnIIS10 Install PmWiki on Windows 10 and IIS 10 (Living document)
- InstallOnIIS7dot5plus Install PmWiki on IIS 7.5, 8, 8.5, 10, or newer (Living document)