Category /
- Cookbook /
- Attachtable Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references. (beta)
- Attachtable-Talk Talk Page for Attachtable recipe
- AutomaticChangeSummary Automatic change summaries
- ConditionalMarkupSamples List of default and custom conditional markup definitions (Stable)
- DragDropMultiUpload Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page (Beta)
- GroupTitle Define a title for an entire WikiGroup (Stable)
- InternationalPTVs Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables (experimental)
- JavaScriptHelpers Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis (Planning)
- LocalTimes Display RecentChanges and History timestamps in the local timezone of each visitor. (Beta)
- MakingPasswordRequestsExplicit-Talk Talk page for MakingPasswordRequestsExplicit.
- MarkupExprPlus-Users User notes for the MarkupExprPlus recipe.
- MovePage Move and copy wiki pages (production)
- MovePage-Talk Talk Page for MovePage recipe
- MovePage-Users User notes for the MovePage recipe.
- PageListMultiTargets-Users User notes for the PageListMultiTargets recipe.
- SpamFilters-Talk Talk page for SpamFilters.
- TrackChanges-Users User notes for the TrackChanges recipe.
- WikiFooter Website page footer (Mature)
- PITS /
- 01298 Page variable for Page directives (Closed - local customization provided)
- 01469 Extend ConditionalMarkup with "less" and "greater" operators (Open)
- PmWiki /
- RoadMap Possible 'future states' for the next few releases of PmWiki
- RoadMap-Talk Preliminary thoughts and discussion for PmWiki 2011 version 3?