Category /
editing the contents of a wiki page
- Cookbook /
- RowspanInSimpleTables Markup to add a rowspan attribute on a simple table cell (Stable)
- SectionEdit Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section (Stable)
- SectionInclude Adds a sectioninclude markup that works like include but you can click to edit the included page. (stable)
- SideNotes Create "Side Notes" for jotting down notes
- SpellChecker How to enable spell-cheking on a wiki (Unmaintained)
- StringReplace link or form markup for replacing text strings in pages (beta)
- SwitchToAndFromDraft Provide a sidebar or PageActions link to switch to/from -Draft pages (Quo)
- TableEdit Interactive table editor (first version)
- Tabulate Handles tab-delimited tables so you can cut and paste to and from spreadsheet applications (beta)
- TemplateMarkupTricks Various ways of using templates to facilitate the creation of new pages (using standard PmWiki markup)
- Text2Tbl Provide a way to convert arbitrarily structured text to table markup and provide conversion of simple tables to advanced. (alpha)
- TimeZones Display all dates and times in user selectable timezone and format (alpha)
- ToggleEdit easier addition of toggle-markup. (beta)
- TrackChanges Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits
- TrueLatex Enables interpretation and rendering of real LaTeX markups in PmWiki. Support for XeLaTex included in v1.8. (Working perfectly. Very simple to use, customizable and comes with lots of options.)
- UniversalEditButton Provide support for the Universal Edit Button in PmWiki (Beta)
- UserConfigurations How can users customise an edit form for their personal use, and customise other settings like access keys?
- ViewDiff Compare arbitrary revisions and view a particular version. (Beta)
- WikiRefactoring Steps and methods to refactor and re-organize a wiki
- WikiSmileys Add graphical smileys to the markup
- Wikiwyg Integrate Wikiwyg into PmWiki for WYSIWYG editing (pre-alpha)
- Worse Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (experimental)
- XMLRPC How to communicate with PmWiki via the XML-RPC protocol
- ZAP The ZAP forms processor handles data and file management, page insertions (forums, blogs), email & newsletters, e-commerce, and more. (Stable (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki))
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