Cookbook /
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
Audio5  HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (Stable)
DragDropMultiUpload  Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page (Beta)
Footnotes  Simple footnote markup (Stable)
FormsPlus  Form extensions adding new HTML5 input types (new updated)
HighlightText  Use HTML5 <mark> tag to highlight text. (Beta)
HTML5Audio  Play HTML5 Audio (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
Html5AVCtrl  Enable youtube-like keyboard and mouse control of HTML5 video and audio.
HTML5Extensions  resources to use new HTML5 elements (new)
HTML5Video  Show HTML5 Video (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
Video5  HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (Stable)
VideoAttach  Handles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites. (Beta)
Worse  Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (experimental)
Skins /
2016  Responsive skin very close to the default skin (Superseded by PmWiki-responsive)
Amber  responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices (stable)
Classic  Responsive skin designed for classic-sf and folk song websites. (stable)
Papyrus  A simple skin, inspired by Parchment. Responsive / mobile-friendly. (maintained)
PmWiki-responsive  Responsive skin shipped with PmWiki (Production)
Vector  Clone of the Vector skin for MediaWiki (used on Wikipedia since 2010) (maintained)