
Recipes to support integration with other programs

Cookbook /
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
EmbeddedGallery  How to embed the Menalto Gallery
EmbedOpenStreetMap  Easy, lightweight and unobtrusive embedding of simple maps in wiki pages (Superseded by Ape)
Flickr  How to integrate Flickr into a PmWiki page
GeoTagging  Geotagging support within PmWiki using GeoRSS and KML compliant output options (Release)
GistEmbed  Embed Gists in a wikipage. (Maintained)
GMap  Easy Google Maps integration (Abandoned (broken by Google))
GMap-Talk  Talk Page for GMap recipe
GoogleMapAPI  Adds Google Map API to PmWiki pages. (Beta (out-of-date - no longer works))
GoogleMapAPIv3  This is a trimmed down and modified Google Maps API based on Ben Wilson's original GoogleMapAPI. (beta)
GoogleMaps  How to add an interactive Google map into PmWiki
GoogleSitemaps  How to submit a complete list of web pages to google
MeetupAPIEventList  Adds Meetup API to PmWiki pages
MyPmWiki  Query a MySQL database server and display the results in a wiki page
OdbcPmWiki  Query a odbc-SQL database server (MS-SQL) and display the results in a wiki page
OpenLayersAPI  Adds OpenLayers API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps) (alpha)
PastebinEmbed  Embed Pastebin pastes in a wikipage. (Maintained)
Phonebook  Integrate LDAP information in the Profiles pages and use it as a corporate phonebook (Production)
PHPFreeChat  Integrate phpFreeChat (PFC) ajax chat into PmWiki (Young and ugly)
SimplemachinesIntegration  How to use the authentification of the Simplemachines forum to control the access to a PmWiki installation
UBBThreadsIntegration  How to use the user authentification of the UBBThreads forums to control access to a PmWiki installation