
Cookbook recipes and PmWiki documentation that is deprecated and will generally be archived or deleted at the next major release

Cookbook /
AddDeleteLine2  An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again. (stable)
AsSpacedFunctionInUTF-8  How to fix the broken {$Namespaced}, {$Titlespaced}, {$Groupspaced} when the website is in UTF-8
AuthenticatedAsConditional  A different way of performing authentication than PmWiki's "default" (deprecated)
AuthenticatedAttach  Lets the user view an Attachment only if they have the appropriate password (Obsolete)
Authorcontribution-OldVersion  Author Contribution, old version
AuthTable  List Attributes of all pages in a wiki (Stable)
AutoCreateCategory  Automatically creates category pages for all tags in the page text (BETA)
Beautifier  Perform syntax highlighting for source code displayed on wiki pages
Blocklist  Obsolete recipe, please see PmWiki.Blocklist (obsolete)
Blocklist2  Block vandals and spammers by IP or phrase. (Deprecated)
Blocklist3  Block vandals or spammers by IP, word, phrase, or regular expressions. (beta)
BlocklistHelperScripts  Use the output available from Blocklist2 to build a better blocklist
BuildForms  Create an HTML form with Wiki markup, save values in a file, and pass values to a user defined function (obsolete)
Clustermaps  An image based summary of the visitors to your site.
CustomRedirects  This recipe modifies the behavior of PmWiki's redirect markup (Obsolete)
FASTMembership  Self registration add-on for AuthUser (Deprecated)
FormGuideSystem  Flexible, extensible, parameter-driven system to support the use of form pages
French  A version of the French translation converted to UTF-8
HTML5Audio  Play HTML5 Audio (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
HTML5Video  Show HTML5 Video (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
LayoutEditModified  Modify the Edit page
LinkTitles  Add "title" attributes to all links (Beta)
Maintenance  Tasks to keep the Cookbook current and useful
MergeMetaTags  A way to merge multiple meta tags into single entries
MiniUltralightbox  Obsolete, Mini comes now bundled with Ultralightbox (beta)
NewPageForm  Adds a new page using a form (Not working with PmWiki 2.2)
NoSpacePre  How to get rid of the leading spaces with indented "pre" blocks
NumberOfArticles  Report the number of articles in a wiki
ObfuscateEmail  Prevent email addresses from being harvested from your site (do not use, does not protect)
OutlineLists  Deprecated, see WikiStylesPlus (Stable)
PagelistCount  Get pagelist to return a count of pages (deprecated) (Obsolete -- added to core in 2.2.0-beta51)
PageListTemplates  Recipe deprecated, see PmWiki.PageLists
PagePmSyntax  Highlight a full PmWiki source page (Experimental)
PageVariableExtensions  Functional extensions to page variables (Obsolete)
PMWCompat  Allow PHP 5 commands to be used in PHP 4 (obsolete)
PmWiki2PDF  Generate a PDF; back up all wiki pages in PDF format
PreviewTop  How to place the page preview above the edit box
ProposedRecipeStructureChange  Ideas about improving the Cookbook (page kept for historical reasons)
ProtectEmail  Email obfuscation
RecentUploadsLog-Archive  Archive for the recipe RecentUploadsLog
RedirectSilent  Redirect pages without messages and without modifying links (obsolete)
RemovingLeftContent  Removing left or right part of the layout
ROEPatterns  Replace On Edit (obsolete)
RssImproved  How to get better RSS compatibility & support; how to create podcasts or audioblogs (Deprecated)
SecLayer  Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (Beta)
SetPageTextVariable  Set PageTextVariables in config.php (obsolete)
ShowHide  Adds toggle buttons and links to show/hide sections and objects. Superseded by Toggle. (deprecated)
SignalWhenMarkup  Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (stable)
SpacedWikiWords  Space out WikiWords? in the page presentation without requiring FreeLink? mark-up
SpellChecker  How to enable spell-cheking on a wiki (Unmaintained)
Textarea  How to create textareas pre-filled with content
Toolbox  Tools for recipe developers (Alpha)
Trackback  Simple trackback feature
UserAuth  User-based authorization (Obsolete)
WikiSh  Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (Beta)
WikiSh-Users  User notes for the Obsolete recipe.
WikiShCL  Provide Command Line capabilities to WikiSh (see WikiSh)
WikiShCrypt  Provide encryption/decryption for WikiSh commands and in other contexts (Alpha Obsolete Wikish is no longer supported nor maintained and does not work with modern versions of PHP.)
WikiShDb  An extension to WikiSh to allow database (PDO) usage (Experimental Obsolete)
WikiShExamples  Examples and Applications of the use of WikiSh
WikiShTutorial  A tutorial starting at a very basic level and exposing the user to all simple and most intermediate capabilities of WikiSh
XesAuthUserDbase  Stand-Alone version of AuthUserDbase (deprecated)
ZAPforum  Step by step instructions for creating a forum using ZAP. (discontinued)
01233  Cleanup the Cookbook (Open)
PmWikiFr /
Skins /
BeeblebroxNetGila  Based on gila by haran, for a more modern version of this skin, see Skins.Maguila
BitterLemon  Tableless, left side-bar skin based on IGIENISTA DENTALE template by Arcsin.
Notebook  An effective way to organize your notes, a simple modification of default skin, with the use of HorizontalMenu and InfoBox
Notebook2  Based on Notebook skin, with the use of phplayersmenu-3.2.0, for dropdown menus, deprecated
PukkaFloat  A skin carefully designed to work for everyone, deprecated in favour of Lens