PHP 5.5

These modules/recipes are known to be compatible with PHP 5.5, i.e. they don't require the preg_replace() function with the /e evaluation flag. Most of the recipes below also work with older PmWiki/PHP versions, see the "Prerequisites" lines on their pages.

Note that you need PmWiki version 2.2.58 or newer in order to work with PHP 5.5.

See PmWiki.CustomMarkup if you need to upgrade your recipe for PHP 5.5.

See also .

Recipes compatible with PHP 5.5

Cookbook /
ABCHoverIndex  displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (stable)
AbcTunebook  add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
Accordion  lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework (stable)
ActionMenu  Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (Beta)
AddFootnote  Insert markup to create a footnote (Beta)
AddImageType  Add new image type extension
AddNewline  Make wiki text end with a newline character, so the last line won't be marked as changed if text is added at the bottom
AddSignature  Insert markup for a stylized signature (Beta)
AddThisWidget  Embed the 'AddThis' widget to enable easy sharing of webpages on facebook, delicious, twitter, and other social networking sites.
AddToggle  Add a toggle link (Beta)
AddToWatchlist  Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (beta)
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
Applet  Use Java Applets in PmWiki pages (Stable)
ASCIIMath  Display MathML rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (Stable)
AttachImageSize  Generate width and height attributes for attached images
Attachtable  Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references. (beta)
Attachtable-Talk  Talk Page for Attachtable recipe
AuthDNS  Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (Beta)
AutoPlay  Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (Superseded by Ape)
AutoTOC  Unobtrusive Automatic Table of Contents links (stable)
B3  Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (Experimental)
BackupHTMLZip  Export your wiki to static HTML then optionally compress/zip it (Experimental)
Blockquote-Cite-Quote  Markup for Blockquote, Cite and Quote HTML tags (new)
BlogCalendar  small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (stable)
BlogIt  Provides a complete blogging system, using in-built PmWiki features -- additional features are supported through existing cookbooks. (Active)
BreakPageList  display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
Callout  Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (alpha)
CalloutCustomization  How to create custom callouts using the Callout recipe (alpha)
Captcha  Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (Stable)
ChessMarkup  Display chessboards in arbitrary positions (Stable)
ChordPro  Display ChordPro-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (Stable)
ChordPro-Talk  Discussion of ChordPro (Stable)
CleanUp  Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (Beta)
Cluster  Group-clustering recipe. (beta)
CMSBundleAddLink  An AddLink Bookmarklet recipe: (:AddLink:) (Beta)
CodeMirror  An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (Stable)
CommentBoxPlus  Simple styled form to post comments, plus comment counter (Stable)
ConvertHTML  Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (beta)
ConvertHTML-Talk  Talk Page for ConvertHTML recipe
CountGlyphs  A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (Stable)
CSSInWikiPages  Apply CSS styles via wiki pages (Stable)
Dailymotion  Markup for embedding DailyMotion videos (Stable)
DeltaBytesRecentChanges  Display the number of bytes (characters) added or deleted to a page in RecentChanges.
DeObMail  Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (Beta)
DirList  Local/LAN directory listings and downloads. (beta)
DisplayHtml  Markup to display the html resulting of pmwiki syntax. (Stable)
DoTheRightThing  Link shortcuts to custom searches for your browser (beta)
DotsInLinks  How to enable dots in wiki links (Experimental)
DragDropMultiUpload  Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page (Beta)
EditHelp  Easier editing with automatic detection and insertion of some wiki markups (Experimental)
EditTemplatesMenu  Allow authors a choice among several pre-filled templates for new pages (Stable)
EditTitle  Provide a separate edit field for the page title. (Works for me)
EmbedOpenStreetMap  Easy, lightweight and unobtrusive embedding of simple maps in wiki pages (Superseded by Ape)
EProtect  Email obfuscation via ROT13
EPUBCreation  Assembles wiki page collections into an EPUB e-book file (EPUB output is ready for beta testing)
ExportHTMLWiki  Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors (stable)
FeedLinks  Add HTML-header links to enable autodiscovery of RSS/Atom feeds. (Active)
FileList  Tabulated filelist markup as alternative to (:attachlist:), for a simple, easy readable look. (stable)
FindInPage  Instant search in the current page, with highlighting. (Experimental)
FixURL  Encode special characters in link addresses (Beta)
Flipbox  Flippable checkboxes and checklists (Beta)
Footnotes  Simple footnote markup (Stable)
FormsPlus  Form extensions adding new HTML5 input types (new updated)
Formula  Lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (Beta)
Fox  Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (stable)
FoxContacts  Create personal or business Contacts pages and lists with Fox (stable)
FoxDelete  add delete links for deleting lines or sections with Fox (stable)
FoxEdit  add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs with Fox (stable)
FoxForum  How to build a simple forum with Fox (experimental)
FoxNotify  add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms (stable)
FreeMind  Embed mind maps in PmWiki pages (experimental)
Galleria  Convert lists of images into a panel of clickable thumbnails, or a scrollable carousel of clickable thumbnails, without requiring a page reload.
GMap  Easy Google Maps integration (Abandoned (broken by Google))
GoogleSiteMap  Create an XML sitemap in the root of the website which is suitable for submission to Google (and other) search engines. (Active)
Grep  Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (beta)
GridWorks  GridWorks - general utility css grid markup for wiki pages (Active/Stable)
GTD-TLM  An experimental JavaScript GTD task/todo list manager (experimental)
HighlightText  Use HTML5 <mark> tag to highlight text. (Beta)
Highslide  A recipe that enables you to use the Highslide JS application in your wiki. (Initial release)
HTML5Extensions  resources to use new HTML5 elements (new)
HTML5Video  Show HTML5 Video (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
HtpasswdForm  Form based management of users and passwords using .htpasswd/.htgroup files (Stable)
HttpVariables  Access http variables in the page, such as Get variables, Post data, and Cookies. (Feature Complete)
I19  Translator-oriented edit form, easing the internationalization (i18n) of a wiki (Experimental)
ImageMap  Directive to create image maps and image toolbars (Stable)
ImportTabTable  import and convert tab table to simple table markup quickly. (stable)
IncludeSection  Include a section from the first available among a list of pages
IncludeUpload  Include an uploaded (attached) text or HTML file into a PmWiki page (beta)
IncludeUrl  Include html pages into PmWiki 2.x pages (stable)
InfoBox  How to create Bubblehelp infoboxes, as seen in (Stable, Active)
InternationalPTVs  Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables (experimental)
JavaScriptHelpers  Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis (Planning)
Jscm  Jscm (JsCookMenu based dropdown menu) (Active/Stable)
JumpBox  A pull down menu that can be used for navigation
LimitDiffsPerPage  Paginate the "diff" output (when viewing a page history, limit the number of displayed revisions at once) (Stable/Beta)
LinkCSSToolTip  link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus (stable)
LinkTel  Active telephone links in wiki pages (beta)
LocalCSS  Flexible CSS compilation from a wiki page (beta)
LocalTimes  Display RecentChanges and History timestamps in the local timezone of each visitor. (Beta)
Mailform4  Mailform4 alias Mailform2² - A contact form module with extensible form fields (Stable)

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