Category /
- Cookbook /
- AttachImageSize Generate width and height attributes for attached images
- Audio5 HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (Stable)
- Captcha Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (Stable)
- ChessMarkup Display chessboards in arbitrary positions (Stable)
- CodeMirror An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (Stable)
- ConvertHTML Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (beta)
- ConvertHTML-Talk Talk Page for ConvertHTML recipe
- EX Simple "edit section" for wiki pages (experimental)
- Footnotes Simple footnote markup (Stable)
- Formula Lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (Beta)
- HttpVariables Access http variables in the page, such as Get variables, Post data, and Cookies. (Feature Complete)
- IncludeSection Include a section from the first available among a list of pages
- LazyLoading Instruct browsers to only load pictures when they would be visible on the screen (Beta)
- MarkupExprPlus Extends {(...)} expression markups (Stable)
- Maxi An image viewer with inline zoom, suitable for large drawings or panoramas (Experimental)
- Maxi2 Inline picture zoom for modern browsers and touch-screen devices (Experimental)
- MermaidJs diagrams and visualizations for PmWiki (Beta)
- Mini Simple, lightweight, un-bloated gallery with thumbnail generator
- PmSyntax Syntax highlighting for the PmWiki documentation and edit form (Experimental)
- PrintGroup Export WikiGroup pages to one large HTML file, and/or to PDF (Experimental)
- SectionEdit Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section (Stable)
- ThumbList A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki
- Toggle Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page (stable)
- TrueLatex Enables interpretation and rendering of real LaTeX markups in PmWiki. Support for XeLaTex included in v1.8. (Working perfectly. Very simple to use, customizable and comes with lots of options.)
- Video5 HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (Stable)