Category /
- Cookbook /
- B3 Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (Experimental)
- BreakPageList display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
- Checklists Ephemeral to-do lists (Beta)
- CleanUp Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (Beta)
- CommentBoxPlus Simple styled form to post comments, plus comment counter (Stable)
- DeletePage Use a "delete" action and a separate password for deleting pages
- DiffDelay In page histories, display vertical spacing proportional to the time between the edits. (Preview)
- ExportHTMLWiki Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors (stable)
- Fox Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (stable)
- FoxNotify add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms (stable)
- ImageMap Directive to create image maps and image toolbars (Stable)
- InCategory Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (Experimental)
- InfoBox How to create Bubblehelp infoboxes, as seen in (Stable, Active)
- Jscm Jscm (JsCookMenu based dropdown menu) (Active/Stable)
- MarkupExtensions Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions (Stable)
- NewPageBoxPlus Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (Stable)
- PageStorePlain Store wiki pages in plain editable text (Active/Stable)
- Phplm Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) (Active, Stable)
- PITS The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (Beta)
- Precode General utility block markup for displaying codes with syntax highlighting (Active/Stable)
- Qnotes Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki) (Stable / Active)
- ShareButtons Social media sharing buttons without tracking or JavaScript (Experimental)
- SimplePageCounter A simple page counter of visits to each page
- Snotes Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
- SourceBlock Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (Stable)
- TextExtract search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (stable)
- Txtdb Txtdb (A simple csv based database) (Active/Alpha)
- Skins /
- Amber responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices (stable)
- FixFlow Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right (Stable)
- Gemini Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar (Stable)
- Notebook-NT Simple div (no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (stable)
- Pmwiki-dt Simple div(no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (stable)
- Simple Sidebar accessible available through popup menu to save valuable space, minimal menu
- Triad Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer (Stable)