Cookbook /
B3  Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (Experimental)
BreakPageList  display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
Checklists  Ephemeral to-do lists (Beta)
CleanUp  Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (Beta)
CommentBoxPlus  Simple styled form to post comments, plus comment counter (Stable)
DeletePage  Use a "delete" action and a separate password for deleting pages
DiffDelay  In page histories, display vertical spacing proportional to the time between the edits. (Preview)
ExportHTMLWiki  Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors (stable)
Fox  Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (stable)
FoxNotify  add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms (stable)
ImageMap  Directive to create image maps and image toolbars (Stable)
InCategory  Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (Experimental)
InfoBox  How to create Bubblehelp infoboxes, as seen in (Stable, Active)
Jscm  Jscm (JsCookMenu based dropdown menu) (Active/Stable)
MarkupExtensions  Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions (Stable)
NewPageBoxPlus  Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (Stable)
PageStorePlain  Store wiki pages in plain editable text (Active/Stable)
Phplm  Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) (Active, Stable)
PITS  The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (Beta)
Precode  General utility block markup for displaying codes with syntax highlighting (Active/Stable)
Qnotes  Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki) (Stable / Active)
ShareButtons  Social media sharing buttons without tracking or JavaScript (Experimental)
SimplePageCounter  A simple page counter of visits to each page
Snotes  Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
SourceBlock  Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (Stable)
TextExtract  search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (stable)
Txtdb  Txtdb (A simple csv based database) (Active/Alpha)
Skins /
Amber  responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices (stable)
FixFlow  Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right (Stable)
Gemini  Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar (Stable)
Notebook-NT  Simple div (no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (stable)
Pmwiki-dt  Simple div(no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (stable)
Simple  Sidebar accessible available through popup menu to save valuable space, minimal menu
Triad  Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer (Stable)