Category /
- Cookbook /
- AlternateNamingScheme Use other naming schemes for PmWiki pages
- Cluster Group-clustering recipe. (beta)
- Dash-Pagenames URLs and page names with dashes for word spacing, UTF-8 friendly (new)
- GroupTitle Define a title for an entire WikiGroup (Stable)
- Hg Produce Hierarchical groups like effects on your site (Stable)
- HgUrls Rewrites hyphens "-" to slashes "/" in URLs. (Beta)
- HierarchicalGroups Information about Hierarchical Groups (N/A)
- Hlinks Create hierarchical pages (beta)
- HtmlUrls Add ".html" to the end of page urls (Core)
- ISO8859MakePageNamePatterns How to convert ISO 8859 character input for page names to unaccented ASCII equivalents
- MovePage Move and copy wiki pages (production)
- MovePage-Talk Talk Page for MovePage recipe
- OpenUrls Automatically create URL Path for use with EnablePathInfo.
- PagePaths Searching WikiWords and Links pages outside the current group
- Router Router allows a website's url structure to be different from PmWiki's group/page structure. (beta)
- SubgroupMarkup Add one level of subpage using [[,subpage]] markup (Stable)
- TitleCased Site customizeable title case of titles. (stable)
- TitleSpaced How to have spaces in a page title
- Test /
- Accented