Category /
- Cookbook /
- EnableHTML How to include HTML markup in wiki pages
- ExtensionDesign How to create extensions compatible with ExtensionHub (Experimental)
- I19 Translator-oriented edit form, easing the internationalization (i18n) of a wiki (Experimental)
- PageListMultiTargets-Talk Talk page for PageListMultiTargets.
- TrackingMenu A sidebar menu tracking the current page
- VideoAttach-Talk Talk page for VideoAttach.
- CookbookFr /
- SideBar
- Localization /
- StateOfTranslationTemplate
- PITS /
- 00028 Turn PmWiki into a full-fledged blogging tool (In Progress)
- 00199 Possibility to see the which pages has been changed by a special User (Closed)
- 00291 MailPosts enhancement to support Group/Page "$MailPostsTo" parameters (Closed - available in 2.1.7)
- 00571 word level diffs (Closed - added in 2.2.12)
- 00652 Add capability to display error message when an include fails (closed)
- 01121 when wikitrail links with markup are converted to pagination links, markup is displayed in the pagination link itself (Closed - added for 2.2.14)
- 01127 Add a negation parameter to pagelist first/last templates (Closed - added for 2.2.14)
- 01137 Key PmWiki Features on the front page (Open)
- 01447 Feedback on new installation and suggestions (Open)
- CoreCandidate a list of core candidates -- features or requests to be considered for inclusion in the core PmWiki distribution
- PITS The PmWiki Issue Tracking System
- PmWiki /
- Audiences Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
- BasicEditing PmWiki's basic edit syntax
- BlockMarkup-Talk This page covers discussion about the BlockMarkup character combinations
- DesignNotes Some of the features and notes about PmWiki's design decisions
- DocumentationIndex PmWiki documentation index
- LocalCustomizations Customize your PmWiki installation through
- PmWiki
- PmWikiPhilosophy-Talk Discussion of PmWikiPhilosophy
- TableDirectives Directives for table processing
- WikiStyles-Talk Discussion of WikiStyles
- WikiTrails Trails from lists items from a single page
- WYSIWYG Notes about WYSIWYG support in PmWiki
- PmWikiBg /
- PmWikiBg
- PmWikiCa /
- StateOfTranslation
- PmWikiCs /
- DocumentationIndex PmWiki Index dokumentace
- PmWikiDa /
- BasicEditing PmWikis grundlæggende redigeringssyntaks
- DocumentationIndex PmWiki dokumentationsindeks
- PmWikiDa Dansk
- TableDirectives Direktiver til tabelbehandling
- PmWikiEl /
- PmWikiEl Greek
- PmWikiEs /
- StateOfTranslation
- PmWikiFr /
- StateOfTranslation
- PmWikiIt /
- StateOfTranslation a che punto è la traduzione in Italiano di PmWiki
- PmWikiNl /
- StateOfTranslation Status van de vertaling van de PmWiki documentatie
- PmWikiPtBr /
- StateOfTranslation Esta página é uma tabela de registro do status da tradução da documentação do PmWiki.
- PmWikiSk /
- DocumentationIndex
- SideBar
- PmWikiVi /
- MucLucTaiLieu
- PmWikiZhCn /
- DesignNotes Some of the features and notes about PmWiki's design decisions
- DocumentationIndex PmWiki文档列表
- SideBar
- StateOfTranslation
- PmWikiZhTw /
- StateOfTranslation
- Profiles /
- Petko
- Site /
- AllRecentChangesPerAuthor All pages changed by Author
- SideBar default SideBar contents
- Skins /
- DefaultSkinWithoutTable This skin replaces the HTML table of the default skin with divs. (Proposed)
- SkinTest /
- SideBar
- Test /
- DocumentationXref Cross reference from pages in the 2.2.0-beta31 distribution, starting with pages listed in "### Page locations" of XLPageTemplate
- IncludeAll
- WikiTrails
Pages linking to PmWiki.PmWikiPhilosophy
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