
Anything to do with searching through a wiki.

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ABCHoverIndex  displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (stable)
AdminByShell  A collection of ways to assist sysadmin of pmwiki using shell tools
Backlinks  List pages with links to a target (Documentation)
BreakPageList  display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
CompactPageList  How to make a compact pagelist
CookbookPageList  List of all cookbook pages
CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions  Custom functions for creating custom page sort orders with pagelists
CustomRecentChanges  How to create RecentChanges pages for selected groups
DictIndex  Enable page listings using a "dictionary index" format via fmt=dictindex (Working)
Excerpts  Shows fragment of page around given word(s). (beta)
FastSearch  how to improve the speed of searches and categories on large sites with slow machines
FauxTrail  Enable page listings to have a "trail-like" format via fmt=fauxtrail (beta)
Filterable  Search box for instant filtering of long lists and tables (Beta)
FindInPage  Instant search in the current page, with highlighting. (Experimental)
FplByDays  fmt=bydays for pagelists; A custom format for YYYYMMDDHHMM format page names. (Functional; I am happy with it.)
FPLTemplate  Alternative FPLTemplate() function with hooks for developers for more flexible pagelist output (experimental)
GoogleCSE  Adds markup for a Google Custom Search Engine (Stable)
GoogleSearch  Add a searchbox for site and websearch using google
Index  Alphabetical list of all recipes
IndexByRating  List of recipes ordered by user ratings (excluding the unrated ones)
MajorChanges  How to create MajorChanges pages and Site.AllMajorChanges
OpenSearch  Add OpenSearch autodiscovery & suggestions to PmWiki (beta)
OptionMenu  Get page listings as an option menu selector (Stable)
PagelistCalendar  Use PageTextVariables and ftime markup expression to create a calendar where each event has its own page. (Works)
PagelistNotes  Notes on page lists
PagelistTemplateSamples  Custom templates for pagelists formats
PagePaths  Searching WikiWords and Links pages outside the current group
SearchboxRecognition  Determine which of a page's multiple searchboxes was used (works for me)
SearchCloud  Creates a list of search terms used on a PmWiki site. (beta)
SearchExtensions  Ways to make searches more useful
SearchPatterns  Q & A's on search patterns
SearchQueryVariable  New {$SearchQuery} variable and what you can do with it. (beta)
SearchResults  How to change the way search results are displayed
SearchTerms  How to get the results of a search to highlight the search terms in a page
SearchTimeoutPrevention  What to do if a site has become so large that searches time out
Sortable  Add sort options for a client list in the form of a drop-down list. (Beta)
SortByScore  Sorts (:pagelist:) search results by number of matching words found in page + displays fragments of page near the word. (beta)
Sphinx  How can I search my PmWiki content via the Sphinx engine?
Tags  How to have tags (like Flickr)
TextExtract  search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (stable)
UnaccentUTF8  Diacritics-insensitive page index and searches (Beta)
WikimediaSearch  Get a functional search form like on wikipedia pages (new)
WikiSh  Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (Beta)
XajaxSearch  Provide a better way to show search results. (development)
00799  Odd behaviour of markup (Closed - too difficult for benefit obtained)
PmWiki /
SearchImprovements  Search improvements discussion
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SearchImprovements  Gedanken/Disskussion zur Verbesserung/Beschleunigung der Suche nach Stichwörtern
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