Category /
- Cookbook /
- BadBehavior Protect PmWiki with Bad Behavior 2.2.x
- Captcha Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (Stable)
- Captchas Uses captchas to protect certain actions from spambots (pre-alpha, discussion)
- DeObMail Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (Beta)
- EProtect Email obfuscation via ROT13
- HideDiff Hide specific edits from page histories (Experimental)
- OpenPass Set a global password which is openly displayed to reduce spam (Alpha)
- RebuildRC Rebuild (All)RecentChanges pages either after a format change, an import or to remove spam. (Experimental)
- ReCaptcha Slow down spammers with Google reCAPTCHA. (Active)
- SpamFilters Automatic blocking of some spambots (beta)
- TextCaptcha Small and simple text captcha that uses ascii art and no session, cookies and images (beta)
- News /
- 2017-08-07 Update for PmWiki activity July 31 - August 7, 2017: a new release fixing a bug with long text variables, 38 recipes reviewed and/or updated, discussions about security, development and PHP 7 compatibility, cookbook bug reports and patches.
- PmWiki /
- Blocklist Blocking IP addresses, phrases, and expressions to counteract spam and vandalism.
- Passwords General use of passwords and login
- PasswordsAdmin More password options for the administrator
- Security Resources for securing your PmWiki installation
- UrlApprovals Require approval of Url links
- PmWikiBg /
- Passwords
- PmWikiCa /
- Passwords Ús general de les contrasenyes i autenticació
- PmWikiDe /
- Blocklist Mit der Blockadeliste blockiert man unliebsame IP-Adressen, Wendungen und reguläre Ausdrücke gegen Spam und Vandalismus.
- Passwords Seiten und Gruppen mit Passwörtern schützen
- PasswordsAdmin Administration der (site-weiten) Passwörter
- Security Zeigt relevante Verweise zur Sicherheit
- UrlApprovals Urls werden geprüft und ggf. freigegeben, ein Mittel gegen Link-Spamming
- Test /
- IncludeAll