Category /
- Cookbook /
- Ape-Talk-Archive Archive with older threads from Ape-Talk (Closed)
- CookbookVMware
- DisplayWRL This recipe enables to display WRL files with the flux plugin
- FacebookLikeButton Facebook like-button social plugin recipe (1.0 -> in production)
- FoxValidationExamples examples for using Fox input validation (new)
- GetGeocode Create a small form on a page to enter an address and get a geocode for google maps (Basic, functional )
- HandleMSWord Converts page to MS Word format. (Beta)
- Imagemaps an image based summary of the visitors to your site (alpha)
- Jquerychat Provide a quite simple recipe to add a robust gmail/facebook style chat, with a sql table (alpha)
- MergeWikiLibDirs Move from standard PageStore to another PageStore (theoretical/untested)
- MultiColumn Allow text to flow into multiple columns (alpha)
- OpenCalais Call OpenCalais API with the content of the current page (non-functionnal )
- PageHist View Historical Revisions of Pages (experimental)
- PageListPlus Extend pagelist with various capabilities (HIGHLY experimental)
- PmPinboardAPI Provides an easy-to-use PmWiki-compatible interface to the Pinboard API. (Maintained)
- PodcastLinks Enable iTunes podcast
links to work - QuickStartForAuthUser Just a quick guide for people to set up AuthUser to lock down their site. (beta)
- Quiz quiz implementation(Leitner-system) (Cookbook has to be updated, last tested with PmWiki version: 2.0.beta28 )
- Reindex Force re-creation of entire .pageindex (experimental)
- RelativeURLs Allows you to specify relative URLS inside a wiki link.
- RelativeUrls How to refer to files using relative URLs
- SaveThePage Save an entire web page (the HTML) to a wiki page by using a bookmarklet to send the current page to your wiki for processing and editing. (abandoned)
- SectionList-Talk
- SendMail Easily add PHPMailer to send SMTP email from your PHP code (Active)
- SocialBookmarking Adds Badges for Sending a Page to Social Bookmarking Services
- Template
- ToggleLink redirect to Cookbook:ShowHide for SiteAnalyzer click through link
- TransferringPasswordsSecurely-Draft Provide basic protection against password sniffing and sessions theft where SSL is an infeasible or inappropriate solution
- Wordpress Allows showing the last 5 posts from a wordpress installation. (Beta)
- XHTMLStrict A collection of XHTML Strict tips, fixes, snippets (awaiting contributions)
- Skins /
- PreviewSkins Screenshots that link to (some) skins.
- Test /
- ModuleGuidelines-Old Outline of ideas for people who want to create and maintain cookbook recipes.