
<< | Cookbook-V1 | >>

Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.

<< | Cookbook.Skins | >>

ArndisSkin is a good-looking, flexible, CSS-based skin. It should handle window and text resizing gracefully. Font size starts at what you have set your browser to, not what my eyes can handle. It has spiffy CSS tabs with you-are-here marker, breadcrumb trail, and sidebar area with blocks for Main.Sidebar and a skinswitcher page. It comes in three colour combinations, because I like pretty things.

* plum

I discontinued the plum version because extra css files from recipes or things conflict and make it unreadable. For those of you who really loved the shade (as do I), sometime later when I'm not jobhunting I will make a new skin with a plum flavour. One that doesn't suffer the aforementioned problem.

v3 Updates

  • you-are here marker works better
  • rearranged layout somewhat and added div for masthead graphic
  • rearranged wiki commands
  • new look for tabs
  • consistently outdented headings -- not sure exactly how outdented they'll be if the font is much different from the expected one

v2 Updates

  • as of v3, the you-are here marker works better!
  • rearranged css declarations into sections for colours, fonts, and layout, making it much easier to modify just one of those things.
  • added selectors for h1-h6.
  • template is now XHTML Transitional doctype.
  • improved the template layout:
    • fewer nested divs.
    • page title looks like THE title.
    • breadcrumb trail is tucked nicely away at the top, outside the content box.
  • commented out the attach tab since it is more convenient to add the Attach: link to a page (which then fills in the wiki filename for you, when you upload the actual file) than it is to upload the file and then write it in. Besides, I didn't want random strangers trying to attach things to my wiki just because they can.
  • small changes in link colours for some colour variations.


Since I couldn't upload .tmpl files, I put everything into a zipfile.


Help test the skin! Go to my SkinTest page and tell me if it works.

MSIE 5.01 this page doesn't render correctly yet, SideBar text is partly below the contentbox (on your testlike site renders correctly, may be you did a correction for msie 5.0 :-). /P. Ogay

Didn't do a darn thing. Could be interactions with other CSS files on But more likely it's IE messing up: when the window gets too narrow, it shoves the sidebar to the bottom. I have wide monitors, so this has not been a problem. --Arndis

I've also configured PmWiki to enable these skins on the site (13-Mar-2004) --Pm


How do I configure the skin to have all the command links on the tab bar as in this example? That's really clean, and I like that look. - Paul

I've implemented this skin on my site and it works fine at home on Mozilla, but at work with IE I have a problem when editing pages. The edit screen is the correct size to begin, but when I start typing, it resizes and text flows over the top of the right hand sidebar and I can't read the text to check/edit it - Karen

pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{David A Spitzley}}

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