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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


The design of BeeblebroxNetGila is based on gila by haran and RightBrain. It has some very nice virtues:

Standards compliant
100% compliant with XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2 for more consistent browser rendering. Actually the template is XHTML 1.0 Strict but PmWiki 1.x doesn't always produce Strict XHTML code.
Layout without tables
No tables were harmed during the making of this design.
Browser-specific styles without JavaScript
Styles which are perculiar to a specific web browser paradigm are encoded in the stylesheet itself.
Document metrics (widths, lengths and spacings) are font-size relative
This means that a user can increase the default font size of the page (using their browser) without compromising its layout.


To use BeeblebroxNetGila for your own Wiki, just download Attach:beeblebrox-gila.tar.gz, extract it into /path/to/pmwiki/pub/skins/ and add the following code to your local configuration file

 # Specifies the name of the template file to be used to generate pages. 
 $PageTemplateFmt = 'pub/skins/beeblebrox-gila/gila.tmpl';

 # The HTML code to be generated for the page logo.
 $PageLogoFmt = "<a href='$ScriptUrl'>Wiki<span>Title</span></a><br />
  <span id='tag'>Subtitle</span>";

If you want to have a search box in the right upper corner, uncomment the following from gila.tmpl

 <form id="headerSearch" action='$ScriptUrl/$[Main/SearchWiki]'>
     <input type='hidden' name='pagename' value='$[Main/SearchWiki]' />
     <label for='searchbox'>Search</label> 
     <input id='searchbox' type='text' name='text' value='' />
     <input class='searchbutton' type='submit' value='&raquo;' />

The skin is known to work with PmWiki 1.0.x.

CSS is not 100% compatible with IE 6.x - there many differences between displaying at IE and other browsers like Firefox. You should replace keywords like "thin" with "1px" and add "td,th {font-size: 10pt}" (without td,th tables have diffent fontstyle at IE) to CSS to get nearly same results. Btw, CSS from Thom is correct, only css-engine of IE is buggy! with these minor changes, both renderengines (IE + firefox) seems to be identical. --Mazet

Thank you. I added those changes to Cookbook/BeeblebroxNetGila for PmWiki 2. --thom

See Cookbook/BeeblebroxNetGila for a version of BeeblebroxNetGila for PmWiki 2.x.


I've added a "Back" link to the top and bottom cmds bar by adding the following...

    <div id="wikicmds">
      <a href="javascript:history.back()">back</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl">view</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=edit">edit</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=upload">attach</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=print" rel="external">print</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=diff">history</a>


    <div class="footnav">
      <a href="javascript:history.back()">back</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl">view</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=edit">edit</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=upload">attach</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=print" rel="external">print</a> &middot;
      <a href="$PageUrl?action=diff">history</a>

Nov 23, 2004 Noel

This would be really nice with the tabs from the wikipedia skin. pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{}}?

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