
Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


Dropdown menu listing all Wiki-Pages for quick navigation.




Download the php file Attach:quicknav.php and put it in your local/ directory. Add the following lines to your local.php file:

 $GLOBALS['QuickNav'] = build_quicknav();

You may now use $QuickNav in your page templates to get the dropdown menu. Note that the HTML code produced by quicknav.php does not include form-tags, so you have to add them in the template file. I personally use one form element conatining both the dropdown and the search field:

 <form action="$ScriptUrl/Main/SearchWiki">
  $QuickNav &bull;
  <input id="wikisearchbox" type="text" name="text"> 
  <input id="wikisearchbutton" type="submit" value="Search" name="submit">

If you want to customize the list of ingored pages and group, see the variables $ignore_groups and $ignore_pages at the beginning of quicknav.php.

See Also

The php code for listing all pages was inspired by the code used for IndexTemplate.


Comments & Bugs

  • I'm wondering why, when I use the Cookbook.WikiFarm variety of farm, I see WikiFarm twice in the list. Is there something about the lookup process that repeats the entry? --Profiles/JamesCarlson


  • noniq - initial file (2004-05-25)

pmwiki-2.4.1 -- Last modified by {{JamesCarlson}}

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