
This page is actually stored within the group EmacsModes/EmacsModes. << | Pages | >>

Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.

Table of Contents
   • Keyboard shortcuts
See also
Download links
   • User releases
   • Development releases


Primarily, to allow the use of Emacs for editing wiki pages in a PmWiki wiki wiki web. Secondarily, to allow browsing of the source code of wiki pages from within Emacs.


The solution is a new mode for Emacs called pmwiki-mode. See EmacsModes.pmwiki-mode for more details.


Editing text using a form inside a browser window is inefficient compared to using e.g. Emacs. Below are some of the things pmwiki-mode for Emacs allows you to do:

For further details and installation instructions, see EmacsModes.pmwiki-mode.

Examples of keyboard shortcuts in pmwiki-mode

C-c C-ppmwiki-prevGo to previous PmWiki/WikiWord
C-c C-npmwiki-nextGo to next PmWiki/WikiWord
C-c C-gpmwiki-followOpen page pointed to by PmWiki/WikiWord
C-c C-opmwiki-openOpen a page
C-c C-cpmwiki-saveSave current page back to PmWiki/WikiEngine
C-c C-bpmwiki-browseOpen page in a browser


  • Christian Ridderström

See also




Download pmwiki-mode

Below are links to various versions of pmwiki-mode.

Note: The actual files/archives are stored in the Cookbook group since files may not be uploaded to EmacsModes/EmacsModes.

User releases

The links below point to archives with releases of pmwiki-mode that are intendend for normal users. See the change log for information about the differences between releases. As a normal user, you should always download the latest release.

Please note that the latest release is not working well with newer versions of pmwiki — use the CVS-version instead!
Note: Since I changed to using sourceforge and CVS I haven't created a new release, primarily because I'm not quite sure how to do so...
Why not use Git and either GitHub or Gitorious to enable collaboration and making it easy to release new versions? tamouse October 30, 2011, at 03:08 PM

Development releases

The releases below are the development versions of pmwiki-mode, i.e. they include some extra files and scripts that can be useful for anyone interested in further developing pmwiki-mode. See the change log for information about the differences between releases. Normally, you should of course download the latest release.

pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{simon}}

from IP: ip should be disabled by default for security reasons