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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.
To integrate a WYSIWYG editor into PmWiki/PmWiki
I have used htmlArea, a free script to provide the functionality. This uses Version 3 (beta) for IE 5.5+ (Windows)/Mozilla 1.3 (all OS) cross platform functionality.
Comment from Daniel Unterberger
As this Cookbook is quite outdated V1, i have a similar solution, which is implemented differently at Cookbook.ConvertHTML and working with PmWiki 2.x . No Changes in httpd.conf needed, also working quite good with IE5+ and Moz. It Adds another Field for HTML and keeps old Wiki-Field so it doesnt change your old pages. Search has to be optimized. ...
Files Δ (This wont upload for me, it is too big! (119 kb) Get it from the site mentioned below).
- This is purely experimental!
- This will mangle existing content if you edit it after installation of the RTF control. It will display properly though.
- You can create a page, using 'HTML Source' view, using classic Wiki markup. The next time you edit it though, it gets mangled.
- This is probably a good time to mention other things this breaks, or why this is for experimentation only.
- The pop-ups don't size correctly on my system, (1024 x 768), resulting in partially hidden, though still usable, buttons.
- The Un-Do & Re-Do buttons don't appear to work.
- The Wiki link format needs changing, so PmWiki 'image links' no longer work.
- The Double Bracket Notation [[link Text]] stops working
- If you paste in content, any links will not work. You can fix them though.
- Groups have to be referenced as Group/PageName, Group.PageName doesn't display correctly.
- Only tested under Windows XP, IE 6, your mileage may vary.
- Sometimes, the tool-bar icons won't load. (IE 6).
- Uses the now deprecated <font> tag for setting the font face
- Occasionally, the browser appears to hang, another reason why this should not be implemented in a production environment.
- Using this all on my local PC, I see a flash of raw HTML. How this will perform across a slow network, I have no idea.
- Did I mention this is experimental?
- Add more to this list when you find them.
- htmlArea is a WYSIWYG editor replacement for any <textarea> field. Instead of teaching your software users how to code basic HTML to format their content, they can use htmlArea to:
- Format text to be bold, italicised, or underlined.
- Change the face, size and colour.
- Left, centre, or right-justify paragraphs.
- Make bulleted or numbered lists.
- Indent or un-indent paragraphs
- Insert a horizontal line.
- Insert hyperlinks and images.
- Insert tables
- View the raw HTML source of what they're editing.
- You can also create your own buttons to insert custom blocks of HTML code and images.
- htmlArea is provided by [(approve links) edit diff] completely free.
- I stumbled upon a very simple way to add CSS via one line in the local.php
- Alleged cross platform functionality...
This took some doing :o)
Pre-requisites & Assumptions
- This was done on my laptop running Windows XP service Pack 1.
- Apache Version 1.3.27 is installed & working
- Windows versions of the diff & patch utilities are installed & working
- PmWiki/PmWiki is installed & working.
Download the attached zip file unzip it to a folder called htmlArea from the Wiki root e.g. /Wiki/htmlArea
Copy all the folders in /htmlArea to the root.
- Note:If you move them, certain functions do not work, so take the hit on your disk space (169 Kb) & copy them.
Add an alias in your Apache httpd.conf file
Alias /htmlArea "C:/_Wiki/htmlArea"
Next step;copy the following lines into your local.php:
## $InlineReplacements - Needed as I have removed a line in PmWiki.php that stops 'manual line breaks' working. $InlineReplacements['/\\[\\[<<\\]\\]/'] = "<br clear='all' />"; $HTMLHeaderFmt.="<style type=\"text/css\">@import url(/htmlarea/htmlarea.css)</style>"; $PageEditFmt.="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/htmlarea/htmlarea.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/htmlarea/dialog.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/htmlarea/lang/en.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"1\"> HTMLArea.replaceAll(); </script>"; ## Change the URL format so the insert image/link buttons work. ## May be better to disable the buttons instead. $UrlImgFmt = "\$Url"; $UrlLinkFmt = "\$Url"; ## Turn off the EnablePathInfo Function so the editor finds the proper folders. ## To be perfectly honest, I don't know why this is required... $EnablePathInfo=0;
Find the function in pmWiki.php PrintText and comment out the following line: (line number 700 in pmwiki-0.5.26)
- This stops pmWiki replacing the html characters this editor produces. //$text = htmlspecialchars($text,ENT_NOQUOTES);
Edit htmlArea/htmlarea.js, changing lines 53 & 54 to:
this.imgURL = "/wiki/images/"; this.popupURL = "/wiki/popups/";
Copy reference.html from the htmlArea folder to the wiki root folder, so the help button works. It may be better to replace it with a better help file...
It's WYSIWYG... :0)
See Also
- [(approve links) edit diff].
- [ htmlArea SourceForge project].
- - A useful addition whether you use htmlArea or not.
First attempt
Discussion forum
A place for anyone to discuss this functionality.
Comments, Bugs
Sooo many, I added a limitations section near the top.
- Dave Jackson
© copyright Dave Jackson 2004
pmwiki-2.4.3 -- Last modified by {{DanielUnterberger}}