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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


Presenting an image gallery with an overview (thumbnail) page and navigators for every image.


The gallery is crated by using an own PmWiki.WikiGroup for each gallery, showing thumbnails in the Group.HomePage, and using PmWiki.WikiTrails for navigation. The following steps may be used to setup the gallery:

  • prepare a gallery HomePage to present the thumbnails, where thumbnails are presented as Table:
    • column 1 may receive a bulleted list with the link to the image page.
    • column 2 ,ay receive the thumbnail wrapped into a link
    • column 3 may receive a short text
The table could look like this
      [[table border=0 width=100%]]
      [[cellnr valign=middle]]
      * {{img01}} 
      [[{{img01}} Attach:img01x100.jpg]]
      Ruth Weichel
  • create a GroupHeader with the PmWiki.WikiTrails markup
  • create the thumbnails offline (e.g. with [(approve links) edit diff])
  • upload the thumbnails by clicking the question marks in column 1
  • navigate to the image pages by following the PmWiki.WikiTrails like this
  • upload the images by opening the image page and clicking the question mark for the images.


  • it might make sense to maintain a naming convnetion for images and thumbnails
  • the HomePage may also show a list of all attachments [[$Attachlist]]
  • There might be an advnaced layout for the gallery specified in local/<gallery>.php
  • I tried to include the thumbnails to the trails, but this did not work. PmWiki.WikiTrails does not work properly with markup like this:
    * [[{{image01}} Attach:image01x100.jpg this is image 1]]
        [[{{image01}} Attach:image02x100.jpg this is image 2]]
  • the whole process could be supported by a plugin (ImageGalleryAdv)




  • Bernhard Weichel


Same naming convention as in ImageGalleryAdv
Initial Version

pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{}}?

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