
Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


A module to allow markup code to be placed in a page that will allow inclusion of an individual's Netflix queue or outgoing list. The module allows multiple user to have their Netflix queue displayed on the same site. Netflix cookie information is stored in configuration files so that others can not know it.


Distribution unzips with these files:


  • Unpack the distribution file where ever you like
  • Login into your Netflix account and then look in through your browser cookies for the NetflixShopperId cookie. The value of this cookie will be used to access your Netflix queue.
  • In your config.php before you include the script code add an entry to the NetflixIdList array for an individual. The array is set in the following way:
$NetflixIdList['id_name'] = 'cookie';
So for the user "bruno" you would add the following where the value set is the same string from your browser's cookies list:
  • Include something like the following in your config.php:
  • Go to the PmWiki page where you want to include netflix information and enter the markup to include the Netflix information. For the user "bruno" who was set up above you would put the following in the page to include both the out list and queue:
  • Edit configurations variables and page markup to your pleasing.


See the author's queue.


August 10th, 2004 - Initial release, version 0.1
September 3rd, 2004 - version 0.2

  • Changed way pseudo-variables are defined to lessen conflicts with real variables.
  • Changed default path for Netflix cache directory to be under the PmWiki directory structure.
  • Created ExpiringCache class from code in NetflixQueue
  • Implemented caching of generated html

Comments & Bugs

It seems that [(approve links) edit diff] now offers [(approve links) edit diff]. Therefore it could be possible to use an alternative solution for displaying your Queue such as through the UsingRSSFeed recipe. If anyone gets this working then let me know!



See individual files for copyright information. pmwiki-2.4.1 -- Last modified by {{JamesMcDuffie}}

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