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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.

PmWikiDraw Bugs and Features :) ---

  1. Renaming the split-connection-tool to "multi-edged connection".
    • Done.
  2. The default font for textarea is rather strange (almost unreadable)
    • Done.
  3. Fontstyle selection: it's not possible to select all fonts when the list is rather long (and it is in Windows !). The menu is simply too long to get displayed
    • Agreed, general problem, want to implement scrolling dropdowns or something.
  4. Just draw a box, bind some text to it, draw a textarea within that box, mark it all and group it. Then move the group: the bound text will not correctly move with the box.
    • Doh!
  5. You can't connect an object to a group: just keep Step 4. and draw another box. Try to connect both boxes
    • Done
  6. Because of 5 it would be nice if bound text could contain linebreaks.
    • Done - No longer relevant.
  7. If you draw a object it would be nice if the last drawn object will keep the focus so you could immediately call any attribute changing functions without refocussing the last object
    • General problem, I want to keep track of teh last last pen colour/fill colour/pen width etc anyway.
  8. Suggestion: keep the last draw-toolicon pressed til you change it
    • As above.
  9. Suggestion for new tool-icons: group / ungroup, cut / copy /

paste, bring to back / in front etc - it's faster to work with

  • Done
  1. connections to a side of a triangle will not be lead til the edge of the triangle but end at the rectangle surrounding it
    • Issue with the JHotDraw component, will look at fixing it.
  2. focussing diagonal "flat" (gradient < 1) lines / connections: the focus-point is the horizontal line going through the upper ending-point
    • Done
  3. Translation suggestions: Pen Width = Stiftstärke Pen Style = Linienart solid = durchgehend dashed = gestrichelt dotted = gepunkted dashed dotted = Strichpunkt
    • Done
  4. drawing a lot or doing a lot of action result in a java.lang.stackoverflowerror
    • Done I think ;)
  5. Anybody Have any problems with firefox on linux? This tool works fine on windows IE and windows Firefox. But the editor fails to come up on firefox. When looking at the java console, I see no errors.
    1. I've used it with firefox on Linux, with no problems. It should work, but it does require a Java version greater than 1.3 ? JavaJunky
    • I am using java version "1.4.2_03" in the novel desktop linux. I doesn't seem to actually call the applet. I am basing that on the fact that the java console reports nothing
      • Hmm, the only thing I can suggest is, are you running PmWiki 1 or 2, if you're running 2, try upgrading to the newest version of PmWikiDraw as the version in Cookbook-V1 is no longer supported :( Sorry! It seems to work fine for me in Linux, under my configuration, do other applets work ok?

pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{JavaJunky}}

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