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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.
Display all the stops on a WikiTrail page in a form suitable for printing.
Attach:publish.tar.gz - latest version that works with PmWiki version 0.6
Requires PmWiki/PmWiki version 0.5.17 or above ( Broke with changes introduced in PmWiki/PmWiki versions 0.6.x). Now fixed in the latest release.
- Note
- To support listing external links as endnotes, the script redefines the $FmtUrlLink function. If you have written a replacement for this function, you will need to align your customisation with this recipe.
Fix for 0.6.9 and above
Change lines 14-15 in publish.php from
. =
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='\$ScriptDir/styles/print.css' type='text/css' />";
[] =
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='\$ScriptDir/styles/print.css' type='text/css' />";
Replaced in the latest version to use a template and associated style sheet.
Fix for numbering
If there is an new depth more than one level
if ($depth[$i]<$predepth) { for($j=$depth[$i];$j<$predepth;$j++) $counter[$j] = 0; }
Fixed in the latest version
The publish.php script adds an "?action=publish" option to wiki trail pages, which causes all the pages on the trail to be output in a form suitable for printing. WikiAdministrators will probably want to use this script as a guide for customizing their own publish functionality.
The author inserts the markup $Publish? on any trail page and this appears as a button labelled Publish. Or the author can put [[$Publish:PageName]] on any page to publish the specified page.
The steps performed by this script are:
- define header and footer configuration variables
- pick up all numbered or bulleted list items on the current page
- if it's a trail stop reference, display the name of the page as a heading, then the text of the page
- if it's not a trail stop reference, display the text of the item as a heading
- use the list sequencing to assign a number to each entry (this would be 2.3)
- modify the display of links to external sites to be in a form suitable for printing
- simplify or eliminate the output of trail markup on the stop pages
- include a GroupPrintHeader page if one exists, instead of a GroupHeader
- include a GroupPrintFooter page if one exists, instead of a GroupFooter
To use this script, simply add
<?php include_once("local/publish.php"); ?>
to your local.php configuration.
Still to do:
add radio buttons that let visitors choose between Screen (XHTML) and Print (PDF) formats.
could you also revise it to also publish lists that are created with the T*PageName (and related) mark ups? - (see IncludePara)
T*PageName markup now supported -- the original goal was to be consistent with the PmWiki core software, which doesn't treat T* markup as a trail reference. Authors can achieve the same effect by writing *PageName - [[para:PageName]]. This works as a trail reference and a Publish reference.
To see an example, visit and press Publish.
Publish.php didn't work when the URI looks like ?pagename=... the patch below fixes this (very crudely :-)
[chr@aussie local]$ cvs diff -u cvs diff: Diffing . Index: publish.php =================================================================== RCS file: /home/chr/repository/toc/local/publish.php,v retrieving revision diff -u -r1.1.1.1 publish.php --- publish.php 7 Dec 2003 11:29:08 -0000 +++ publish.php 23 Dec 2003 16:45:41 -0000 @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ SDV($PublishPageNotFoundFmt,'Page \'\'$Tlink\'\' does not exist.'); SDV($PublishTagFmt,"<form target='_blank' action='\$PageUrl' method='get'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='publish' /> + <input type='hidden' name='pagename' value='\$PageName' /> <input type='checkbox' name='include' value='include' />$[Include this page] <input type='submit' value='$[Publish]' /></form>"); SDV($InlineReplacements['/\\[\\[\\$Publish(nodate)?\\]\\]/e'], -- Christian
- The version uploaded on 5 January 2004 fixes this problem.
- Suggestion: The way I use wiki-trails, I'd prefer not putting
on the actual trail page. Instead, I'd prefer using markup like this:[[$Publish:TrailPage]]
is the page to be published. Actually, if you did it this way, you could collect several 'Publish'-buttons on one page that produce different 'publications'. -- Christian.
- The version uploaded on 5 January 2004 addresses this requirement.
Revision History
Released 7 August 2003
Revised 20 August: set $HTMLTitle and open publish view in a new window.
Revised 1 September 2003: combine with PrintablePage, use a better style sheet, and work better with WebMenu.
Revised 12 September 2003: add support for "T*PageName" markup (see IncludePara) and definition list (:PageName:) markup; fix a bug in page numbering.
Revised 1 October 2003: add support for [[include: ... ]] directives, list external links as endnotes, provide an Include this page checkbox.
Revised 30 October 2003: bring include handling into line with pmwiki.php
Revised 5 January 2004: print date last modified for each page (can be omitted using the [[$Publishnodate]] variant), add support for [[$Publish:PageName]]
Revised 25 May 2004: align with PmWiki version 0.6
See Also
- PmWiki.CustomHeadersAndFooters
- PrintablePage
Note: if you have downloaded and installed the WikiCalendar, you already have this latest version.
- John Rankin
pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{jr}}