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Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


Make development and debugging of PmWiki/PmWiki-scripts easier by suppling a "log"-function, that makes it easy to output information. The level of detail in the printed information should be easy to control.


The solution is a function Verbose() that works like printf(), but with an extra argument in the beginning that specifies the verbocity level that is needed for this message to actually be shown. The verbocity level is stored in the global variable $VerbocityLevel, which can be set in a configuration file, or set to e.g. 3 by appending verbose=3 to the URI of a page.


Download Attach:verbose.php and put it in your local/ directory. To include this script from your local configuration file or some other script, use the following code:

	@ include_once('local/verbose.php');
	if(!function_exists('Verbose')) { function Verbose() {} }

This ensures that your script will work even if local/verbose.php is not found, i.e. your script does not depend on local/verbose.php as long as it's ok that it doesn't output any verbose messages.

You can define your own Verbose() by simply creating such a function before local/verbose.php is included for the first time. However, please make sure that your Verbose() is compatible with the default version.

See Also


Created 2004-01-25

Comments & Bugs

Any example for an actual application? Why not verbose.php itself, before we upload and install it? Thanks. -JCG



Whatever pmwiki-2.4.2 -- Last modified by {{}}?

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