
<< | Cookbook-V1 | >>

Note: The recipes here are for PmWiki versions 0.6 and 1.0 only. For PmWiki 2.0 recipes, see Cookbook.


Easier use for non-wikiusers to leave a guestbook entry by not using the editpage button. I realized that this is difficult for some visitors.


I've created a script that will show a few forms on your wikipage for easier guestbookentries. This is the syntax:


and this is the link for the file:

I hope you like it ;)


Install it by including it into your local.php file or something...

See Also

See the guestbook in work (and a little description):

pmwiki 2.x

I adapted the script and it seems to work Attach:guestbook_v2.php
PatrickOgay February 11, 2005, at 05:54 PM


6.1.03 - The zipfile is now working - I am sorry for your problems, but I had to use a computer which behaves a little bit strange about zip-files)
5.1.03 - just set up the basics

Comments & Bugs

Anyone knows how to translate the script to pmwiki2 ? Marc Seibert

Doesn't seem to work under PHP 4.0.6 ($_GET['vars'], $vars and HTTP_GET_VARS['vars'] ars also blank.
Patrick Ogay

--- Why it didn't work on my website: (now it is working)

I've written this: [=[[$Guestbook]]=] and the script wanted to insert your test entrys after this string: [[$Guestbook]] so the result was this:

[=[[$Guestbook]] blabla entries...

which looked very strange... anyhow, check it out again, unless if you don't make this bug, it should work now...

Svogel - I would like to have the Guestbook leave an entry in "RecentChanges"/"AllRecentChanges". It would be fine, because I have disabled editing on most of my pages, letting user only leave comments via the Guestbook. If I want to see if anybody has done an entry, I have to look through all pages.
Besides this, this is really great. I like it!



none pmwiki-2.4.3 -- Last modified by {{Petko}}

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