It works now, but as I am using the module minimage as described in ImagesAutoResizing, all my images are considered orphans (this works similarly as Attach:file Δ, but with Img:image.ext, which also creates the files image.p.ext and image.s.ext) - Note that pm have expressed that he may add some galleries functionnalities in PmWiki, so this recipe may be less used in the future. Maybe... PRZ
I changed the markup to stay away from trouble with recent changes to (:attachlist:)
made in beta28. I also added a -ImageAutoResizing
option to ignore *.p.ext and *.s.ext files.
I took a look into ImageAutoResizing, but it is seems a little bit complex. Is there a simple rule when there should be a "p" "s" or achive file? However feel free to try this script:
Rules are: for Img:image.ext
, image.s.ext (thumbnail) should exist, if not this is a missing file. image.p.ext is optional (plain image), and image.ext is also optional (source image which can be removed by admin, only there for other later resizing). Thinking to it, this convention is probably a mistake, but it is too late... PRZ
Ok, if we can't determinate this after upload, tell me what's the best solution for you. We look for .s. files only and (optionally) ignore .p. files ? -- Schlaefer
This happened when I used the script.
The page output was O.K. but following warnings raised.
Jiri - admin [snail] obutex [period] com
Ok, this cookbook is number one on my todo list now and here we go. I put up a new version v0.4 with much cleaner code than v0.3. There are is still a lot of things to do. So use with care and report bugs. - Schlaefer November 11, 2005, at 12:15 PM
I just upgraded to beta-65 and got the same error
Warning: array_merge_recursive() [function.array-merge-recursive]: Argument #1 is not an array in E:\home\InfoStore\cookbook\attachlistenhanced.php on line 187
I am getting the same "line 187" error as Simon above. I am running it on beta-65. Any updates?
Warning: array_merge_recursive() [function.array-merge-recursive]: Argument #2 is not an array in E:\home\InfoStore\cookbook\attachlistenhanced.php on line 187 Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in E:\home\InfoStore\cookbook\attachlistenhanced.php on line 149
Tested against PmWiki 2.4 with no other recipes loaded
Unfortunately, this is still broken, it seems to just display the full attachlist; is there any chance somebody could fix this? I have no idea of php, so I can't do this myself. :(
Are there other ways to identify orphaned attachments? - RealZeratul June 02, at 13:14 PM
This version should work with newer versions of PmWiki: attachlistenhanced45.phpΔ
Talk page for the AttachlistEnhanced recipe (users).