
Summary: Talk page for AutoThumber.
Maintainer: Petko (original author: EemeliAro)
Users: +1 (View / Edit)

This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date along with your comment.


2008-07-06 - Great Recipe ... when I tried to declare a maximum w or h for the default (original), it would not resize. That would be a handy feature as many images that will be uploaded for my application will come directly from digital cameras, and don't need a version larger than (i.e.) 1280 pixels wide on the server. Any suggestions? RussJackman

2008-09-05 - It tryed to use the recipe but when I tryed to upload an image the following error was shown:

PmWiki can't process your request

?no such file

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

When I disable resizing it "works", which means the upload skript doesn't produce this error:

$AutoThumberSet = array(
	'default' => array(),

But When I try to use the resize feature it doesn't work anymore.

Talk page for the AutoThumber recipe (users).