(redirected from Cookbook.BBcode)
Questions answered by this recipe
- How do I use BBcode tags in pmWiki pages?
This recipe adds BBcode formatting to the pmWiki markup. Most BBcode tags are translated to their pmWiki equivalent and than passed through the standard PmWiki engine.
The tags that seem to be shared by most forum systems are supported.
- Download the following file: bbcode.phpΔ and save in your cookbook directory.
- Add the following line into your local/config.php script:
require_once ("cookbook/bbcode.php");
The following BBcode tags can now be used in pmWiki pages:
BBcode | pmWiki equivalent | Description |
| '''text'''
| Bold text |
| ''text''
| Italics text |
| {+text+}
| Underlined text |
| n/a | Resize text to "##" points |
| %color=ccc%text%color%]
| Dispay text in color "ccc". |
[url]weblink[/ url]
| [[weblink]]
| Link to "weblink". |
[url=weblink]text[ /url]
| [[weblink | text]]
| Link "text" to "weblink". |
| [[mailto:address | address]]
| Link "address" to "mailto:address". |
| imgurl
| Display the image found at "imgurl". |
| n/a | Display "snippet" in a code block |
| n/a | Display "Text" as a quote |
| n/a | Display "Text" as a quote from "author" |
The format of a quote can be altered by setting the $BbCodeQuoteFmt variable in your local/config.php.
The format of the code block can be altered by setting the $BbCodeCodeFmt variable in your local/config.php.
Known issues
- If [code] tags are enclosed by pmWiki code tags ("
" and "@
"), they are still translated. This is because the BBCode [code] tags are processed before the PmWiki tags "[@
" and "@
" - Quotes can not be nested.
- Only image types supported by PmWiki will be displayed: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, ico and wbmp
Release Notes
- March 26th 2008 - version 080326
- Added [quote] tag.
- Code between [code] tags is now displayed in a block.
- March 15th 2008 - version 080315
- Initial release
See Also
- AuthPhpbb2Sso - Single sign on for pmWiki and phpBB2
- AuthPhpBB2 - Use phpBB2 user authentication for PmWiki page edit protection and author name
- PhpBB2Integration - Integration options for PmWiki and phpBB2 forums (plus others)
- AuthUserDbase-talk-phpbb3 - Integration with phpBB 3 Olympus
See discussion at Bbcode-Talk
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