- Cookbook /
- AbbreviationPlurals Automatically format text like CCDs as a plural abbreviation, instead of as a wikiword.
- ABCHoverIndex displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (stable)
- AbcMusic Display music scores from abc notation
- AbcSong add and edit abc music using existing PmWiki scripts and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
- AbcTunebook add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
- Accessibility Accessibility Enhancements (Active)
- Accordion lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework (stable)
- ActionLog Maintain a page log of wiki actions (Stable)
- ActionMenu Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (Beta)
- AddDeleteLine Create a list where entries can easily be inserted and deleted (unmaintained and not without bugs (use AddDeleteLine2))
- AddDeleteLine2 An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again. (stable)
- AddDeleteLine3 An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again. (Probably works)
- AddFootnote Insert markup to create a footnote (Beta)
- AddImageType Add new image type extension
- AddingAuthLevels Adding an auth level and page attribute
- AddLinkBookmarklet How to use PmWiki to bookmark pages
- AddLinkTagsBookmarklet Adding links, selected text and tags from another page to a wiki page (Maintained)
- AddNewline Make wiki text end with a newline character, so the last line won't be marked as changed if text is added at the bottom
- AddPageForm How to add new pages without creating a link first
- AddSignature Insert markup for a stylized signature (Beta)
- AddThisWidget Embed the 'AddThis' widget to enable easy sharing of webpages on facebook, delicious, twitter, and other social networking sites.
- AddToggle Add a toggle link (Beta)
- AddToWatchlist Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (beta)
- AddUrlSchemes How to get PmWiki to recognize additional URL schemes such as
irc: , nntp: , etc.
- Adit Affliate advertising management system (Stable)
- AdminByShell A collection of ways to assist sysadmin of pmwiki using shell tools
- AdminHints Hints & suggestions for wiki administrators (Documentation)
- Administration Recipes for Wiki Administration and Administrators
- AdvancedTableDirectives Add Table capabilities - nested tables, zebra tables, new directives. (Working)
- AesCrypt Provide client-side AES encryption support
- AesCrypt-1 Provide client-side AES encryption support
- Ai Ai is another mysql data query using an original and efficient system of envelop and masks (functional, but experimental for security reasons maybe)
- AjaxEditSupport Adds a wikipage/attachment/category AJAX browser to Edit pages (WIP)
- AjaxEditSupport-Talk Talk page for AjaxEditSupport.
- AllGroupHeader How to create a page that appears as a header (or footer) for all pages in all groups (Stable)
- AlternateNamingScheme Use other naming schemes for PmWiki pages
- AMmathjax Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. (Stable)
- AmpDetect Detect AMP crawler bots so you can serve AMP pages, also to enable or disable recipes (Mantained)
- AnyWikiDraw Java based drawing tool to replace PmWikiDraw eventually (In development)
- Ape Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
- Ape-Talk-Archive Archive with older threads from Ape-Talk (Closed)
- Applet Use Java Applets in PmWiki pages (Stable)
- ASCIIMath Display MathML rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (Stable)
- AsSpacedFunctionInUTF-8 How to fix the broken
{$Namespaced} , {$Titlespaced} , {$Groupspaced} when the website is in UTF-8
- AtLinks Alternative linking scheme with @ prefix (@Page) (Stable)
- AttachDelete An enhancement to the current upload feature to allow the deletion of uploaded files.
- Attache A bundle of attachment joy (incomplete)
- Attache-ImageSizer Resize and manipulate uploaded images (beta)
- AttachIcons Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension
- AttachIcons2 Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension
- AttachImageSize Generate width and height attributes for attached images
- AttachLinks Get
Attach: links to display by default without the "Attach:" prefix
- AttachlistEnhanced How to list missing or orphaned attachments. (Inactive possibly broken, see AttachlistEnhanced-Talk page)
- AttachlistEnhanced-Talk Talk Page for AttachlistEnhanced recipe
- AttachlistExtended-Draft A replacement version of the attachlist directive with additional functionality. (alpha)
- AttachListSort Sort an attachlist (Working)
- Attachman Attachman[ager] shows attaches as a rich sortable table, works also via AJAX (2020 released, beta)
- AttachSize Get file sizes of attached files (Alpha)
- Attachtable Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references. (beta)
- Attachtable-Talk Talk Page for Attachtable recipe
- Audio5 HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (Stable)
- AuditImages View the images that have been uploaded to your wiki. (Stable)
- Auth-SMF Integrate SMF Simple Machines Forum with PmWiki and use SMF user management for Pmwiki authentication (new)
- AuthCAS Central Authentication Service(CAS) based authentication
- AuthDNS Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (Beta)
- AuthenticatedAsConditional A different way of performing authentication than PmWiki's "default" (deprecated)
- AuthenticatedAttach Lets the user view an Attachment only if they have the appropriate password (Obsolete)
- AuthorContribution Automatically Produce an "Author Contributions" page for each author. (Stable)
- Authorcontribution-OldVersion Author Contribution, old version
- AuthPhpBB2 Use phpBB2 user authentication for PmWiki page edit protection and author name (Stable)
- AuthPhpbb2Sso Single Sign On for PmWiki and phpBB2 (Stable)
- AuthPhpBB3 Use phpBB3 user authentication for PmWiki
- AuthPhpBBUsersAndGroups Use phpBB3 user authentication and groups for PmWiki
- AuthProfile Like AuthUser, but designed to store login information in profile pages (Beta)
- AuthPunBB Use PunBB/FluxBB user authentication for PmWiki (Draft)
- AuthTable List Attributes of all pages in a wiki (Stable)
- AuthUser PmWiki built-in user authentication system using user names and passwords (Stable)
- AuthUserBbPress Ability to Authenticate against a MySQL BBPress user database. (First Release)
- AuthUserCMSLike Restricts access to PageActions by role
- AuthUserCookie Persistent login for AuthUser
- AuthUserDbase Enables user authentication via database, whether from another application, or standalone (beta)
- AuthUserDbase-Talk Enables user authentication via database (beta)
- AuthUserFederated OpenID and OAuth authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
- AuthUserOpenId Implement single sign-on and Identity mechanism based on OpenID protocol.
- AuthUserSaml SAML authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
- AuthUserSignup Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts (Deprecated (UserAdmin is better))
- AuthUserVBulletin Allows PmWiki to use vBulletin for a user login/password base, and to borrow PmWiki groups from vBulletin. (beta)
- AuthUserViaMicrosoftLDAP Configure AuthUser with Microsoft AD LDAP
- AutoCreateCategory Automatically creates category pages for all tags in the page text (BETA)
- AutoCreatePages Automatically create pages based on the name of the current page. (Alpha)
- AutoGroupPages How to create a number of pages for a new group automatically (stable)
- AutoLink automatically displays any specified word, phrase or name as a link, throughout the entire site
- AutomaticChangeSummary Automatic change summaries
- AutomaticLinks How to automatically create Crosslinks for use in, e.g., a glossary
- AutomaticPageRefresh How to create pages that refresh automatically. (stable)
- AutoPlay Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (Superseded by Ape)
- AutoRestore Automatically restore pages after a set time interval (Stable)
- AutoSave Autosave pages in the background while editing (beta)
- AutoTel A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (Alpha)
- AutoThumber Automatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick (beta)
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